This manual applies to all USACE commands having civil works design cost responbilities.
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Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls, Buried Structures, Slopes, and Embankments
Author: Donald G. Anderson, Geoffrey R. Martin | Size: 10.25 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM | Year: 2008 | pages: 148 | ISBN: 9780309117654
This report provides analytical and design methods for the seismic design of retaining walls, buried structures, slopes, and embankments. The report details the development of the design procedures. Recommended load and resistance factor design (LRFD) specifications and design examples illustrating the application of the design methods and specifications are included in an Appendix. The material in this report will be of immediate interest to roadway and bridge designers.
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Author: J.-L.BRIAUD, H.-C. CHEN | Size: 6.08 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM | Year: 2004 | pages: 136 | ISBN: 0309088062
This report discusses the findings of a research project undertaken to investigate bridge scour in cohesive soils. The report presents a recommended method for predicting the extent of complex pier and contraction scour in cohesive soils. This report will be of immediate interest to engineers with responsibility for predicting the extent of scour at bridge foundations and to engineers with responsibility for designing bridge foundations and bridge scour countermeasures.
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Heat-Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders: Fatigue and Fracture Performance
Author: Robert J.Connor, Michael J.Urban, Eric J.Kaufmann | Size: 10.75 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM | Year: 2008 | pages: 140 | ISBN: 9780309099370
This report summarizes the results of a project to establish limits, based on fatigue and fracture performance, on the number of damage and repair cycles to which damaged steel bridge girders may be subjected using the heat-straightening procedure. A key product presented here is suggested revisions to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) manual of practice for heat straightening. The report will be of particular interest to engineers in state highway agencies and industry responsible for bridge maintenance and repair.
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Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments from Scour
Author: Brian D. Barkdoll, Robert Ettema, Bruce W. Melville | Size: 19.80 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM | Year: 2007 | pages: 230 | ISBN: 9780309098953
This report will be of interest to transportation departments that are responsible for constructing and maintaining bridges that span waterways. It provides selection criteria and guidelines for the design and construction of countermeasures to protect bridge abutments and approach embankments from scour damage. Guidelines are provided for the following abutment countermeasures: riprap, cable-tied blocks, geobags, parallel walls, spur dikes located locally to the abutment, and abutment collars.
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The present book is not simply a new addition of the book Dynamic Plasticity, initially published in 1967, a long time ago. Certainly this edition is not only a new version, containing the essential of the old book and what has been done meantime. Why again Dynamic Plasticity? Well because very many books published meantime on the subject are not mentioning the waves which are to be considered in Dynamic Plasticity. Also, generally, the plastic waves are slower than the elastic one. Thus, when considering a simple problem of propagation of waves in thin bars, for any loading at the end, the plastic waves are reached by the elastic ones, and will not propagate any more. Only a part of the bar is deforming plastically. Examples of this kind are very few.
I thought that this new version is too restrictive for the today students which know little of static plasticity, differential equations, dynamic elastic–plastic properties, etc. Therefore, I thought to write a simpler book, containing the main concepts of dynamic plasticity, but also something else. Thus I thought that this new version would contain the elementary concepts of static plasticity, etc., which would be useful to give. Also it would be good to give other problems, not directly related to dynamic plasticity. Thus I started with some classical problems on static plasticity, but only the simplest things, so that the readers would afterwards understand also the dynamic problems. Also, since in dynamic problems the soils and rocks played a fundamental role, I thought to write a chapter on rocks and soils.
Then were expressed several chapters about dynamic plasticity, as propagation of elastic–plastic waves in thin bars, the rate influence and the propagation of waves in Flexible strings. It is good to remember here that all problems related to dynamic problems, are to be considered using the mechanics of the wave propagation; without the wave propagation mechanics all results concerning constitutive equations, rate effect, etc. are only informative. Such problems are mentioned however in the book. We have presented mainly the different aspects on constitutive equations of materials, as resulting from dynamic problems. Rate effects are considered in this way. They have been used by a variety of authors. The same with the mechanics of Flexible strings, presented afterwards. Not very many authors have considered till now the mechanics of deformable cables.
Therefore I thought to write a very simple book, which can be read by the students themselves, without any additional help. They can understand what “plasticity” is after all. Then several other problems have been presented. Not trying to remove the fundamentals, I have thought also to add some additional problems, which are in fact dynamic, though the inertia effect is disregarded. They are the stationary problems, quite often met in many applications. It is question obviously, about problems involving Bingham bodies, as wire drawing, floating with working plug, extrusion, stability of natural inclined plane, etc. Further I have considered various problems of plastic waves, using various theories. Also the perforation problems, was presented, using various symmetry assumptions, or any other assumption made. The last chapter is on hypervelocity impact. To keep it simple, I have given only very few information about. Thus I wished to show what hypervelocity is and how is it considered now.
Though the book is a very simple one, I wished to ask any author to disregard possible missing of some papers. All literature is certainly incomplete. One has done today much more than given here. It was impossible for me to mention “all” authors in this field.
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This publication brings together worldwide experience of tilt-up into a single document in a form suitable for the UK. The examples and details shown are selected to demonstrate the versality of tilt-up and to provide the necessary information for its wider adoption in the UK. Where necessary, additional original work has been undertaken to ensure compatibility with UK codes and practice. The contents will appeal to all those involved with the procurement of new low-rise buildings – from clients and their advisors through to contractors. In particular, Chapter 2 gives all parties a nontechnical overview of the technique including applications, benefits, costs, architectural opportunities, historical development and typical applications examined through real case studies. It also includes a summary of detailed cost modelling showing that tilt-up can be highly competitive in many sectors in the UK. The efficiency of tilt-up results from careful planning and close co-operation between designers and constructors, who should both carefully study Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 describes the design and construction of floor slabs and foundations, and Chapters 5 to 12 provide information on all aspects of the design, construction and erection of tilt-up panels. These chapters are intended for both designers and constructors, to impart a common understanding of their roles. However, Chapter 5 contains considerable detailed technical material on the structural analysis and design of tilt-up panels, mostly of use to the structural engineer. Chapter 13 provides additional information on suppliers of goods and services. Finally, it is worth emphasising that, although this publication deals mainly with on-site tilt-up, much of the material is equally relevant to factory-cast panels, which may prove more suitable for a particular project.
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This publication aims to de-mystify the techniques of posttensioned concrete floor construction in multi-storey buildings, w h i l s t l o o k i n g a t t h e e c o n o m i c s a n d practicability of construction. It is intended for two broad categories of reader. Firstly, it presents an introduction to the benefits, constraints, principles and techniques for non-technical professionals. These people will wish to understand the broad issues of an essentially simple technique with which they may not be entirely familiar, without being swamped by equations. Sections 1 and 3 provide the briefest executive overview, whilst reading Sections 1 to 4 plus 7 will give a broader picture. Secondly, it can be used as a more technical review for those who, in addition to the above issues, wish to explore further the principles of design and construction. In this case all sections should prove useful. This publication is not intended to be a full technical reference book for design, but it does address many of the issues often omitted from such works.
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Posted by: dotrun - 03-25-2011, 06:46 AM - Forum: Archive
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Please can you tell me link for these articles
T. Y. Lim, P. Paramisivam, and S. L. Lee Bending Behavior of Steel-Fiber Concrete Beams
Publication: ACI Structural Journal
Volume: 84 Issue: 6 Document: 84-S54
Casanova, P. and Rossi, P., Analysis of metallic fibrereinforced concrete beams submitted to bending. Materials and Structures . Volume 29, Number 6, 354-361