Addresses the Question Frequently Proposed to the Designer by Architects: "Can We Do This?
Offering guidance on how to use code-based procedures while at the same time providing an understanding of why provisions are necessary, Tall Building Design: Steel, Concrete, and Composite Systems methodically explores the structural behavior of steel, concrete, and composite members and systems. This text establishes the notion that design is a creative process, and not just an execution of framing proposals. It cultivates imaginative approaches by presenting examples specifically related to essential building codes and standards. Tying together precision and accuracy―it also bridges the gap between two design approaches―one based on initiative skill and the other based on computer skill.
The book explains loads and load combinations typically used in building design, explores methods for determining design wind loads using the provisions of ASCE 7-10, and examines wind tunnel procedures. It defines conceptual seismic design, as the avoidance or minimization of problems created by the effects of seismic excitation. It introduces the concept of performance-based design (PBD). It also addresses serviceability considerations, prediction of tall building motions, damping devices, seismic isolation, blast-resistant design, and progressive collapse. The final chapters explain gravity and lateral systems for steel, concrete, and composite buildings.
The Book Also Considers:
Preliminary analysis and design techniques The structural rehabilitation of seismically vulnerable steel and concrete buildings Design differences between code-sponsored approaches The concept of ductility trade-off for strength
Tall Building Design: Steel, Concrete, and Composite Systems is a structural design guide and reference for practicing engineers and educators, as well as recent graduates entering the structural engineering profession. This text examines all major concrete, steel, and composite building systems, and uses the most up-to-date building codes.
Table of contents :
Content: Ch. 1. Loads on building structures --
ch. 2. Wind loads --
ch. 3. Earthquake effects on buildings --
ch. 4. Wind load analysis of buildings --
ch. 5. Seismic design with particular reference to ASCE 7-10 seismic provisions --
ch. 6. Performance-based design --
ch. 7. Preliminary calculations to ensure validity of computer analysis --
ch. 8. Seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of existing buildings --
ch. 9. Special topics --
ch. 10. Torsion --
ch. 11. Seismic design : a pictorial review --
ch. 12. Steel buildings : bolted and welded connections, gravity, and lateral load-resisting systems and details --
ch. 13. Composite buildings : structural system and details.
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This book is intended for engineers and related professionals in the oil and gas production industries. It is intended for use by personnel with limited backgrounds in chemistry, metallurgy, and corrosion and will give them a general understanding of how and why corrosion occurs and the practical approaches to how the effects of corrosion can be mitigated.
It is also an asset to the entry-level corrosion control professional who may have a theoretical background in metallurgy, chemistry, or a related field, but who needs to understand the practical limitations of large-scale industrial operations associated with oil and gas production. While the may use by technicians and others with limited formal technical training, it will be written on a level intended for use by engineers having had some exposure to college-level chemistry and some familiarity with materials and engineering design.
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Dynamics can be a major frustration for those students who don’t relate to the logic behind the material – and this includes many of them! Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics meets their needs by combining rigor with user friendliness. The presentation in this text is very personalized, giving students the sense that they are having a one-on-one discussion with the authors. This minimizes the air of mystery that a more austere presentation can engender, and aids immensely in the students’ ability to retain and apply the material. The authors do not skimp on rigor but at the same time work tirelessly to make the material accessible and, as far as possible, fun to learn.
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The revised edition of this advanced textbook provides the reader with a solid grounding in the formalism of classical mechanics, underlying a number of powerful mathematical methods that are widely used in modern theoretical and mathematical physics. It reviews the fundamentals of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, and goes on to cover related topics such as canonical transformations, integral invariants, potential motion in geometric setting, symmetries, the Noether theorem and systems with constraints. While in some cases the formalism is developed beyond the traditional level adopted in the standard textbooks on classical mechanics, only elementary mathematical methods are used in the exposition of the material.
New material for the revised edition includes additional sections on the Euler-Lagrange equation, the Cartan two-form in Lagrangian theory, and Newtonian equations of motion in context of general relativity. Also new for this edition is the inclusion of problem sets and solutions to aid in the understanding of the material presented.
The mathematical constructions involved are explicitly described and explained, so the book is a good starting point for the student new to this field. Where possible, intuitive motivations are replaced by explicit proofs and direct computations, preserving the level of rigor that makes the book useful for more advanced students intending to work in one of the branches of the vast field of theoretical physics. To illustrate how classical-mechanics formalism works in other branches of theoretical physics, examples related to electrodynamics, as well as to relativistic and quantum mechanics, are included.
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The Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement CESMM has been well-established for over 20 years as the standard for the preparation of Bills of Quantities in civil engineering work. This much-anticipated fourth edition, CESMM4, brings the method into line with changes in industry practices and extends its usages into all new areas. New to CESMM4: - Contract neutral: For the first time CESMM can be used contact suites including NEC and FIDIC - National Standard neutral: wherever possible Bill items are produced without reference to some form of standard classification
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Author(s)/Editor(s): The Institution of Civil Engineers | Size: 903 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Institution of Civil Engineers | pages: 98
This book provides a comprehensive range of examples of diagrams and bills of quantities based on Section 8, works classification, of CESMM4. The exmple bill pages illustrate the application of the rules of measurement in all classes of CESMM4. The diagrams include some helpful short-cuts for engineers and surveyors preparing bills of quantities.
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This book provides a comprehensive range of examples of diagrams and bills of quantities based on Section 8, works classification, of CESMM3. It has been updated to provide coverage of the usage of the new section on water mains renovation and the completely new Class Z covering simple building works incidental to civil engineering works. The example bill pages illustrate the application of the rules of measurement in all 26 classes of CESMM3. The diagrams include some helpful short cuts for engineers and surveyors preparing bills of quantities.
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The handbook has been completely updated and includes new text to bring it in line with the changes and new material contained within CESMM3. The handbook explains the amendments which have been made to bring CESMM3 into line with the ICE Conditions of Contract: 6th edition and with the changes in British Standards. It also covers in detail the rationale behind the new method of measurement for water mains renovation and the completely new Class Z covering simple building works incidental to civil engineering works.
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CATIA V5 is an industry leading 3D CAD design tool. In this course, you will learn the basics of using CATIA V5, so that you can start applying it to your own work. Software required: CATIA V5 2016.
Learning a new CAD software can be very difficult and can take months to acquire the skills needed to create models and documentation as per industry standards. In this course, CATIA V5 Essentials - Part Modeling, you'll look at the best design practices so that you can quickly get up to speed. First, you'll get to know the CATIA V5 user interface. Next, you'll get an introduction to sketching, explore parametric modeling and design intent, and create your first 3D part. Finally, you'll wrap up the course by spending some time learning the drafting documentation process. By the end of this course, you'll know the basics of the part modeling and drafting documentation process and you'll be ready to bring simple design ideas to life in CATIA V5. Software required: CATIA V5 2016.
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This volume on structural fire resistance is for aerospace, structural, and fire prevention engineers; architects, and educators. It bridges the gap between prescriptive- and performance-based methods and simplifies very complex and comprehensive computer analyses to the point that the structural fire resistance and high temperature creep deformations will have a simple, approximate analytical expression that can be used in structural analysis and design. The book emphasizes methods of the theory of engineering creep (stress-strain diagrams) and mathematical operations quite distinct from those of solid mechanics absent high-temperature creep deformations, in particular the classical theory of elasticity and structural engineering. Dr. Razdolsky’s previous books focused on methods of computing the ultimate structural design load to the different fire scenarios. The current work is devoted to the computing of the estimated ultimate resistance of the structure taking into account the effect of high temperature creep deformations. An essential resource for aerospace structural engineers who wish to improve their understanding of structure exposed to flare up temperatures and severe fires, the book also serves as a textbook for introductory courses in fire safety in civil or structural engineering programs, vital reading for the PhD students in aerospace fire protection and structural engineering, and a case study of a number of high-profile fires (the World Trade Center, Broadgate Phase 8, One Meridian Plaza; Mandarin Towers). Probability Based High Temperature Engineering: Creep and Structural Fire Resistance successfully bridges the information gap between aerospace, structural, and engineers; building inspectors, architects, and code officials.
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Tested techniques for designing fire-resistant structures
Structural Fire Loads bridges the gap between prescriptive and performance-based methods for the design of fire-resistant buildings. The book streamlines complex computer analyses so that an approximate analytical expression can be easily used in structural fire load analysis and design.
Simplified versions of energy, mass, and momentum equations are provided in dimensionless form with their solutions in tabular form. Step-by-step examples using standard structural systems, such as beams, trusses, frames, and arches, are also presented in this practical guide. Using the proven methods in this book, all types of fires can be addressed in the design process.
Coverage includes:
Overview of current practice
Structural fire load and computer models
Differential equations and assumptions
Simplifications of differential equations
Fire load and severity of fires
Structural analysis and design
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This is the first publication ever focusing strictly on the creep behaviour in cracked sections of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC). These proceedings contain the latest scientific papers about new testing methodologies, results and conclusions of multiple experimental campaigns and recommendations about significant factors of long-term behaviour, experiences from more than ten years of creep testing and some reflections about future perspectives on this topic. This book is an essential reference for all researchers of creep behaviour on FRC.
This volume is the result of the efforts of the RILEM TC 261-CCF, that has been working since 2014 to develop standardized methodologies and guidelines to compare results from different laboratories and get a better understanding of the significant parameters related to creep of FRC.
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