Presents new and inspiring apartment interiors in a diverse range of styles designed by leading international architects.
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Recent advancement in soil behavior, in situ test methods, pile foundations, and tunneling:
selected papers from the 2009 GeoHunan International Conference,
August 3-6, 2009, Changsha, Hunan, China
An international conference titled, “Challenges and Recent Advances in Pavement Technologies and Transportation Geotechnics” was held in China during 3 – 6 August 2009. The conference was hosted by Changsha University of Science and Technology, China and co-sponsored by ASCE Geo-Institute, Asphalt Institute, Central South University, Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering, Deep Foundation Institute, Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation, Hunan University, China, International Society for Asphalt Pavements, Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute (JSTRI), China, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korean Society of Road Engineers, Shanghai Highway & Transportation Society, Texas DOT, Texas Transportation Institute, and Transportation Research Board (TRB).
This geotechnical special publication constitutes the proceedings of the four sessions of the conference: Soil Behavior and Laboratory Testing, In-situ Test Methods for Site Characterization, Design and Quality Control of Earth Structures and Subgrades, Pile Foundations in Subgrade, and Tunnel Engineering.
Whilst soil has been used as construction material since ancient times, technological advances continue to be made in the means of exploring, testing and in the geotechnical methods for planning and designing. The knowledge and awareness of soil behavior is fundamental to all aspects of geotechnical engineering. The objective of this publication is to provide the reader with information and foster the data on recent advances in the in-situ and laboratory testing, pile foundation systems, tunneling and design procedures for earth structures. The collection of peer-reviewed papers accumulated here synthesizes the current and future progression in respective geotechnical fields.
Papers in this volume were reviewed by professional geotechnical engineers with expertise in the subject area. Each paper included in this publication has received at least two positive examine reviews. Authors were given the opportunity to modify their papers based on reviewer’s suggestions prior to final submittal of the papers.
The ideas in the papers are those of authors and do not necessarily represent the views of reviewers, editors and ASCE. All papers are eligible for discussion in the Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering and are eligible for ASCE awards.
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Title: Management Systems for Construction
Authors: Alan Griffith, Paul Stephenson, Paul Watson
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 01 edition (31 Mar. 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0582319277
ISBN-13: 978-0582319271
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The Elastic Beam Calculations Handbook presents a mathematically rigorous treatment of beams based on elastic theory written at a technical level that is as simple as can be achieved without losing clarity. Practitioners will quickly learn the essentials to apply elastic beam calculations in their work. This much-needed comprehensive reference covers elastic beams with varying material and section properties, support conditions, span lengths, and other important geometric features. It provides simple and logical presentations of elastic beam problems by addressing each as corollaries of a more general theorem, consequently resulting in numerical work that can be planned and executed with ease, clarity, and optimal results. Structural engineers concerned directly with structural analysis of elastic beam problems will find many examples of useful and neat solutions and the rationale for their validity.
--Offers a clear and systematic presentation of hundreds of problems and topics with detailed explanations of the methods and rationale used to obtain solutions
-- Promotes critical thinking through rigorous mathematical deduction by delineation of the interconnectedness among various topics
-- Demonstrates the physical significance of formulae, reveals pertinent parameters, and delineates their effects on the solutions
-- Provides the analytical competence of critical thinking in the formulation of elastic beam problems and closed form solutions
-- Illustrates the usual assumptions, principles, methods and procedures within the framework of linear elastic behavior of materials that are either explicitly cited or implicitly utilized
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This compilation on sustainability issues in civil engineering comprises contributions from international experts who have been working in the area of sustainability in civil engineering. Many of the contributions have been presented as keynote lectures at the International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure (ICSCI) held in Hyderabad, India.
The book has been divided into core themes of Sustainable Transportation Systems, Sustainable Geosystems, Sustainable Environmental and Water Resources and Sustainable Structural Systems. Use of sustainability principles in engineering has become an important component of the process of design and in this context, design and analysis approaches in civil engineering are being reexamined to incorporate the principles of sustainable designs and construction in practice. Developing economies are on the threshold of rapid infrastructure growth and there is a need to compile the developments in various branches of civil engineering and highlight the issues. It is this need that prompted the composition of this book. The contents of this book will be useful to students, professionals, and researchers working on sustainability related problems in civil engineering. The book also provides a perspective on sustainability for practicing civil engineers who are not directly researching the problems but are affected by the concerns in the course of their profession. The book can also serve to highlight to policy makers and governing bodies the need to have a mandate for sustainable infrastructural development.
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Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution is the go-to handbook for those involved in the prevention, preparation, management, and resolution of claims and change orders on construction projects. For more than 40 years, engineers, contractors, owners, and construction managers have turned to this practical guide and its straightforward, clear approach to solving challenges in construction claims and changes. Thoroughly revised and completely updated, this third edition adds the expertise of more than 30 attorneys and construction consultants who are recognized authorities in the field. Their contributions merge principles of construction law with practical advice.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Andrew W. Taylor, Ph.D., and Takeru Igusa, Ph.D. | Size: 7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: ASCE | Year: 2004 | pages: 67 | ISBN: 9780784407516
Prepared by the Task Committee on Seismic Isolation of the Seismic Effects Committee of the Dynamic Effects Technical Activity Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE.
This primer describes the current state of seismic isolation technology and highlights issues and concerns that are unique to the design of isolated structures. This concise book is full of practical knowledge related to base isolation design. The report includes the fundamentals of seismic isolation, the design of isolated structures, analysis, and testing. This book emphasizes practical issues, rather than theoretical issues, making it complementary to textbooks on earthquake engineering.
The overviews in this report make the subject accessible to structural engineers who have not been formally trained in base isolation design and to architects and students in a first-level engineering course.
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The 2006 IBC CheckList Structural Provisions takes you step-by-step through the 2006 IBC structural design requirements to help ensure code compliance. Many details, figures and clarifications are provided to expedite the plan review process. All structural topics from loading requirements to specific detailing requirements based on system and material are included. This book provides a comprehensive list of structural comments for code requirements found in Chapters 16 through 23 of the 2006 IBC. The CheckList is especially valuable because it also includes specific comments pertaining to the following referenced structural standards: ASCE 7-05 (Loads), ACI 318-05 (Concrete), ACI 530-05/ASCE 5-05/TMS 402-05 (Masonry), AISC 360-05 (Steel), AISC 341-05 (Steel Seismic), and AF&PA NDS - 05 (Wood).
This product has been designed so that the plan reviewer can quickly go through the document and easily identify those comments that are required to generate a complete structural checklist for a specific project. A section number from the code or standard is referenced within each comment so that the user may easily refer to the provision for further clarification. Structural design professionals will also find the CheckList invaluable as a resource to assist with code compliance during the design process. It affords designers the opportunity to make necessary revisions and effectively reduce the time it takes to complete the structural plan check process.
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This book provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of solid mechanics for the uninitiated. It also includes a concise review of fundamentals for those who have been away from the field for a time or are studying for a final exam or engineering license exam. The coverage ranges from fundamental definitions through constitutive equations, axial loading, torsion, bending, thermal effects, stability, pressure vessels, plates and shells, computational mechanics, and fibrous composite materials. Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xvi
Mechanics of Solids....Pages 1-7
Stress....Pages 9-17
Strain....Pages 19-25
Constitutive Equations....Pages 27-31
Equilibrium....Pages 33-35
Axial Loading....Pages 37-40
Torsion of Cylindrical Bars....Pages 41-46
Beam Bending....Pages 47-54
Beam Subjected to Transverse Loading....Pages 55-60
Beam Deflections....Pages 61-66
Thermal Effects....Pages 67-70
Stability....Pages 71-75
Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels....Pages 77-81
Plates and Shells....Pages 83-94
Computational Mechanics....Pages 95-100
Fibrous Composite Materials....Pages 101-119
Back Matter....Pages 121-131
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