Here is a complete project of wood roofs(complicated roofs) with wood trusses, it´s a complete project with all connections detailed
All the drawings are in pt-br (Brazilian Portuguese) language
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Pressed by torment (read: recession) and penury (read: running one forum drains a lot of money from our pockets), we decided to open Donations to keep this forum alive and going.
Forum staff are time-volunteers and those that are giving their spare/ free time just for you to keep this place concise, clean and easy to use. Now we are asking you for help, a help as a financial aid. "Unfortunately" do not expect to get any kind of great and direct benefit by making donations. We appreciate your donation(s) no matter on the amount of money you share with us. Each and every, no matter how big, donation is more than helpful.
We know that we do not offer something special for our Donors but without these donations we'll be pressed to close this forum, thus there would be nothing to offer as it is offered now (now we have probably the largest database of codes, standards and norms from all around the world, and what's the most important, at this moment as you are reading this, you have access to this database)
As we said, there is no much to give you in return but to say Thank You for making this forum alive and going. We'll do our best to make and share with you some section of the forum with some rare data collected especially for you - but it will take time to make something like this - be patient and we will do eventually something for you in return.
For now, and for your donations, we offers a brand new label showing along your nick name: a word DONOR with small heart and one green banknote along with it.
Every member who makes a donation will be placed in Donor member group. This membership lasts for a year.
Please, be sure that we are not making any kind of profit from your donations. Your donations are going to be spent for forum improvements entirely.
By being Donor, it don't gives you any right to make spam nor to make bad posts.
By being Donor you still have to follow all of rules forum provided for you.
By being Donor, it not means you posses a part of the forum - we are not some stock company.
Donors don't have greater rights than Moderators or Protectors.
Once again, we are thankful to you for making donations.
You can send your gift (donation) directly to our Paypal account:
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if your name is not in list or your user-group not updated to "Donor" please tell us to this topic:
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if you want to donate read this topic:
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This excel worksheet contains macro (visual basic script) to connect to sap2000 V11, V12, V14 API and select a list of elements.
Because sap interface allows the selection of a single item this worksheet is useful to select multiple items.
Elements frame, joints, shells.
Warning the worksheet keeps previous selection, sap interface will update after a zoom/pan action.
For those trying to develop tools for Sap API read SAP2000_API_Documentation.chm located in sap instalation folder next to sap2000.exe. And you can start with this worksheet.
First steps, have to be done only once:
1) Open this worksheet in excel
2) Add reference to sap2000.exe. (Follow the steps as shown in pictures inside excel document).
3) Save the worksheet.
4) Repeat first step for every version of Sap you have installed, and save a copy of the worksheet accordingly.
How to use, after first steps:
1) Open worksheet in excel. (If in windows Vista, 7 with UAC enabled, read below Note).
2) Paste the list of labels in the first column (A:A)
3) Click button according to the object type.
4) Repeat from step 2 as much as you like.
Warning if there is more than one sap2000 open, the worksheet will work only with one of the instances, usually the first instance, sometimes at random.
Note: For those with Vista or Windows 7, with UAC enabled, you must run Excel and Sap2000 as administrator.
In order to do that browse to:
Windows x86
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office..\excel.exe
Windows x64
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office..\excel.exe
create a shortcut on desktop, right click on the shortcut->properties->compatibility, check [ ]Run this as administrator.
Each time you what to use the worksheet open excel with that shortcut, then open the worksheet.
If you encounter automation error it's because:
- The reference to sap2000.exe is wrong
- Sap2000 or Excel are have no administrator rights
- You don't have license for sap2000.
0.5 MBytes, two files included:
Sap2000 Selection.xls
Sap2000 Selection.xlsm
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Sap2000 Selection.rar.xls (Size: 490.7 KB / Downloads: 141)
Note: Remove file extension "xls" to get "RAR" file, then unpack "RAR" file to get excel files.
This Standard sets out the method for determining the slump of concrete, when the nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm.
NOTE: This Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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This Standard sets out the method for determining the compacting factor of concrete, when the nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm.
NOTE: This Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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This Standard sets out the method for determining the vebe value of concrete, when the nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm.
NOTE: This Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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This Standard sets out the method for determining the compactibility index, for concrete, where the expected slump is less than 10 mm and the nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm.
NOTE: This Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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This Standard sets out a method for the preparation of concrete mixes in the laboratory.
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In this paper, the effectiveness of the base isolation on steel storage tanks has been investigated through
numerical models and then checked by shaking table tests on a reduced scale (1:14) model of a real
steel tank, typically used in petrochemical plants. In the experimental campaign the floating roof has also
been taken into account. The tests have been performed on the physical model both in fixed and isolated
base configurations; in particular two alternative base isolation systems have been used: high-damping
rubber bearings devices and sliding isolators with elasto-plastic dampers. Finally, a comparison between
experimental and numerical results has also been performed.
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