Safety lines, Safety anchorages, Restraint systems (protective), Safety devices, Occupational safety, Accident prevention, Falling (accident), Safety harnesses, Harnesses, Ropes, Fall arrest systems, Marking, Instructions for use
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Safety lines, Safety anchorages, Safety harnesses, Restraint systems (protective), Safety devices, Occupational safety, Accident prevention, Falling (accident), Ropes, Fall arrest systems, Marking, Instructions for use
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The increasing level of pollution in the environment not only harms the natural world, but also accelerates the deterioration and corrosion of materials used in technical work, as well as objects with historical or artistic value. It is impossible to eliminate the numerous sources of this negative effect, so there are currently increased efforts towards improved preservation, which require a thorough knowledge of the causes of the degradation of individual materials. This book deals with the fundamental principles underlying environmental degradation of widely-used and economically important construction materials such as metals, stone, brick, concrete, timber, cast iron, steel, copper alloys and aluminium. It features information on the methods of deterioration, as well as general information on the economic impact of the damaging processes, and offers some suggested fundamental protection techniques for buildings, industrial and agricultural facilities, monuments and culturally important structures. This book will be of interest to materials and corrosion engineering experts, civil and environmental engineers, students and practicing professionals, designers, architects and restoration engineers. It will also be a useful tool for managers from various sectors of industry, for auditors of environmental management systems, and it can be used as a complementary course book for university students.
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Author: David Darwin | Size: 14.5 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2011
ACI 318M-11 Training by Prof. David Darwin
Location: Viet Nam
Topic 1: Overview of ACI 318MDesign of Prestressed ConcreteEvaluation of Existing Structures
Topic 2: Analysis and Design for Flexure, Shear, Torsion, and Compression plus Bending
Topic 3:Design of Slender Columns by ACI 318
Topic 4:Design of Wall Structures by ACI 318
Topic 5:Design of Structures with High-StrengthConcrete by ACI 318
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The Great Structures in Architecture: From Antiquity to Baroque
Author: F. P. Escrig | Size: 36 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WI T Press | Year: 2006 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 184564039X
Starting in antiquity and finishing in the Baroque, this book provides a complete analysis of significant works of architecture from a structural viewpoint. A distinguished architect and academic, the author's highly illustrated exploration will allow readers to better understand the monuments, get closer to them and to explore whether they should be conserved or modified.
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What exactly is this thing called commissioning? Answering this fundamental question is the objective of this book. Fifteen years after the first national commissioning conference, there still seems to be a need for a consolidated source of information on the basics of building commissioning. This book attempts to be that source, and to make the fundamentals of commissioning accessible to all interested parties—to building owners and operators, to architects and engineers about to embark on commissioning efforts, and to others (such as users or suppliers) who may be called on to join the commissioning teamfor a particular project. This book is intended for anyone looking for ‘‘Commissioning 101.’’ As demand for green, carbon-neutral, high-performance buildings increases, so should the numbers of people seeking to understand commissioning.
Principles of Building Commissioning attempts to clarify the underlying philosophy of commissioning: the why, what, when, and who of this process. It maps out the territory of commissioning, outlines its defining characteristics, explains its flow of processes, and demystifies its documentation. This book is very much shaped by the ASHRAE Guideline 0 view of the world of commissioning.
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The book collects the latest research on both contractual and conceptual collaborative practices in construction. It identifies common problems faced by the industry and draws out practical implications.
Construction projects are increasingly run in ways that undermine the traditional boundary of the firm and sometimes also the definition of the project coalition. This poses challenges for construction firms whose clients demand ever increasing performance improvements as well as those firms who want to improve their strategies for greater collaboration to give themselves competitive advantage.
The editors identify three main themes: collaborative relationships, operating both in frameworks and within networks of contacts, e.g. relational contracting in partnering, supply chain management and other procurement-driven initiatives.
The second theme is frameworks, both contractual frameworks binding parties together over a series of contracts, and conceptual frameworks used to develop future performance improvement arising from the proactive strategies of firms.
The third theme is the network of relationships that supports individuals and firms within the project coalition in delivering services and adding value to improve performance. These networks define the investment and incentives supporting the inter-firm and intra-firm relationships, as well as the formal contractual conditions through which such incentives flow. Networks of information exchange define the structure of the activity and help predict organisational configurations for successful project outcomes.
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Author: David Yung | Size: 2.17 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2008 | pages: 248 | ISBN: 0470854099
Yung, one of internationally recognised expert on the subject of fire risk assessment, introduces the basic principles and techniques that help the reader to understand the various methodologies that are currently in place or being proposed by different organisations. Through his illustration of basic principles and techniques he enables the reader to conduct their own fire risk assessments. He demonstrates how the probabilities of fire scenarios are assessed based on the probabilities of success and failure of fire protection measures that are in place. He also shows how the consequences of fire scenarios are assessed based on the intensity and speed of fire and smoke spread, the probability and speed of occupant response and evacuation, and the effectiveness and speed of fire department response and rescue efforts.
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I'm looking for the following standards, concerning test methods for screed materials:
1. BS EN 13892-1:2002 Methods of test for screed materials. Sampling, making and curing specimens for test;
2. BS EN 13892-6:2002 Methods of test for screed materials. Determination of surface hardness;
3. BS EN 13892-8:2002 Methods of test for screed materials. Determination of bond strength.
I'll be very appreciate if someone who have them - share them or some of them.
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