Applied Mechanics, Materials, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering
Author(s)/Editor(s): Helen Zhang, David Jin | Size: 42 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2012 | pages: 538 | ISBN: 3037854103
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Traditionally, earthquake-resistant design has been strength-based, using linear elastic analysis. Since inelastic behavior is usually allowed for strong earthquakes, this is not entirely rational. Strength-based design considers inelastic behavior only implicitly. Displacement-based (or deformation-based) design considers inelastic behavior explicitly, using nonlinear inelastic analysis. Displacement-based design recognizes that in a strong earthquake, inelastic deformation (or ductility) can be more important than strength. PERFORM-3D allows you to use displacement-based design.
Procedures for displacement-based design using inelastic analysis are specified in ASCE 41, “Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings”. ASCE 41 applies to the retrofit of existing buildings, but the procedures can be applied to the design of new buildings. PERFORM-3D implements the procedures in ASCE 41. However, PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementing displacement-based design. It is not limited to ASCE 41.
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8 years ago on "24-Dec-2008" Civil Engineering Association (CivilEA Forum) was born. Before this date, originally we start our works from "" weblog on "12-April-2007".
We planned to do major changes in forum with special feature and upgrade, but unfortunately because of my disease all projects have been stopped from 2 years ago. I'm not going to bother you but But I wanted, you to be aware.
We updated servers years ago to improve speed of site.
I want to say you we have special plan for CivilEA and we`ll do all necessary changes in forum ASAP.
I want to say special thanks to all moderators that help us to improve here.
It is very difficult to organize big forum like CivilEA and our moderators did it excellent.
My special thanks to my Deputy "BennyP" that help CIvilEA for more than 8 years, Thank you dear BennyP;
I thanks to all users that contribute their knowledge here.
We are ready to hear your suggestion for improve CivilEA more and more.
CivilEA has more than 174000 users, 29000 threads and 95000 posts.
Perform bridge design, analysis, and construction simulation to determine resiliency during seismic and natural events and analyze rolling stock. You can streamline massive analytical tasks and save time on complex engineering issues by taking a more integrated approach in the design and construction of your bridge systems.
Automate your complex design and engineering challenges with powerful specialized options:
RM Bridge Advanced
Fully integrate your modeling, analysis, and design for smooth project delivery.
Add-on modules for specialized activities such as advanced earthquake analysis, rolling stock analysis, erection control, simulation of wind-tunnel tests, wind buffeting, and others, include:
RM Bridge Advanced Non-linear
Provides advanced features for dealing with non-linearity of the structural behavior.
RM Bridge Advanced Dynamic
Perform special tasks in earthquake engineering and high-speed rail design with a non-linear time history algorithm.
RM Bridge Advanced Construction
Consider the influence of special money-saving construction techniques and provide exact data on deformation states throughout the erection process and camber requirements.
RM Bridge Advanced Cable
Calculate the non-linear effects of cable sagging on cable-stayed and suspension bridges.
RM Bridge Advanced Wind
Simulate wind tunnel tests and perform sophisticated wind buffeting analysis, as well as design code checks.
RM Bridge Cast (stand-alone)
Achieve maximum precision control for the casting process for precast segmental construction, especially on curved structures.
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RM Bridge CONNECT Edition v10.01.00.02 fixes various issues and adds new functionalities such as:
One step graphically supported pier definition
RM Bridge Cast incorporated in RM Bridge Advanced
RM Bridge View new functions
Graphical presentation of the design check results
3D Live Load Visualization
2D Diagrams
Bentley OpenRoads and Open Bridge Modeler import functions
Improved Steel design codes for Canadian Code HDBCS, American Code LRFD 7th edition and Indian Code IRC
Improved Pushover Design
Improved Response spectrum with selective Eigen-Mode superposition
The installation system was changed from side by side installation to generational updates:
Any existing version of the same product generation (e.g. RM Bridge CONNECT Edition v10.00.00.02) will be replaced by the new product update.
Installations of products from older generations like e.g. RM Bridge Advanced+ V8i v08.11.28.02 will stay untouched.
This allows to publish updates and fixes easily and to reduce maintenance time.
It is part of the new Bentley CONNECT Edition branded generation of products and supports the Bentley CONNECT features like online services and project support capabilities.
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RM Bridge View is a new post-processing structure and results viewer module based on the MicroStation V8i Power Platform.
It is an optional Add-On for the RM Bridge Advanced product.
Please install it only, if you want to use the RM Bridge Advanced product and have a license for it!
The standalone application allows:
Graphical display of structure and its beam results (colored surface, diagrams and deflected structure).
Independent DGN post processing database which can be shared without RM database.
Browsing of results during RM calculation.
Usage of up to 8 views in parallel.
Typically you will access RMView in the RM Bridge Advanced main navigation tree. The external tool RM Bridge View will be started and the model and the results will be displayed.
RM Bridge View is licensed via the SELECT license. It's a child of the RM Bridge Advanced product. You will get automatically as many licenses of RM Bridge View as you own RM Bridge Advanced licenses. It has an own product id and usage logging.
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A scheme for raingauge network design based on remotely-sensed rainfall measurements
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Akvis specializes in development of image processing software and scientific research. The company was founded in 2004 by IT professionals having considerable experience in programming and software development. The company offers a number of products for photographers with bundle and single application products. All of Akvis’ products are available as standalone or plug-in for AdobPhotoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro etc.
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The debate surrounding hand drawing versus computer-generated imagery has become a hot topic. Having grown up with computers, today's interior design and architecture students are extremely adept at creating computer imagery, but often lack confidence in their freehand sketching skills, or do not know how to sketch at all. Sketching, and the careful observation that it entails, is essential for the successful development of the next generation of designers. Forty-five step-by-step exercises take the student from the simple three-dimensional forms of furniture, to interiors, to complex building exteriors, and cityscapes. Technical topics covered include tools, line weights, perspective, proportion, composition, shading, serial views, and context. Exercises are illustrated with beautiful sketches specially created by the author. Sketching for Architecture + Interior Design is an indispensable and practical guide for students wishing to master the art of looking and sketching.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): William McLean and Pete Silver | Size: 13.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2015 | pages: 161
Air can be used in a variety of ways to make lightweight, flexible structures. It can be used to make inflatable structures, mobile structures, and temporary buildings, it can also activate movable elements and act as a means of constructing buildings that would be impossible with conventional construction methods. This book looks at every facet of the subject, examining the different types of air structure: super pressure buildings, air beam structures, buoyant structures, inflatable structures, and many more. It also looks at the construction methods that use air, such as air-inflated steel, aerated concrete and blow moulding. Filled with photographs, models, drawings, and diagrams, this is the ideal book for curious students, designers and architect
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