PD 6688-1-1:2011 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-1
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Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Civil Infrastructures
Xinzheng Lu and Hong Guan
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Early-age strength development of concrete in which part of the portland cement has been replaced by low-calcium fly ash tends to be slow, because fly ash acts as a relatively inert component during this period of hydration, though at later ages it contributes significantly to strength development. It was considered that the problem of low early-age strength of portland cement-fly ash concrete could be overcome by the incorporation of small amounts of condensed silica fume, a very fine and more rapidly reactive pozzolan. This report presents the results of an investigation on the early-age strength development of concrete incorporating 30% low-calcium fly ash, and to which small amounts of condensed silica fume have been added. The amounts of the fume ranged from 0 to 20% by combined weight of the portland cement plus fly ash. A total of thirty 0.06-m3 concrete mixtures with water-(cement + fly ash) ratios ranging from 0.40 to 0.80 were made; 240 cylinders were tested in compression and 180 prisms were tested in flexure. A supplementary series of six concrete mixtures was made to deter-mine the effect of silica fume and fly ash on the long-term strength development of concrete. Test data showed that the incorporation of condensed silica fume increased the compressive strength of concrete at all ages as compared with the compressive strength of the control concrete (70% portland cement + 30% fly ash). At 7 days, the loss of compressive strength due to the partial replacement of cement by fly ash was completely overcome by the addition of 10% condensed silica fume for concretes with water-(cement + fly ash) ratios ranging from 0.40 to 0.60; 15 to 20% was required for concretes with higher water-(cement + fly ash) ratios, At 28 days, regardless of the water-(cement + fly ash) ratio, the effect was generally achieved with less than 5% silica fume addition. The laterage strength development of portland cement-fly ash concrete did not appear to be impaired by the use of condensed silica fume indicating availability of sufficient lime for the fly ash pozzolanic activity.
Ordinary concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. Even reinforced concrete, where steel bars are used to take up the tension that the concrete cannot resist, is prone to cracking and corrosion under low loads. Prestressed concrete is highly resistant to stress, and is used as a building material for bridges, tanks, shell roofs, floors, buildings, containment vessels for nuclear power plants and offshore oil platforms. With a wide range of benefits such as crack control, low rates of corrosion, thinner slabs, fewer joints and increased span length; prestressed concrete is a stronger, safer, more economical and more sustainable building material.
The introduction of the Eurocodes has necessitated a new approach to the design of prestressed concrete structures and this book provides a comprehensive practical guide for professionals through each stage of the design process. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of design
Fully consistent with Eurocode 2, and the associated parts of Eurocodes 1 and 8
Examples of challenges often encountered in professional practice worked through in full
Detailed coverage of post-tensioned structures
Extensive coverage of design of flat slabs using the finite element method
Examples of pre-tensioned and post-tensioned bridge design
An introduction to earthquake resistant design using EC 8
Examining the design of whole structures as well as the design of sections through many fully worked numerical examples which allow the reader to follow each step of the design calculations, this book will be of great interest to practising engineers who need to become more familiar with the use of the Eurocodes for the design of prestressed concrete structures. It will also be of value to university students with an interest in the practical design of whole structures.
Table of contents :
1. Basic concepts
2. Technology of prestressing
3. Material properties
4. Serviceability limit state design of pre-tensioned beams
5. Bonded post-tensioned structures
6. Statically indeterminate post-tensioned structures
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Early-Age Strength Development of Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash and Condensed Silica Fume
Author(s): G. Carette and V.M. Malhotra
Published By:ACI
Published Year:5/1/1983
ACI/ Volume: 79 Appears on pages(s): 765-784
Early-age strength development of concrete in which part of the portland cement has been replaced by low-calcium fly ash tends to be slow, because fly ash acts as a relatively inert component during this period of hydration, though at later ages it contributes significantly to strength development. It was considered that the problem of low early-age strength of portland cement-fly ash concrete could be overcome by the incorporation of small amounts of condensed silica fume, a very fine and more rapidly reactive pozzolan. This report presents the results of an investigation on the early-age strength development of concrete incorporating 30% low-calcium fly ash, and to which small amounts of condensed silica fume have been added. The amounts of the fume ranged from 0 to 20% by combined weight of the portland cement plus fly ash. A total of thirty 0.06-m3 concrete mixtures with water-(cement + fly ash) ratios ranging from 0.40 to 0.80 were made; 240 cylinders were tested in compression and 180 prisms were tested in flexure. A supplementary series of six concrete mixtures was made to deter-mine the effect of silica fume and fly ash on the long-term strength development of concrete. Test data showed that the incorporation of condensed silica fume increased the compressive strength of concrete at all ages as compared with the compressive strength of the control concrete (70% portland cement + 30% fly ash). At 7 days, the loss of compressive strength due to the partial replacement of cement by fly ash was completely overcome by the addition of 10% condensed silica fume for concretes with water-(cement + fly ash) ratios ranging from 0.40 to 0.60; 15 to 20% was required for concretes with higher water-(cement + fly ash) ratios, At 28 days, regardless of the water-(cement + fly ash) ratio, the effect was generally achieved with less than 5% silica fume addition. The laterage strength development of portland cement-fly ash concrete did not appear to be impaired by the use of condensed silica fume indicating availability of sufficient lime for the fly ash pozzolanic activity.
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If civil engineering were a game, Karl Terzaghi had a right to lay down the rules—he had invented and established much of the groundwork. Terzhaghi (1883-1963) is one of the leading civil engineers of the 20th century and is widely known as the father of soil mechanics. His lifelong application of the principles established in his work took him throughout the world to engineering challenges in Communist Russia, Nazi Germany, America, and the entire post-war world.
Terzaghi's fame as a master engineer is well known but the story of his development, both personal and professional, has remained unexplored by most people. This first full-length, critical biography of a complex man draws upon his publications, hundreds of unpublished reports, thousands of private letters, and 82 volumes of previously private personal diaries.
This narrative shows Terzaghi's struggle to understand the phenomena observed on many major engineering projects. Through his own words we explore friendships, conflicts, jealousies, frustrations, and enormous successes. Terzaghi was an artist with constant focus, commitment, and genius. The exploration of his life, much of it amid the backdrop of turbulent Europe between the Wars, becomes an adventure that unfolds to entertain, educate, and stimulate.
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Determination of the Fracture Energy of Concrete: A comparison of the three-point bend test on notched beam and the wedge-splitting test
Editor: Hassanzadeh, Manouchehr
Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut - Byggnadsteknik
Author: Hansen, Ernst Jan De Place
Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark
Author: Aassved Hansen, Einar
Author: Stang, Henrik
Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
In a NORDTEST project two methods for determination of the fracture energy of concrete are compared; the Three-Point Bend Test (TPBT) and the Wedge Splitting Test (WST). The methods involve notched beams and notched, grooved cubes, respectively. The two methods are compared in relation to handling and precision (repeatability, reproducability). Concrete with a water/cement ratio of 0.43 including fly ash as well as silica fume is investigated. The results show that WST is significantly faster to work with compared to TPBT, although the sawing procedure is more time consuming. Only when using laboratory prepared specimens cast in moulds with a negative groove time can be saved. With the experimental setup used in the majority of the testing, the GF determined according to the TPBT method is generally higher than the GF determined according to the WST method. The results however seem to indicate that care should be taken in designing the supports in the beam test (TPBT) in order to minimize the resistance to axial movements.
Original language English
Number of pages 53
State Published - 1998