Dynamics is increasingly being identified by consulting engineers as one of the key skills which needs to be taught in civil engineering degree programs. This is driven by the trend towards lighter, more vibration-prone structures, the growth of business in earthquake regions, the identification of new threats such as terrorist attack and the increased availability of sophisticated dynamic analysis tools.
Martin Williams presents this short, accessible introduction to the area of structural dynamics. He begins by describing dynamic systems and their representation for analytical purposes. The two main chapters deal with linear analysis of single (SDOF) and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems, under free vibration and in response to a variety of forcing functions. Hand analysis of continuous systems is covered briefly to illustrate the key principles. Methods of calculation of non-linear dynamic response is also discussed. Lastly, the key principles of random vibration analysis are presented – this approach is crucial for wind engineering and is increasingly important for other load cases.
An appendix briefly summarizes relevant mathematical techniques. Extensive use is made of worked examples, mostly drawn from civil engineering (though not exclusively – there is considerable benefit to be gained from emphasizing the commonality with other branches of engineering). This introductory dynamics textbook is aimed at upper level civil engineering undergraduates and those starting an M.Sc. course in the area.
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The effects of water-cementitious materials ratio, age, and aggregate type on the compressive strength, flexural strength, and fracture energy of concretes with compressive strengths ranging from 20 to 99 MPa (2900 to 14,400 psi) are studied. Concrete mixtures contain either basalt or crushed limestone aggregate with maximum sizes of 12 or 19 mm (1/2 or 3/4 in.). Mixtures are tested at ages ranging from 5 to 180 days and have water-cementitious (w/cm) ratios ranging from 0.24 to 0.50. High-strength concrete containing the higher-strength, basalt coarse aggregate attains higher compressive and flexural strengths than high-strength concrete containing limestone. The compressive and flexural strengths of medium and normal-strength concretes (fc¢ up to approximately 60 MPa [9000 psi]) are affected little by aggregate type. Concrete containing basalt yields significantly higher fracture energy than concrete containing limestone, with fracture energy governed principally by aggregate properties, independent of compressive strength, w/cm ratio, and age. Overall, as compressive strength increases, the energy stored in the material at the peak tensile load increases while the ability of the material to dissipate energy remains approximately constant. The result is increasingly brittle behavior as compressive strength increases.
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Technical Guidance Note (Level 1, No. 29): Post fix anchors
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A set of Level 1 and Level 2 Technical Guidance Notes provides core technical guidance to those in the early stages of their careers, helping junior engineers gain skills and technical competence in the workplace. They also act as useful ‘refreshers’ for more senior engineers.
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This book presents new guidelines for the control of cracking in massive reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Understanding this behavior during construction allows engineers to ensure properties such as durability, reliability, and water- and air-tightness throughout a structure’s lifetime. Based on the findings of the French national CEOS.fr project, the authors extend existing engineering standards and codes to advance the measurement and prediction of cracking patterns.
Various behaviors of concrete under load are explored within the chapters of the book. These include cracking of ties, beams and in walls, and the simulation and evaluation of cracking, shrinkage and creep. The authors propose new engineering rules for crack width and space assessment of cracking patterns, and provide recommendations for measurement devices and protocols.
Intended as a reference for design and civil engineers working on construction projects, as well as to aid further work in the research community, applied examples are provided at the end of each chapter in the form of expanded measurement methods, calculations and commentary on models.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): S. Lawrence Dingman | Size: 38 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Waveland Press, Inc. | Year: 2014 | pages: 643 | ISBN: 1478611189
For twenty years, Lawrence Dingman's well-written, comprehensive Physical Hydrology has set standards for balancing theoretical depth and breadth of applications. Rich in substance and written to meet the needs of future researchers and experts in the field, Dingman treats hydrology as a distinct geoscience that is continually expanding to deal with large-scale changes in land use and climate. The third edition provides a solid conceptual basis of the subject and introduces the quantitative relations involved in answering scientific and management questions about water resources. The text is organized around three principal themes: the basic concepts underlying the science of hydrology; the exchange of water and energy between the atmosphere and the earth's surface; and the land phase of the hydrologic cycle. Dingman supplies the basic physical principles necessary for developing a sound, instructive sense of the way in which water moves on and through the land; in addition, he describes the assumptions behind each analytical approach and identifies the limitations of each.
Outstanding features include: An examination of documented trends in global change of climatic and hydrologic quantities; statistical and measurement methods for the development and management of hydrologic simulation modeling; additional exercises that emphasize analyses using data sets obtained via the Internet; and Excel spreadsheets on the accompanying CD.
Editorial Reviews
"An excellent tome for environmentalists, engineers, earth scientists, and humanists. The breadth, depth, and readability of the text make the material accessible to students at a variety of levels. A gourmet menu of subject matter." --John F. Hermance, Brown University
"This is a great book and the new edition is a great improvement over the last. I especially liked the boxes throughout that give meaningful examples and calculations." --Joshua Roundy, University of Kansas
"This certainly should be on the bookshelf of any student who plans for a career in hydrology. The book sets standards for balancing theoretical depth and breadth of applications and universally fits the needs of engineers, scientists, and water management specialists." --Vitaly Zlotnik, University of Nebraska
3rd Edition:
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Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis provides the latest practical guidance and comprehensive explanations of applying finite element analysis (FEA) in geotechnical design – from planning and analysis, determining how the FEA relates to the design process and explaining the decisions that need to be made at each stage through to validation of results and reporting.
This highly illustrated guide expands on the practical benefits of FEA, such as the analysis of complex problems, overall increased productivity and revenue, and explains the complex theory behind the decisions that need to be made at each stage of a project.
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis:
features as the first practical and internationally applicable guidebook in this subject area
includes detailed guidance on using FEA together with international design codes
clarifies the factors to consider when selecting from the various constitutive models
attests as a training aid, facilitated by complete worked examples
covers 160 competence statements from the COGAN Competency Tracker maintained by NAFEMS.
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis aims to combine essential learning material in one place. As a practical guide, textbook, reference and training tool, it is aimed at practising civil, structural and geotechnical engineers, and those undergoing training in geotechnical FEA and performing geotechnical FEA in design.
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Sezen, H. (2008). Shear deformation model for reinforced concrete columns. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 28(1), 39-52.
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