Guide to design Diaphragms Chords and collectors ICC 2009
Author(s)/Editor(s): Douglas S. Thompson,Rafael Sabelli,Timothy W. Mays | Size: 20 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: ICC | Year: 2009 | pages: 226 | ISBN: 9781580017909
Many publications on lateral design do not address the design of diaphragms, chords and collectors in much detail. This Guide fills that void by explaining the role that diaphragms, chords and collectors play in buildings and providing detailed examples of how to determine the seismic forces and design the diaphragm, chords and collectors for various types of buildings located in Seismic Design Category (SDC) B and D.
This guide is based on the 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) and the American Society of Civil Engineers Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-05) standard. The book's design examples also apply to the 2009 IBC® because it references ASCE/SEI 7-05 as well. Although the 2009 IBC® references the 2008 edition of the ACI 318 standard, there are only minor changes from ACI 318-05 in regards to the design of concrete diaphragms, chords and collectors. The design examples presented in this publication are based on seismic load effects. However, lateral forces due to wind loads also produce loads in the diaphragms, chords and collectors, and the basic principles involved in the design of these elements are essentially the same.
Detailed design examples are provided for the following:
Four-story concrete office building with concrete diaphragms
Three-story office building with CMU walls, glue-laminated beams on steel columns and wood-frame roof and floor diaphragms
Four-story steel-braced frame building with steel beams and columns and steel deck roof diaphragm
Four-story steel-braced frame building with steel beams and columns and concrete-filled steel deck floor diaphragms
Each design example includes analysis and design of the diaphragm, determination of chord forces, determination of collector forces and design of collectors to resist combined axial and flexural loads.
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Tall building foundations: design methods and applications
Author(s): Harry G. Poulos
Published By:Springer International Publishing
Published Year:December 2016
Size: 5.27 MB
Quality:Original Preprint
Abstract: Interesting paper about foundation design of tall building from Harry G. Poulos.
Total Pages : 51
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Exploring Leadership Individual, Organizational, and Societal Perspectives
Author(s)/Editor(s): Richard Bolden, Beverley Hawkins, Jonathan Gosling, and Scott Taylor | Size: 1.01 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2011 | pages: 232 | ISBN: 9780199547661
Are leaders born or made? Does each society get the leaders it deserves? How-and why-is leadership 'rhetoric' different from leadership in reality? l l Leadership is one of the most talked about yet least understood concepts in current business and society. This book explores how theoretical models and views of leadership have evolved over time; how leadership can be investigated from individual, organizational, and societal perspectives; and perennial dilemmas and emerging approaches in Leadership Studies. Positioning its discussion within a multidisciplinary framework that touches on management, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, history, literature, and politics, this book examines and critiques the common assumptions that inform the ways in which leaders and leadership are recognized, rewarded, and developed. It provides a valuable and thought-provoking overview for students and academics interested in leadership and management, practising leaders, leadership development consultants, and policy makers.
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This book is a comprehensive compilation of earthquake- and tsunami-related technologies and knowledge for the design and construction of nuclear facilities. As such, it covers a wide range of fields including civil engineering, architecture, geotechnical engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering, for the development of new technologies providing greater resistance against earthquakes and tsunamis. It is crucial both for students of nuclear energy courses and for young engineers in nuclear power generation industries to understand the basics and principles of earthquake- and tsunami-resistant design of nuclear facilities. In Part I, "Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants", the design of nuclear power plants to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis is explained, focusing on buildings, equipment's, and civil engineering structures. In Part II, "Basics of Earthquake Engineering", fundamental knowledge of earthquakes and tsunamis as well as the dynamic response of structures and foundation ground are explained.
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Steel Structures: Controlling Behavior Through Design
Author(s)/Editor(s): Robert E. Englekirk | Size: 208 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Wiley | Year: March 4, 1994 | pages: 832 | ISBN: 0471584584
In 1988 the American Institute of Steel Construction changed the method from Allowable Stress Design (ASD) to Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) on which the building code is based.
This text develops a treatment of steel which is behavior-oriented and explains the causation for the LRFD approach. Focuses on creating cost-effective solutions for designing situations efficiently; discusses problems engineers must face on a regular basis; and offers insight into potential areas of concern.
A guide for students and structural engineers to better use scientific principles in the creative part of the design process, to understand the physical behavior of steel members and systems, and to develop a cohesive earthquake-resistant design procedure for steel structures.
Topics include the design process, stability, bracing systems, and the artistic aspects of structural engineering.
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Based on more than 12 years of systematic investigation on earthquake disaster simulation of civil infrastructures, this book covers the major research outcomes including a number of novel computational models, high performance computing methods and realistic visualization techniques for tall buildings and urban areas, with particular emphasize on collapse prevention and mitigation in extreme earthquakes, earthquake loss evaluation and seismic resilience. Typical engineering applications to several tallest buildings in the world (e.g., the 632 m tall Shanghai Tower and the 528 m tall Z15 Tower) and selected large cities in China (the Beijing Central Business District, Xi'an City, Taiyuan City and Tangshan City) are also introduced to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed computational models and techniques.
The high-fidelity computational model developed in this book has proven to be the only feasible option to date for earthquake-induced collapse simulation of supertall buildings that are higher than 500 m. More importantly, the proposed collapse simulation technique has already been successfully used in the design of some real-world supertall buildings, with significant savings of tens of thousands of tons of concrete and steel, whilst achieving a better seismic performance and safety.
The proposed novel solution for earthquake disaster simulation of urban areas using nonlinear multiple degree-of-freedom (MDOF) model and time-history analysis delivers several unique advantages: (1) true representation of the characteristic features of individual buildings and ground motions; (2) realistic visualization of earthquake scenarios, particularly dynamic shaking of buildings during earthquakes; (3) detailed prediction of seismic response and losses on each story of every building at any time period. The proposed earthquake disaster simulation technique has been successfully implemented in the seismic performance assessments and earthquake loss predictions of several central cities in China. The outcomes of the simulation as well as the feedback from the end users are encouraging, particularly for the government officials and/or administration department personnel with limited professional knowledge of earthquake engineering.
The book offers readers a systematic solution to earthquake disaster simulation of civil infrastructures. The application outcomes demonstrate a promising future of the proposed advanced techniques. The book provides a long-awaited guide for academics and graduate students involving in earthquake engineering research and teaching activities. It can also be used by structural engineers for seismic design of supertall buildings.
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Eurocode 2 für Deutschland: DIN EN 1992-1-1 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken
Frank Fingerloos, Josef Hegger, Konrad Zilch
1st edition
Publish Date:
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Dear Fellows, as per Table of AASHTO Bridge design specifications, dynamic load allowance for deck joints is 75%. What are the components of bridges fall under deck joints? I mean for what components of bridge 75% dynamic allowance is applicable?
Full title:Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
Author(s):Mark Randolph, Susan Gourvenec
Publisher:CRC Press
Language: English
ISBN 9780415477444 - CAT# RU55596
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