There has been a steady increase in anthropogenic pressure over the past few years due to rapid industrialization, urbanization and population growth, causing frequent environmental hazards. Threats of global environmental change, such as climate change and sea level rise, will exacerbate such problems. Therefore, appropriate policies and measures are needed for management to address both local and global trends. The book 'Environmental Management' provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of sustainable environmental management of diverse ecotypes, from tropical to temperate. A variety of regional environmental issues with the respective remedial measures has been precisely illustrated. The book provides an excellent text which offers a versatile and in-depth account of management of wide perspectives, e.g. waste management, lake, coastal and water management, high mountain ecosystem as well as viticulture management. We hope that this publication will be a reference document to serve the needs of researchers of various disciplines, policy makers, planners and administrators as well as stakeholders to formulate strategies for sustainable management of emerging environmental issues.
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By adopting the principles of sustainable design and cleaner production, this important book opens a new challenge in the world of composite materials and explores the achieved advancements of specialists in their respective areas of research and innovation. Contributions coming from both spaces of academia and industry were so diversified that the 28 chapters composing the book have been grouped into the following main parts: sustainable materials and ecodesign aspects, composite materials and curing processes, modelling and testing, strength of adhesive joints, characterization and thermal behaviour, all of which provides an invaluable overview of this fascinating subject area. Results achieved from theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations can help designers, manufacturers and suppliers involved with high-tech composite materials to boost competitiveness and innovation productivity.
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Excel files with macro (visual basic script) that computes elastic response spectrum for a given time history record, and SDOF response (acceleration, velocity, displacement):
Elastic Response Spectrum.xls Elastic Response Spectrum.xlsm
The same functions are inside the Mathcad V.14:
Elastic Response Spectrum.xmcd
For verification sap V14.2.4 model files are provided:
pendulum.SDB; pendulum.$2k
The reference article, timehist.pdf, containing the algorithm in MATLAB for SDOF, MDOF timehistory and additional information. Based on this article the above files were written.
AccData.txt contains time history data first column is time is seconds, second column is acceleration in m/s^2
Functions available in excel:
=SpectrumPeriodAcceleratioVelocityDisplacement(r, dT, xi, Optional Tmax, Optional noPoints)
Function returns a matrix with:
first column - periods
second column - accelerations
third column - velocity
fourth column - dispalcements
=TimeAccelerationVelocityDisplacement(r, T, xi, dT)
Function returns a matrix with:
first column - time
second column - accelerations
third column - velocity
fourth column - dispalcements
Input parameters:
r is range like B1:B2008, a single column with accelerations from time history recoding
dt is time step for time history recording like 0.02 seconds
xi is critical damping ratio usually 0.05 in codes
Optional Tmax is the maximum value for period in spectrum calculation default value 4 seconds
Optional noPoints is the number of periods to use when calculating spectrum default value 200.
Response spectrum is computed starting for 0 sec to Tmax sec at equal step size of Tmax/noPoints.
T is the period for the pendulum when computing time history response.
User can use any measurement units. Output tested with SeismoSignal and Sap2000, no differences. Only for response spectrum when T<0.1s.
Note on how to work in excel with matrix:
Select multiple cells, click in formula bar, write the formula, press ctrl+shift+enter to finish.
To modify the formula: select all cells that are part of the matrix, modify formula, press ctrl+shift+enter
To erase: select all cells that are part of the matrix, modify formula to nothing, press ctrl+shift+enter
To select an entire matrix place currenc cell inside that table press ctrl+a.
If still in trouble search google for: excel matrix.
Request: if somebody manages to understand how this code can be used for MDOF (see article), please send me private message. I've all ready tried that in mathcad with matrix as input instead of values for xi, p, w but I don't understand the results.
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ASCE Specialty Conference on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures Geotechnical Specialty Publication No. 25, ASCE, New York (1990), pp. 439–470
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Posted by: ir_71 - 03-28-2011, 07:15 AM - Forum: General Books
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Performance Guidelines for Basement Envelope Systems and Materials
Author: Michael C. Swinton, Dr. Ted Kesik | Size: 4.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NRC | Year: 2005 | pages: 193
These Guidelines were written primarily for the technical decision-makers in the home building industry. They have been written to appeal to a broad audience, including people involved in the following sectors of the industry:
• home builders and contractors
• materials manufacturers
• codes and standards developers
• warranty agencies
• materials evaluators
• regulators
• building officials
• educators and trainers
The Guidelines have been organized into six parts:
Part 1 - Performance Requirements for Basements
Part 2 - Basement Envelope System Selection
Part 3 - Selection of Materials and Equipment for the Basement System
Part 4 - Critical Design Details
Part 5 - Quality Assurance
Part 6 - Basement System Cost/Benefit Analysis
The role of the basement envelope is reviewed in Part 1. Our general expectations of what basements are for and how they are expected to perform in what circumstances are laid out – these are the performance objectives of the basement envelope. From these follow the technical performance requirements – the structural requirements, the environmental separation functions, and the qualitative properties of the envelope system: buildability, durability, etc
Part 2 reviews the main construction approaches – the basement envelope systems that can be selected to address the performance requirements. The combination of environmental conditions (inside and out) and occupant expectations, combined with the selected envelope system determines the performance requirements of the materials to be used within the construction system.
Part 3 identifies the roles of the materials within the envelope system and indicates what performance characteristics have to be met by those materials for their given roles.
Part 4 addresses some key detailing issues, and the special requirements put on the design detail and the materials used; e.g., the wall-soil interface, window well detailing, etc.
Part 5 reviews various quality control tools available to the Canadian construction industry. Quality control is an essential element of achieving envelope system performance targets. Its role is to ensure that performance objectives laid out at the design stage are satisfied throughout the production chain: material manufacturing or site forming, assembly and finishing.
Part 6 introduces the concept of cost/benefit analysis as a planning tool for achieving a balance between long-term basement envelope system performance and first cost, for a range of scenarios and locations.
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Author: Peter Russell | Size: 4.15 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2005 | pages: 56 | ISBN: 0203975022
Disfigurement of any concrete surface is at least a source of annoyance, and this publication attempts to mitigate the problem in its chemical and physical aspects. It deals with the broad scope of elemental attack by the vagaries of weather and by salts as they move to the face of a building to result in discoloration and, at times, disruption. Much research has in particular been devoted to the cause and nature of efflorescence, an expressive yet ambiguous word which suggests flowering and fruition but describes an effect that almost vies with vandalism. While elusive, however, it is not an intractable phenomenon and can be cured in more senses than one. Its stalactites or bloom can be alleviated by common sense and scientific forethought, given all the rules of quality control. This largely aesthetic problem is conditioned by factors such as temperature, absorption and lack of imagination, with cement and aggregates of lesser importance. The text covers staining of many kinds, superficial but unsightly, and due to faulty workmanship or detailing. Concrete is too readily assumed to have strength and durability only, with an acceptable countenance underestimated or ignored. This work should help towards an appreciation of its potential in visual as well as structural terms.
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The Japanese road repaired SIX days after it was destroyed by quake
Due to the extensive damage in Japan caused by the massive earthquake and resultant tsunami on March 11, many have questioned if the island nation can recover in a year, much less a few months. If the swiftness with which the Japanese can repair roads is any indication, we wouldn't bet against the country cleaning up this catastrophe in short order.
As a result of the quake, a 150-meter section of the Great Kanto Highway in Naka was absolutely obliterated, with massive chasms running right through the middle of the road. Work crews at the NEXCO road repair company sprang into action on March 17, working at a fevered pitch to help get their country on the road to recovery, literally. Amazingly, after only six days of labor, the road is silky smooth and ready for travel. Look at the the before and after photos above to see just how amazing this feat is.
Given the fact that road crews in the U.S. can spend three or more months repairing a single lane of concrete, only to leave the orange barrels on the road for another two weeks, we're blown away by this feat of engineering. Simply amazing.
[Source: Daily Mail via Jalopnik | Images: AP Photo/NEXCO East]