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Namaste Tower in Mumbai..Another Civil Engeering Marvel
The Namaste tower! Designed by the Atkins design studio, work IS currently underway on this 300m-62 storeyed mixed use tower that will encompass a hotel, office and retail space.
The location is Ambika mills which is a couple hundred meters south of the The developer of the project is unknown.
The renders and text were submitted by Atkins to the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona (3-5 Nov 2010).
Namaste: Hotel and Office Tower
Category: Future Projects - Commercial
Location: Mumbai, India
Architects: WS Atkins, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Atkins, United Arab Emirates
Following the long tradition of great Indian Architecture it was our aim that the Namaste Tower will stand as a landmark structure, representative of the burgeoning economic and cultural significance of India. We aimed to design a building that would become representative of the city: the picture postcard of Mumbai.
Key Statistics:
120,000 m2 of Gross Construction Area
380 key luxury hotel
Exclusive restaurants, bars, banqueting and spa facilities
9,000 m2 of A grade office space
6,000 m2 of world class retail space
300 m overall building height
The traditional Indian greeting of "Namaste", where the hands are clasped together in greeting, is the inspiration for the design of this tower. In Sanskrit "Namaste" means "I bow to you".. It has a spiritual significance of negating one's ego in the presence of another.
The Architecture of the Namaste Hotel builds on this ancient Indian expression. The two wings of the hotel are clasped together like hands greeting the city of Mumbai. In this way the architectural design of the hotel provides the ultimate symbol of hospitality and welcome, as seen in the as seen in the cultural context of India.
Visual Relationships to and from the Site
With a proposed height of 300 m the tower will be seen from a distance of more than 40 km. Therefore the visual appearance of the project as a major landmark is of great importance to the city of Mumbai.
Views from the tower will extend to the South over the Mahalkshi Race course towards the Mumbai Peninsula and to the South West over the Indian Ocean. The views to the north East are towards a number of adjacent towers that are currently being constructed. The orientation and massing of the tower have been designed in order to make the very best of these visual relationships.
The Building Skin
The tower has been designed to cater for large scale Indian weddings. The occasion of a Mehndi ceremony (where the hands and feet of the bride and groom are decorated with henna) is often one of the most important pre-wedding rituals in India.
The design seeks to build on the theme of the clasped hands by referencing the intricate Mehndi patterns through the treatment of the building skin. The tower is will be clad in fritted glazing that combines to form an architectural scale graphic on the exterior of the building. This will create a sense of transparency and depth to the building while at the same time helping to maintain the thermal qualities required to meet the building's envelope design criteria.
It is proposed that the large scale canopies over the drop-off points area support an array of solar thermal collectors. Given the available surface area and annual sunlight conditions these have the potential to provide 12% of the energy required to heat the hot water for the hotel.
General Arrangement
The tower is made up of two separate wings (or hands) which together form the architectural expression of "Namaste". The space between the wings forms the corridor spaces. At either end of the corridor space a pair of open atria will offer hotel guests dramatic framed views out over the city.
Internal Atrium Gardens
These atria also serve to bring natural light deep into the plan. At the plant floor levels these atria are broken with internal gardens that serve to bring greenery into the corridor and atrium spaces. It was a central design aim to ensure that the circulation areas of the hotel, (including corridors) are just as impressive as the rooms themselves.
The Podium
The geometry of the podium is designed to integrate fully with the design of the tower. Thus it is a highly symmetrical form that responds to the wing like canopies above the drop off. Containing mostly retail, the facade of the podium is activated with water features and fountains that cascade down to street level.
The Summit
At the summit of the building a generous quadruple height atrium space encloses a Sky Restaurant and Bar which will provide a unique vantage point for patrons to gain panoramic views out over the city.
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Geotechnical Investigations for Tunneling & Pipe Jacking
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Dear friends, I need papers listed below
anyone could help me to get them?
thanks in advanse.
1) Geotechnical Investigations for Tunneling & Pipe Jacking
by Gregory L. Raines
pp. 516-527
Proceedings of the 1998 Pipeline Division Conference, ASCE:
Pipelines in the Constructed Environment
by Joseph P. Castronovo, (editor) and James A. Clark, (editor)
2) The Influence of Geologic Setting on Microtunneling
by David C. Mathy, M.ASCE and Dru R. Nielson
pp. 113-122
Proceedings of the 1998 Pipeline Division Conference, ASCE:
Pipelines in the Constructed Environment
by Joseph P. Castronovo, (editor) and James A. Clark, (editor)
To the engineer, the matenals making up the Earth's crust aredivided invariably into the categories of soil. Differing fromthe way an agronomist considers soil, the engineer's concernwith the same lies in the fact that it more far-ranging, goingbeyond an agricultural necessity as the natural medium forgrowth of all land plants; for engineers, the term soil extendsfrom the ground surface down to its contact with a layer ofhard rock.
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This Specification deals with structural steelwork designed in accordance with: BS 5950-1 Structural use of steelwork in buildings: Code of practice for design: rolled and welded sections
BS EN 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures – Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings
It can be used for all types of building construction designed for static loading. It is not intended to be used for steelwork in dynamically loaded structures or if fatigue is a factor unless appropriate amendments are made. The Specification describes the information to be included in a Project Specification, and also covers materials, preparation of drawings, fabrication, erection and the requirements for protective treatment including standard paint coatings. Specific requirements are placed on the Steelwork Contractor and the Employer. Other requirements are allocated to the Engineer, who may not be directly a party to the steelwork contract, but may be engaged by the Employer or by the Steelwork Contractor. It should also be noted that in certain design-build contracts design responsibility is shared and in these instances the role of Engineer will have to be allocated. This Specification should be introduced into a steelwork contract by a Project Specification, the contents of which are described herein. The Project Specification should also include any additions or modifications that may be required to the National Structural Steelwork Specification by the Employer for a particular contract if the form of behaviour or other aspects of the structure are unorthodox.
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Author: Gross, D., Hauger, W., Schröder, J., Wall, W., Govindjee, S. | Size: 2.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 359 | ISBN: 9783642140181
Presents undergraduates in mechanical and civil engineering with a clear knowledge of engineering mechanics
Covers numerous topics
Each chapter contains a variety of problems and solutions
English translation of a bestselling textbook on engineering mechanics education in German-speaking countries
Dynamics is the third volume of a three-volume textbook on Engineering Mechanics. It was written with the intention of presenting to engineering students the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in as simple a form as the subject allows. A second objective of this book is to guide the students in their efforts to solve problems in mechanics in a systematic manner. The simple approach to the theory of mechanics allows for the different educational backgrounds of the students. Another aim of this book is to provide engineering students as well as practising engineers with a basis to help them bridge the gaps between undergraduate studies, advanced courses on mechanics and practical engineering problems. The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The contents of the book correspond to the topics normally covered in courses on basic engineering mechanics at universities and colleges. Volume 1 deals with Statics; Volume 2 contains Mechanics of Materials.
Content Level » Lower undergraduate
Keywords » Newton's laws - acceleration - angular momentum - degree of freedom - eigenfrequency - harmonic vibrations - impact - kinematics - kinetic energy - linear momentum - mass moments of inertia - numerical simulation - potential energy - principles of mechanics - resonance - rigid bodies - rotation - velocity - work-energy theorem
Related subjects » Mechanical Engineering - Mechanics
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EN 1317 - European standard for Road Restraint Systems
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TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418 - dewatering and groundwater control
Size: 4.8 MB | Format:PDF
This manual provides guidance for the planning, design, supervision, construction, and operation of dewatering and pressure
relief systems and of seepage cutoffs for deep excavations for structures. It presents: description of various methods of dewatering and pressure reliefi techniques for determining groundwater conditions, characteristics of pervious aquifers, and dewatering requirements; guidance for specifying requirements for dewatering and seepage control measures; guidance for
determining the adequacy of designs and plans prepared by contractors; procedures for designing, installing, operating, and checking the performance of dewatering systems for various types of excavations; and descriptions and design of various types of cutoffs for controlling groundwater.
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