Building Bridges: Connections and Challenges in Modern Approaches to Numerical Partial Differential Equations
Author(s)/Editor(s): Gabriel R. Barrenechea • Franco Brezzi • Andrea Cangiani • Emmanuil H. Georgoulis | Size: 7.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2016 | pages: 441 | ISBN: 9783319416380 ;9783319416403 (eBook)
This volume contains contributed survey papers from the main speakers at the LMS/EPSRC Symposium “Building bridges: connections and challenges in modern approaches to numerical partial differential equations”. This meeting took place in July 8-16, 2014, and its main purpose was to gather specialists in emerging areas of numerical PDEs, and explore the connections between the different approaches.
The type of contributions ranges from the theoretical foundations of these new techniques, to the applications of them, to new general frameworks and unified approaches that can cover one, or more than one, of these emerging techniques.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): - | Size: 59 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Southern African Institute of Steel Construction | Year: 2003 | pages: 740 | ISBN: 0620302283
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Yesterday I visited a homeless old-man (about 75 years old).
He had family and home few years ago but at now he missed all things that belong to him.
He sleep in street or park in very cold weather in Tehran, Iran.
He is true person. I belived it.
I know him and I`m very sorry to see homeless person like him. We decided to donate him and prepare a place for him for sleeping and living. As I said he is old-man. I request you, donate him If you can.
we found a room for him and owner of room give us 2-3 days time to give him money (he gave us discount for homeless person), so we do not have time. After 2-3 days he will rent his room to others.
This is our duty to help other people and this is not related any religious.
If you want to donate him press below button and donate:
we do not have time and if we delay for
I note that I know him and we grantee all donation will be spend for him,
we decided to assign a part of our activities for donating others.
if you want you can post here and say "I donated him".
Thanks for your donations, god bless you. our target is about 1500 USD. in fact CivilEA accepted to prepare 1500USD for him. I belived that our CivilEA users can do it even more than 1500 USD. We have not time we need more money for him, you`re kindly requested to donate him if you can.
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For rational and accurate analysis of concrete structures, it is often desirable to include the post-cracking resistance of concrete. Due to the difficulties of testing concrete in direct uniaxial tension, only limited and often conflicting data are available. In the present investigation a method was developed to obtain reliable load-deformation behavior in tension, including the post-peak softening response. To characterize the softening response, strains at various locations on the specimens, elongations for various gage lengths, and optical measurements of crack widths were made. Seven different mix proportions were used to obtain information on the influence of aggregate size, water-cement ratio, and volume content of aggregates. An analytical expression has been developed to describe the entire tensile response of concrete.
Jack-up Scheme of Bearing Replacement Influence on the Structural Performance of Small Box Girder Bridge
Author(s): LI Jing-bin,CHEN Huai,GE Su-juan
Published By:School of Civil Engineering,Zhengzhou University
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Abstract: The Zhenfengou Bridge is a supported-continuous prestressed concrete small box-girder bridge,which is bearing replacements after damaging,is taken as the object to study in this thesis.The finite element software MIDAS/Civil is applied to set up the bridge's FEM model and the bridge is calculated during the whole construction stages.Two kinds of jack-up construction programs are considered,one is the whole jack-up construction program and the other is the partial jack-up construction program.The shear forces of the pier top,the bending moments of the midspan and the bending moments of the pier top both in the two programs are compared.The calculation results show,the 8mm maximum jack-up route is rational.From the opinion of the bridge's superstructure load bearing reasonability,the whole jack-up construction program is better than the partial jack-up construction program.The calculation results can be a reference for the similar project.
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I don't mind paying for the article (it costs 1 euro or something), but it's impossible for me to figure out the payment system in the website above because in order to access the article one has to pay through a website which is in Chinese language.
Published By:School of Civil Engineering & Architecture,Chongqing Jiaotong University
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Abstract: The simple support-continuous girder bridge is widely used in the highway construction.With the increase of operation period of bridge,the issues of bearing replacement must be faced.Aiming at the case of transforming the high piers bridge with simple support to T continuous girder bridge on the Shuima Highway in the mountainous area,and the new method of bearings replacement is put forward by model test.This method is called longitudinal single-point(followed by pier),lateral synchronous jacking-up.Taking the safety of girder body in the lifting process as the goal,the limits of lifting bearings for T girder bridge of 20,30 and 40 meter span are obtained respectively.The results show that the new method "longitudinal single-point(followed by pier),lateral synchronous jacking-up" is reasonable and feasible,and the structural safety is assured.It has provided a new method and a new way for bearing replacement of similar bridges.
Does anyone here have access to the above article? If you do, please upload it here.
I don't mind paying for the article (it costs 1 euro or something), but it's imposible for me to figure out the payment system in the website above because in order to access the article one has to pay through a website which is in Chinese language.
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The private house continues to occupy a unique position both in the history of architecture and human cultural imagination. The house, the domus, the home is at once refuge and shelter. It is the place of communion for the family (and its many contemporary variations), for domestic activities, for living, working, eating and sleeping, and is both a very public and private domain. The distracting delights of cities and social interaction are manifest, but everyone dreams of having a home. Throughout the Western world, the private house's popularity has remained undiminished during the 20th century. But even so, the current ubiquity of the house in its traditional
form—a series of common rooms and separate bedrooms, expressing a domestic culture evolved over centuries—is rife with contradictions. As the American architectural critic Terence Riley has observed, the social conditions and structures that underpinned the development of the private house—privacy, the separation of living and work, the family and the nature of domesticity itself—have all changed drastically. Perhaps more so in the last 50 years than in the preceding four centuries, when the private house began to develop as a popular type. A new and notable generation of house designs— commissioned by forward-thinking clients—is addressing not only critical architectural issues but also the cultural parameters of the private dwelling.
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