Hey all,
I was hoping someone would have info for general calculations for SCL design (lining thickness etc) or books that would have some examples etc on this system.
Thank you
This manual provides a description of basic track infrastructure and it components as a beginner’s guide to railway track. It also provides some explanation of basic maintenance and renewal techniques
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This vertical structure will be placed in Cotonduba Island . It will be both a observation Tower , and a welcome sign for the visitors arriving by air and by sea at Rio de Janeiro , where the Olympic Games 2016 will take place. The project is from Zurique, and utilizes solar energy during the day with its solo power panels, to pump the sea water as seen in the model. The movement of the water will be also utilized to turn the turbines
and produce the power to work the system at night time.
In the Solo City Tower is the Cafe anfiteatre, auditórium, shops etc. Elevators will take the visitors to the top where the view will be fantastic, and bungee jumping will have a special platform.
Brazilian Moderator Note:
Instead of it's a wonderful project, it's only a speculation (unfortunately!).
The final design was not defined yet!
This report has been prepared for Westok Ltd as an extension to the guidance given in RT983. The report contains design information to enable the required thickness of intumescent coating to be determined under Option 1 of AD 269, for the fire protection of cellular beams with d/t limits up to 100ε. In addition, further studies have shown that guidance in RT983 and the first issue of this report, RT1006 may also be applied to beams with elongated openings that may fail by Vierendeel bending. The guidance in this report (for d/t limits beyond 80ε), only applies to beams designed using the Cellbeam software. This software has been written specifically for Westok Ltd by SCI for the analysis of cellular beams manufactured by Westok Ltd using rolled sections. The Advisory Desk Note (AD269) was published in the November/December edition of New Steel Construction and was supported by the later publication of RT983 ‘Interim Guidance on the use of Intumescent Coatings for the Fire Protection of Beams with Web Openings’. RT983 provided background information on the engineering behind AD269 and also provided a more detailed approach for determining the thickness of the intumescent coating required for composite beams with web openings. RT983 and AD269 covered the design of beams with d/t ratios up to 80ε.
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Sub-Surface Technologies Ltd (SST) is the exclusive importer of Chance™ Helical Piling Systems into the UK civil construction market. SST approached the Steel Construction Institute (SCI) to obtain an independent third party assessment of the ChanceTM Helical Piling System, which they distribute. The primary reason for wanting the assessment was to satisfy the request of NHBC. Based on information provided by SST, publicly available information and information belonging to SCI, a comprehensive assessment has been performed considering design, installation and testing of the Chance helical pile systems. Taking into account a holistic approach, the review has established that for all the aspects reviewed, comprehensive data and procedures are in place to design and install an efficient and safe foundation system using Chance helical steel piles. Each of the aspects considered have been reviewed and where applicable helpful information and/or advice has been added. As a result of the assessment the Chance Technical Design Manual for helical piling may display the “SCI Assessed” logo.
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The guide addresses the seismic design of piping systems or the retrofit of existing piping systems. The purpose of seismic design or retrofit is to assure that in case of earthquake, the piping system will perform its intended function: position retention (the pipe would not fall), leak tightness (the pipe would not leak), or operability (the piping system would deliver and regulate flow).
This Guide applies to above ground piping systems, which - except for seismic design – otherwise comply with the provisions of the ASME B31 pressure piping codes for materials, design, fabrication, examination and testing. For buried piping and pipelines, the reader is referred to an earlier ALA report “Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe”, July 2001.
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for laboratory tests (Product control) and qualification procedures for the following drop on materials used in road markings. These materials are dropped on to paints, thermoplastics, coldplastics and any other marking product applied in a liquid state, immediately after application to the road surface.
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