I am looking for another paper entitled The conflagration of two large department stores in the centre of Athens. If anybody has access to the link below please post it here.
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NORSOK (The competitive standing of the Norwegian offshore sector) is the industry initiative to add value, reduce cost and lead-time and eliminate unnecessary activities in offshore field developments and operations.
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry as a part of the NORSOK initiative and supported by OLF (The Norwegian Oil Industry Association) and TBL (Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries). NORSOK standards are administered and issued by NTS (Norwegian Technology Standards Institution).
The purpose of NORSOK standards is to contribute to meet the NORSOK goals, e.g. by replacing individual oil company specifications and other industry guidelines and documents for use in existing and future petroleum industry developments.
The NORSOK standards make extensive references to international standards. Where relevant, the contents of a NORSOK standard will be used to provide input to the international standardisation process.
This NORSOK standard provides guidelines and requirements for how to design and document offshore steel structures. The standard is intended to fulfil NPD Regulations relating to loadbearing structures in the petroleum activities /1/. The design principles follow the requirements in ISO 13819-1.
The standard gives provisions for offshore structures and references Norwegian standard NS 3472 and NS-ENV 1993 1-1 Eurocode 3. Either code may be used for design of parts where relevant.
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I am looking for a paper called A simple approach to bifurcation and limit point calculations.
The link is
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This Guidance Note relates principally to the design and construction of deck-type and halfthrough skew bridge decks. Deck-type bridges, which comprise steel girders supporting a composite concrete slab at the top flange, are most frequently used for highways, whilst half-through decks are commonly used for railway bridges. For the purposes of this Note, a skew bridge is one where the longitudinal axis of the bridge deck is not square to the lines of its supporting piers and/or abutments. In the Note, the skew angle is taken as the angle between a line square to the supports and the longitudinal axis of the bridge. Thus the greater the skew angle, the higher (or more severe) the skew. Curved skew bridges are not covered.
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This design manual is one of a series developed from an evaluation of facilities in the shore establishment, from surveys of the availability of new materials and construction methods, and from selection of the best design practices of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM), other Government agencies, and the private sector. This manual uses, to the maximum extent feasible, national professional society, association, and institute standards in accordance with NAVFACENGCOM policy. Deviations from these criteria should not be made without prior approval of NAVFACENGCOM Headquarters (Code 04).
Design cannot remain static any more than the rival functions it serves or the technologies it uses. Accordingly, recommendations for improvement are encouraged from within the Navy and from the private sector and should be furnished to Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Code 04B), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 22332-2300.
This publication is certified as an official publication of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command and has been reviewed and approved in accordance with SECNAVINST 5600.16, Procedures Governing Review of the Department of the Navy (DN) Publications.
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Abstract: Silos are special structures subjected to many different unconventional loading conditions, which result in unusual failure
modes. Failure of a silo can be devastating as it can result in loss of the container, contamination of the material it contains, loss of
material, cleanup, replacement costs, environmental damage, and possible injury or loss of life. Silo damage and failures that occurred in
different regions of the world are presented in the paper using illustrative photos. Also provided are a review and discussion of the
common or spectacular silo failures due to explosion and bursting, asymmetrical loads created during filling or discharging, large and
nonuniform soil pressure, corrosion of metal silos, deterioration of concrete silos due to silage acids, internal structural collapse, and
thermal ratcheting. Silo damage and failures from several earthquakes are also presented.
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Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test methods for the determination of the laboratory reference density and water content. Proctor compaction, European committee for standardization.
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Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test method for the determination of the indirect tensile strength of hydraulically bound mixtures
Status: Current
Publication Date: 18 March 2003
Cross References: prEN 13286-50, prEN 13286-51, prEN 13286-52, prEN 13286-53
International Relationships: EN 13286-42:2003 Identical
Supersedes Draft: 00/101853 DC
Descriptors: Roads, Construction materials, Mixtures, Tensile strength, Strength of materials, Tensile testing, Mechanical testing
ICS: 93.080.20
Committee: B/510/4
ISBN: 0580414159
Publisher: BSI
Format: A4
Pages: 12
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Pipe rack steel structure Staad file for SAWAN gas field Pakistan
Consultant : ABB
Job name : SAWAN gas field compression project
Client : OMV
Engineer : Frigerio
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