Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction discusses advancements in an area that has become an important construction material for buildings. The book addresses cutting-edge new technologies and design methods using cold-formed steel as a main structural material, and provides technical guidance on how to design and build sustainable and energy-efficient cold-formed steel buildings.
Part One of the book introduces the codes, specifications, and design methods for cold-formed steel structures, while Part Two provides computational analysis of cold-formed steel structures. Part Three examines the structural performance of cold-formed steel buildings and reviews the thermal performance, acoustic performance, fire protection, floor vibrations, and blast resistance of these buildings, with a final section reviewing innovation and sustainability in cold-formed steel construction. Addresses building sciences issues and provides performance solutions for cold-formed buildingsProvides guidance for using the next generation design method, computational tools, and technologies Edited by an experienced researcher and educator with significant knowledge on new developments in cold-formed steel construction.
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State of the Art and Practice in the Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction and Its Consequences
Author(s)/Editor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources | Size: 27 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: NAS Press | Year: 2016 | pages: 297 | ISBN: 0309440270, 9780309440271
This book evaluates these various methods, focusing on those developed within the past 20 years, and recommends strategies to minimize uncertainties in the short term and to develop improved methods to assess liquefaction and its consequences in the long term. This volume represents a first attempt within the geotechnical earthquake engineering community to consider, in such a manner, the various methods to assess liquefaction consequences.
Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction (liquefaction) is a leading cause of earthquake damage worldwide. Liquefaction is often described in the literature as the phenomena of seismic generation of excess porewater pressures and consequent softening of granular soils. Many regions in the United States have been witness to liquefaction and its consequences, not just those in the west that people associate with earthquake hazards.
Past damage and destruction caused by liquefaction underline the importance of accurate assessments of where liquefaction is likely and of what the consequences of liquefaction may be. Such assessments are needed to protect life and safety and to mitigate economic, environmental, and societal impacts of liquefaction in a cost-effective manner. Assessment methods exist, but methods to assess the potential for liquefaction triggering are more mature than are those to predict liquefaction consequences, and the earthquake engineering community wrestles with the differences among the various assessment methods for both liquefaction triggering and consequences.
1 Introduction
2 A Primer on Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction
3 Case Histories
4 The Simplified Stress-Based Approach to Triggering Assessment
5 Alternative Approaches to Liquefaction Triggering Assessment
6 Residual Shear Strength of Liquefied Soil
7 Empirical and Semi-Empirical Methods for Evaluating Liquefaction Consequences
8 Use of Computational Mechanics to Predict Liquefaction and Its Consequences
9 Performance-Based Evaluation and Design
10 Recommendations
Histograms (or parameter distributions) of Recent Liquefaction Triggering Databases
General Description of Performance-Based Design
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Transit Development in Rock Mechanics—Recognition, Thinking and Innovation contains 150 papers presented at the 3rd ISRM International Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics (8-10 November 2014, Xi’an, China). The volume focusses on the transitional development in rock mechanics research from surface to underground mining and from shallow to a deep rock excavations, and on the transition of knowledge, thinking and innovation from pioneers to the young generation. The contributions cover a wide range of topics:
Field investigation and measurements
Physical and mechanical properties of rocks
Analysis and design methods for rock engineering
Numerical and physical modeling
Multi-fields coupling analysis methods
Rock slope, tunnel and foundation engineering
Monitoring and control of rock pressure in underground engineering
Dynamic rock mechanics and blasting
Support and reinforcement techniques for geotechnical engineering
Prediction and control of artificial hazards with excavation in rock
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The work of the RILEM Technical Committee (TC -236 BBM) was dedicated to the study of construction materials made from plant particles. It considered the question whether building materials containing as main raw material recyclable and easily available plant particles are renewable.
This book includes a state-of-the-art report and an appendix. The state-of-the-art report relates to the description of vegetal aggregates. Then, hygrothermal properties, fire resistance, durability and finally the impact of the variability of the method of production of bio-based concrete are assessed. The appendix is a TC report which presents the experience of a working group. The goal was to define testing methods for the measurement of water absorption, bulk density, particle size distribution, and thermal conductivity of bio aggregates. The work is based on a first round robin test of the TC-BBM where the protocols in use by the different laboratories (labs) are compared.
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The book teaches engineers many new things about a classical topic which suddenly is again in the center of interest because of its relevance for finite element analysis, for the accuracy of computational methods.
It shows that influence functions play a fundamental role in the finite element analysis of structures and practically all of linear computational mechanics. It also strives to add new and important insights into modern structural analysis and into computational mechanics by establishing the central role of influence functions for the numerical analysis and to lay a new foundation to the energy and variational principles.
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Bentley RAM Concept v06.02.00.014 Connect Edition Update2 x86 x64
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Economically design post-tensioned and reinforced concrete floors including slabs, mats, and rafts, with exceptional visibility into compliance, efficiency, and practicality. Design floors and foundations reliably and efficiently, saving time and money, and overcoming the most common concerns you face as a designer. RAM Concept allows you to easily design complex floor geometries and incorporate changes with ease using powerful task automation and clearly organized output.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): George E. Totten, Lauralice de C.F. Canale, Rafael A. Mesquita | Size: 24.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: ASM International | Year: 2008 | pages: 636 | ISBN: 9781615030989
This thorough reference work discusses various causes of failure with integrated coverage of process metallurgy of steels by forging, casting, welding, and various heat treatment processes. The breadth of coverage and the numerous examples provide an invaluable resource for the designer, engineer, metallurgist, mechanical and materials engineers, quality control technicians, and heat treaters.
Potential failures of heat treated steel are detailed to help identify cause in preventing future occurrence and improving reliability of heat treating process and part performance. With a detailed focus on steel failures, this work can help identify root causes of failure, even if a thermal process is not specifically being considered as cause.
Potential failures are covered with respect to design, material composition, component production, and thermal processing. Beginning with design aspects of component failure, chapters are devoted to several aspects of steel manufacturing including casting, forging or powder metallurgy in addition to heat treating operations.
Topics include production problems such as porosity, flaws, and surface defect that may influence failures occurring during subsequent heat treatment or during use. Many examples of heat treatment failures are provided with special focus on the demands of tool steels and aerospace materials.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Michael R. Hatch | Size: 9.19 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC | Year: 2000 | pages: 656 | ISBN: 9781584882053
Transfer function form, zpk, state space, modal, and state space modal forms. For someone learning dynamics for the first time or for engineers who use the tools infrequently, the options available for constructing and representing dynamic mechanical models can be daunting. It is important to find a way to put them all in perspective and have them available for quick reference.
It is also important to have a strong understanding of modal analysis, from which the total response of a system can be constructed. Finally, it helps to know how to take the results of large dynamic finite element models and build small MATLAB® state space models.
Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS answers all those needs. Using a three degree-of-freedom (DOF) system as a unifying theme, it presents all the methods in one book. Each chapter provides the background theory to support its example, and each chapter contains both a closed form solution to the problem-shown in its entirety-and detailed MATLAB code for solving the problem.
Bridging the gap between introductory vibration courses and the techniques used in actual practice, Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS builds the foundation that allows you to simulate your own real-life problems.
Demonstrates how to solve real problems, covering the vibration of systems from single DOF to finite element models with thousands of DOF
Illustrates the differences and similarities between different models by tracking a single example throughout the book
Includes the complete, closed-form solution and the MATLAB code used to solve each problem
Shows explicitly how to take the results of a realistic ANSYS finite element model and develop a small MATLAB state-space model
Provides a solid grounding in how individual modes of vibration combine for overall system response
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