Hidden inside the skeletons of high-rise towers, extra steel bracing, giant rubber pads and embedded hydraulic shock absorbers make modern Japanese buildings among the sturdiest in the world during a major earthquake. And all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water.
These precautions, along with earthquake and tsunami drills that are routine for every Japanese citizen, show why Japan is the best-prepared country in the world for the twin disasters of earthquake and tsunami — practices that undoubtedly saved lives, though the final death toll is unknown.
In Japan, where earthquakes are far more common than they are in the United States, the building codes have long been much more stringent on specific matters like how much a building may sway during a quake.
After the Kobe earthquake in 1995, which killed about 6,000 people and injured 26,000, Japan also put enormous resources into new research on protecting structures, as well as retrofitting the country’s older and more vulnerable structures. Japan has spent billions of dollars developing the most advanced technology against earthquakes and tsunamis.
Japan has gone much further than the United States in outfitting new buildings with advanced devices called base isolation pads and energy dissipation units to dampen the ground’s shaking during an earthquake.
The isolation devices are essentially giant rubber-and-steel pads that are installed at the very bottom of the excavation for a building, which then simply sits on top of the pads. The dissipation units are built into a building’s structural skeleton. They are hydraulic cylinders that elongate and contract as the building sways, sapping the motion of energy.
Of course, nothing is entirely foolproof. Structural engineers monitoring the events from a distance cautioned that the death toll was likely to rise as more information became available. Dr. Jack Moehle, a structural engineer at the University of California, Berkeley, said that video of the disaster seemed to show that some older buildings had indeed collapsed.
The country that gave the world the word tsunami, especially in the 1980s and 1990s, built concrete seawalls in many communities, some as high as 40 feet, which amounted to its first line of defense against the water. In some coastal towns, in the event of an earthquake, networks of sensors are set up to set off alarms in individual residences and automatically shut down floodgates to prevent waves from surging upriver.
Critics of the seawalls say they are eyesores and bad for the environment. The seawalls, they say, can instill a false sense of security among coastal residents and discourage them from participating in regular evacuation drills. Moreover, by literally cutting residents’ visibility of the ocean, the seawalls reduce their ability to understand the sea by observing wave patterns, critics say.
Waves from Friday’s tsunami spilled over some seawalls in the affected areas. “The tsunami roared over embankments in Sendai city, washing cars, houses and farm equipment inland before reversing directions and carrying them out to sea,” according to a statement by a Japanese engineer, Kit Miyamoto, circulated by the American Society of Civil Engineers. “Flames shot from some of the houses, probably because of burst gas pipes.”
But Japan’s “massive public education program” could in the end have saved the most lives, said Rich Eisner, a retired tsunami preparedness expert who was attending a conference on the topic at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Md., on Friday.
In one town, Ofunato, which was struck by a major tsunami in 1960, dozens of signs in Japanese and English mark escape routes, and emergency sirens are tested three times a day, Mr. Eisner said.
Initial reports from Ofunato on Friday suggested that hundreds of homes had been swept away; the death toll was not yet known. But Matthew Francis of URS Corporation and a member of the civil engineering society’s tsunami subcommittee, said that education may have been the critical factor.
“For a trained population, a matter of 5 or 10 minutes is all you may need to get to high ground,” Mr. Francis said.
That would be in contrast to the much less experienced Southeast Asians, many of whom died in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami because they lingered near the coast. Reports in the Japanese news media indicate that people originally listed as missing in remote areas have been turning up in schools and community centers, suggesting that tsunami education and evacuation drills were indeed effective.
Unlike Haiti, where shoddy construction vastly increased the death toll last year, or China, where failure to follow construction codes worsened the death toll in the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Japan enforces some of the world’s most stringent building codes. Japanese buildings tend to be much stiffer and stouter than similar structures in earthquake-prone areas in California as well, said Mr. Moehle, the Berkeley engineer: Japan’s building code allows for roughly half as much sway back and forth at the top of a high rise during a major quake.
The difference, Mr. Moehle said, comes about because the United States standard is focused on preventing collapse, while in Japan — with many more earthquakes — the goal is to prevent any major damage to the buildings because of the swaying.
New apartment and office developments in Japan flaunt their seismic resistance as a marketing technique, a fact that has accelerated the use of the latest technologies, said Ronald O. Hamburger, a structural engineer in the civil engineering society and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, a San Francisco engineering firm.
“You can increase the rents by providing a sort of warranty — ‘If you locate here you’ll be safe,’ ” Mr. Hamburger said.
Although many older buildings in Japan have been retrofitted with new bracing since the Kobe quake, there are many rural residences of older construction that are made of very light wood that would be highly vulnerable to damage. The fate of many of those residences is still unknown.
Mr. Miyamoto, the Japanese engineer, described a nation in chaos as the quake also damaged or disabled many elements of the transportation system. He said that he and his family were on a train near the Ikebukuro station when the earthquake struck. Writing at 1:30 a.m., he said that “we are still not far from where the train stopped.”
“Japan Railway actually closed down the stations and sent out all commuters into the cold night,” he said. “They announced that they are concerned about structural safety. Continuous aftershocks make me feel like car sickness as my family and I walk on the train tracks.”
Extracted from "The New York Times" written by James Glanz, Published: March 11, 2011
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Analysis of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) data reveals that a pavement’s foundation (base or subbase and subgrade) is one of the most critical design factors in achieving excellent performance for any type of pavement.* For concrete pavements, the design and construction require ments of a roadbed or foundation structure may vary con siderably, de - pending upon subgrade soil type, environmental conditions, and the amount of anticipated heavy traffic. In any case, the primary objective for building a roadbed or foundation for concrete pavement is to obtain a condition of uniform support for the pavement that will prevail throughout its service life. Drainage considerations are also important in the proper design and construction of a roadbed or foundation for concrete pavement. It is important not to build a supporting layer system that holds water underneath the pavement slabs. This has been a common mistake in the design of concrete pavement structures, which has led to poor field performance of some concrete pavement sections. It is equally important not to over design the permeability of a subbase layer. Overzealous engineering of a permeable subbase will most likely lead to a foundation that does not provide the requisite stability for longterm pavement performance. Where stability has been sacrificed for drainage, concrete pavements have performed poorly and have experienced unacceptable numbers of faulted joints and cracked slabs within a relatively short period. Free-draining and daylighted subbases are the reasonable alternatives to rapidly draining permeable subbases with an edge drainage system that often lack stability for long-term perfor mance or cause other performance problems. In northern or cold climates, the influence of frost and freezing of the roadbed is an important consideration. Certain subgrade soils are particularly susceptible to frost action, which raises the foundation and concrete pavement layer(s) vertically during freezing periods (commonly referred to as heaving or frost heaving). Generally, frost heave is limited to areas of freezing climates with silty soils. If the heaving is uniform along a pavement section it is not detri mental, but if heaving is localized, it upsets the unifor mity of support provided to the surface pavement. Removing or treating these materials will be necessary to ensure that the pavement performs as expected. For nearly every pavement design there are many different subbases to choose from (i.e., unstabilized recycled concrete aggregate, cement-treated, lean concrete, etc.), as well as the decision of a natural or a treated subgrade. In some cases, as for most clays and some silty soils, it may be most economical and advanta geous to treat the subgrade soil and then to provide a unstabilized (granular) subbase as a construction platform. In the case of a road for a relatively low level of traffic it is likely that a natural subgrade may suffice, as long as it is evaluated to be acceptable as a roadbed. The optimal subbase and subgrade design or selection must balance both cost and performance consid erations. The same combination of subbase and subgrade treatment used for heavily-trafficked highways is likely not necessary for a low-volume roadway, even in the same area and subject to the same climate. Finally, it is likely that as this document is printed and distributed, some new and emerging technologies are advancing within the grading and paving industries. This guide captures the fundamental parameters, recommendations, and considerations for subgrades and subbases for concrete pavement. Emerging technologies, such as intelligent compac - tion and GPS-guided grading/placing equipment, are likely to become more commonplace in the future. These improvements to existing methods are not a replacement for the necessary consideration of the fundamentals. By the same token, we encourage agencies and contractors to advance their construction methods and improve the quality of their work using advanced technology.
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Provides information on additives and field techniques that can improve the effectiveness of cement-based stabilization/solidification treatment of wastes. This 47-page guide includes discussions commonly occurring hazardous constituents in wastes and suggests additives and field techniques that can be used to successfully stabilize these constituents.
Portland cement-bases stabilization/solidification (S/S), has been used to successfully treat a wide variety of wastes. Some situations (because of the waste itself, the disposal scenario, and/or the regulatory requirements) require the use of additives or physical/chemical techniques to improve the effectiveness of cement-based S/S. The problems encountered in S/S can be broadly classified into solidification problems, i.e., adequately immobilizing the hazardous constituents of the waste. The Guide lists additives and techniques that can be applied to specific solidification problems such as problems in development of set, compressive strength, and free liquids. Also included are lists of additives and techniques that can be applied to immobilization of specific hazardous constituents such as lead, cadmium, and chromium, as well as classes of constituents such as volatile organics, organo-metallics and soluble salts. The Guide lists a variety of generic additives for specific desired stabilization/solidification effects, including those that can be used to control the pH of wastes; to reduce, oxidize, and co-precipitate constituents; and to accelerate or retard set.Contents1. Introduction2. Problems in Solidification and Physical Property Development - Setting Problems - Compressive Strength Development Problems - Permeability Development Problems - Durability Problems3. Problems in Target Constituent Stabilization - Chemical Properties - Metals - Organics - Organo-Metallics - Soluble Salts4. Additives Used in Cement-Based Solidification/Stabilization - Metal Stabilization - Immobilization of Organic Constituents -Processing and Anti-Inhibition Aids5. Physical/Chemical Techniques Used in Cement-Based Solidification/Stabilization - Anti-Inhibition Aids - Physical Property Development - Processing Aids - Mixing Techniques
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Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Size: 29.027 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Year: 2001 | pages: 449 | ISBN: 111011804
This manual establishes criteria and presents guidance for geotechnical investigations during the various stages of development for both civil and military projects.
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Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Size: 5.897 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Year: 1989 | pages: 448 | ISBN: 111022502
This manual provides guidance for the safe design and economical construction of retaining and flood walls. This manual is intended primarily for retaining walls which will be subjected to hydraulic loadings such as flowing water, submergence, wave action, and spray, exposure to chemically contaminated atmosphere, and/or severe climatic conditions. For the design of retaining walls which will not be subjected to hydraulic loadings or severe environmental conditions as described above, TM 5-818-1 may be used for computing the loadings and evaluating the stability of the structure.
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Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Size: 2.324 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Year: 1989 | pages: 186 | ISBN: 111022503
Provisions for the design of sheet pile cellular cofferdams are set forth in ER 1110-2-2901. This manual is intended to provide guidance for the design of these structures. Geotechnical considerations, analysis and design procedures, construction considerations, and instrumentation are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on all aspects of cellular cofferdams, such as planning, hydraulic considerations, and layout.
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Subsurface Drainage Manual for Pavements in Minnesota
Author: Caleb N. Arika, Dario J. Canelon, John L. Nieber | Size: 4.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: LRRB | Year: 2009 | pages: 194
A guide for evaluation of highway subsurface drainage needs and design of subsurface drainage systems for highways has been developed for application to Minnesota highways. The guide provides background information on the benefits of subsurface drainage, methods for evaluating the need for subsurface drainage at a given location, selection of the type of drainage system to use, design of the drainage system, guidelines on how to construct/install the subsurface drainage systems for roads, and guidance on the value of maintenance and how to maintain such drainage systems.
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Solidification and Stabilization of Wastes Using Portland Cement
Author: Wayne S. Adaska, Stewart W. Tresouthick, and Presbury B. West | Size: 1.74 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: PCA | Year: 1998 | pages: 22 | ISBN: 0893120960
Solidification and stabilization (S/S) technology is currently being used to treat a wide variety of wastes. Although considerable information is available on S/S technology, much of it addresses research work or case studies on specific waste sites. This material usually contains very little on the characteristics of the binding agent used to treat the wastes. In addition, chemical reactions that occur during waste treatment are generally presented for those who are highly technically oriented. As a result, there is still a lack of familiarity with S/S technology among many consulting engineers, material suppliers, government officials, waste site owners, and the general public. This publication is intended to explain what portland cement is and how it can be used to solidify and stabilize various wastes. The Portland Cement Association contracted Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc., (CTL) to prepare a state-of-the-art report on waste stabilization using portland cement. This engineering bulletin was developed from that report.
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Flood Risk Assessment and Management: How to Specify Hydrological Loads, Their Consequences and Uncertainties
Flood Risk Assessment and Management: How to Specify Hydrological Loads, Their Consequences and Uncertainties
Author(s): Andreas H. Schumann
Publisher: Springer
Date: 2010-12-10
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10: 9048199166
ISBN13: 9789048199167
Pages: 470
Product Description:
Flood catastrophes which happened world-wide have shown that it is not sufficient to characterize the hazard caused by the natural phenomenon "flood" with the well-known 3M-approach (measuring, mapping and modelling). Due to the recent shift in paradigms from a safety oriented approach to risk based planning it became necessary to consider the harmful impacts of hazards. The planning tasks changed from attempts to minimise hazards towards interventions to reduce exposure or susceptibility and nowadays to enhance the capacities to increase resilience. Scientific interest shifts more and more towards interdisciplinary approaches, which are needed to avoid disaster. This book deals with many aspects of flood risk management in a comprehensive way. As risks depend on hazard and vulnerabilities, not only geophysical tools for flood forecasting and planning are presented, but also socio-economic problems of flood management are discussed. Starting with precipitation and meteorological tools to its forecasting, hydrological models are described in their applications for operational flood forecasts, considering model uncertainties and their interactions with hydraulic and groundwater models. With regard to flood risk planning, regionalization aspects and the options to utilize historic floods are discussed. New hydrological tools for flood risk assessments for dams and reservoirs are presented. Problems and options to quantify socio-economic risks and how to consider them in multi-criteria assessments of flood risk planning are discussed. This book contributes to the contemporary efforts to reduce flood risk at the European scale. Using many real-world examples, it is useful for scientists and practitioners at different levels and with different interests.
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