Analytical and Experimental Study of Fiber-Reinforced Strip Isolators
By: James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M. Takhirov
PEER Report 2002/11
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
College of Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
September 2002
This report describes an experimental and theoretical study of the feasibility of using fiber reinforcement to produce lightweight, low-cost elastomeric isolators for application to housing, schools, and other public buildings in highly seismic areas of the developing world. The theoretical analysis covers the mechanical characteristics of multi-layer elastomeric isolation bearings in which the reinforcing elements, normally steel plates, are replaced by a fiber reinforcement. The fiber in the fiber-reinforced isolator, in contrast to the steel in the conventional isolator (which is assumed to be rigid both in extension and flexure), is assumed to be flexible in extension, but completely without flexure rigidity. The theoretical analysis on which the design of steel-reinforced isolators is based is then extended to accommodate the stretching of the fiber-reinforcement. Several examples of isolators in the form of long strips were made by Dongil Rubber Belt Company Ltd., of Pusan, Korea, and tested in the Structural Research Laboratory of the Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley. The tested isolators had significantly large shape factors, which for conventional isolators require accounting for the effects of material compressibility. The theoretical analysis is then extended to include compressibility, and the competing influences of reinforcement flexibility and compressibility are studied.
The theoretical analysis suggests, and the test results confirm, that it is possible to produce a fiber-reinforced strip isolator that matches the behavior of a steel-reinforced isolator. Furthermore, the fiber-reinforced isolator is significantly lighter and can be made by a much less labor-intensive manufacturing process. The advantage of the strip isolator is that it can easily be used in buildings with masonry walls. The intention of this research is to provide a low-cost lightweight isolation system for housing and public buildings in the developing countries.
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The purpose of this manual is to describe and detail standard repair procedures for defects commonly found in bridges owned and maintained by ARTC. Both new procedures and those that have been previously used successfully on ARTC's bridges are included.
Several advantages result from standardising repair procedures:
The standard repair procedures included have been developed to be both structurally sound and practically achievable. Adherence to standard repair procedures reduces the incidence of inappropriate and ineffective repairs and repairs that have adverse effects on the bridge.
Repairs will be undertaken in a consistent fashion throughout ARTC, whether carried out by day labour or under contract.
The engineering input into detailing sound repairs is minimised and duplication of effort in developing repair procedures is avoided.
The cumulative knowledge and experience gained in carrying out repairs can be incorporated into the repair procedures and details. This is an effective
means of passing on the knowledge.
Relevant engineering information about the repair procedures is included in the manual to assist those responsible for selecting appropriate repair action.
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This Bridge Manual has been prepared to provide policies, guidance and procedures for bridge project development and design for the New York State Department of Transportation. This manual provides guidance for decisions in the bridge project process, documents or references policies and standards that need to be considered, and provides a commentary discussing good bridge engineering practice. One of the primary goals of this manual is to provide assistance to designers to ensure that “quality” bridges are constructed. “Quality” bridges are durable, economical, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally sound. Although this manual provides guidance on design procedure, many subjects presented only highlight criteria and practice. A complete analysis and design to produce a safe, economical and maintainable structure is the responsibility of the designer.
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Autodesk 2012 XF-Keygen with product keys.. x32 & x64
Autodesk products key Generator for 2012 products
Productkey included.
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Computational Inverse Techniques in Nondestructive Evaluation
Author: G. R. Liu, X. HAN | Size: 18.66 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC press | Year: unknown | pages: 592 | ISBN: 0849315239
Although many books on inverse problems already exist, they can be quite mathematical in nature and pay little attention to practical applications. This book forms a bridge between the theoretical foundations and practical applications of nondestructive evaluation methods. With unique emphasis on inverse problems in solid mechanics, it describes in detail the principles, computational methods and algorithms, and practical techniques of inverse analyses using elastic waves and dynamic responses in solids and structures. Applications of advanced computational inverse techniques to electronic system, MEMS, life science and nanotechnology are also introduced. The author also presents a new, "total solution" method for formulating engineering problems and a new regularization method proven very effective for computational implementation.
Proper release contains zipped *.rar and *.nfo files. Some people say that archiving the archives is dumb and additional files are useless. Now they have the choice. Anyway I recommend to download the proper releases.
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Author: Erik van der Giessen, Hassan Aref | Size: 3.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Academic Press | Year: 2003 | pages: 338 | ISBN: 0120020394
“The major developments in the field of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of scientific journals, making it often difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field. The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together the recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics.
Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigation in mechanics and various application areas.
Advances in Applied Mechanics continues to be a publication of high impact. Review articles are provided by leading scientists in the field on an invitation only basis. Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields. Volume 39 in the Mechanics series contains articles on vortex dynamics, the numerical simulation of two-phase flows, environmental problems in China, and piezoelectrics. ”
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Rigid Isolated Rectangular Footing Active Area Maximum Pressure on Soil
This excel file written by myself contains macro (visual basic script) that allows the user to compute maximum pressure and active area (due to detachment) for rectangular rigid isolated footings under compression and biaxial bending.
Calculation assumptions:
- Footing is infinite rigid, no bending
Functions available:
=FootPressMax(Length,Width,N,Mx,My,pX,pY) returns maximum pressure on soil
=FootAActive(Length,Width,N,Mx,My,pX,pY) returns active area
=FootPressure(Length,Width,N,Mx,My,pX,pY) returns matrix with pressures, matrix size is px*py
Length is measured in X direction; Width is measured in Y direction
N - axial force (compression always positive)
Mx - bending moment around x axis
My - bending moment around y axis
pX,pY - number of meshing points 25*25 is most of the time enough
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A Meshfree Particle Method
by G R Liu (National University of Singapore) & M B Liu (National University of Singapore)
This is the first-ever book on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and its variations, covering the theoretical background, numerical techniques, code implementation issues, and many novel and interesting applications.
It contains many appealing and practical examples, including free surface flows, high explosive detonation and explosion, underwater explosion and water mitigation of explosive shocks, high velocity impact and penetration, and multiple scale simulations coupled with the molecular dynamics method. An SPH source code is provided, making this a friendly book for readers and SPH users.
* SPH Concept and Essential Formulation
* Constructing Smoothing Functions
* SPH for General Dynamic Fluid Flows
* Discontinuous SPH (DSPH)
* SPH for Simulating Explosions
* SPH for Underwater Explosion Shock Simulation
* SPH for Hydrodynamics with Material Strength
* Coupling SPH with Molecular Dynamics for Multiple Scale Simulations
* Computer Implementation of SPH and a 3D SPH Code
saze file:3.63 Mb
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History of Strength of Materials. Stephen P. Timoshenko.
480 pages
Publisher: Dover Publications (February 1, 1983)
ISBN-10: 0486611876
ISBN-13: 978-0486611877
I would be very thankful if somebody could upload it!
Good practice guide to practical finite element modelling techniques with specific emphasis on the advanced analysis codes of MSC.NASTRAN and LS/DYNA.
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