Introduction to Soft Soil Geotechnique: Content, Context and Application
Author: Frans B. J. Barends | Size: 7.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: IOS Press | Year: 2011 | pages: 365 | ISBN: 1607507889
The book reviews basic aspects of soil mechanics such as laboratory and field-testing, stresses and strains, deformation and strength, and groundwater effects, including environmental aspects. It touches upon a wide range of applications of soil mechanics in construction: prediction of settlements, bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations, piles and footings, stability of earth retaining structures, analysis of slope stability, principles of soft-ground tunnelling, ground improvement techniques, and coastal and reservoir engineering. Fundamental aspects of physical and numerical models and their application, codes of practice and guidelines, principles of risk management for handling uncertainty and reliability, and a structural involvement of experience are discussed.
The author was from Technical University Delft and has been active in this field for the past 40 years, well connected on the one hand to the scientific world of soil mechanics and on the other hand to the (geotechnical) engineering practice.
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The deformation and processing of structural materials >> Edited by Z Xiao Guo, Queen Mary University, UK
Author: Edited by Z Xiao Guo, Queen Mary University, UK | Size: 4.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: May 2005 | pages: 343 | ISBN: ISBN 1 85573 738 8 ISBN-13: 978 1 85573 738 9
- contains research on the preformance of materials
- valuable resource for researchers in mechanical, civil and structural engineering
- comprehensive coverage to the deformation and processing of all types of structural materials
Having a good understanding of a construction material’s performance under different conditions is essential for helping engineers in selecting the right type of material for a job and for setting design specifications. Keeping abreast of the latest research is an important part of this.
The deformation and processing of structural materials is divided into eight chapters, each one exploring a material’s processing and deformation behaviour. They also consider how the microstructural composition of materials is affected by processing and what influence this has on its subsequent in situ performance. The materials and behaviours looked at in the chapters include: aluminium and its alloys; magnesium alloys; ferrous alloys; superalloys (Ni-based alloys); semisolid metal (SSM) processing of metallic alloys; plastic deformation of intermetallic alloys; metal matrix composites (MMCs); and fine grain superplasticity in SP materials.
The first of its kind to give comprehensive coverage to the subject, The deformation and processing of structural materials is a valuable resource for engineers, researchers in mechanical, civil and structural engineering.
About the editor
Professor Xiao Guo currently works in the Materials Technology department of Queen Mary University, London
Z Xiao Guo, University of London, UK
Aluminium and its alloys
U Chakkingal, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
- Introduction
- Deformation behaviour of aluminium alloys
- Processing and microstructure
- Processing and properties
- Severe plastic deformation techniques
- Common problems and solutions
- Conclusion
- Sources of further information
- References
High temperature deformation, alloys and processing of magnesium alloys
A Arslan KAYA, Materials Institute, Turkey, M Pekgüleryüz, McGill University, Canada, D Eliezer, Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel
- Introduction
- General deformation behaviour of magnesium
- Creep behaviour of magnesium
- Modes of creep
- Microstructure, properties and processing
- Conclusion
- References
Thermomechanical processing of ferrous alloys
P Manohar, Carnegie Mellon University, USA and M Ferry, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Introduction
- Hot deformation and annealing behaviour
- Processing and microstructure
- Microstructure and properties
- Processing and processability
- Common problems and solutions
- Case study: rod rolling
- Conclusion
- Sources of further information
- References
Plastic deformation of ordered intermetallic alloys
K Xia, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Introduction
- Bonding, crystal structures and defects
- Plastic deformation
- Deformation processing
- Applications
- Conclusion and future trends
- Sources of further information
- References
Discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites
M Ferry, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Introduction
- Deformation behaviour
- Annealing processes following deformation
- Processing and processability of DRCs
- Final microstructure and mechanical properties
- DRC applications
- Conclusion
- Sources of further information
- References
Semi-solid metal processing of metallic alloys
A Das, Z Y Fan, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
- Introduction
- Rheology of semisolid alloys
- Deformation Bahviour of SSM slurries with high solid fractions
- Microstructural evolution during slurry preparation
- Alloy development for SSM processing
- Mechanical properties
- Technologies for component shaping
- Future trends
- Sources of further information
- References
Superplasticity in structural materials
N Ridley, University of Manchester, UK
- Introduction
- Mechanical aspects of superplasticity
- Characterisation of superplastic materials
- Types of superplastic materials
- Processing and microstructure
- Superplastic forming (SPF); quick plastic forming (QPF); products and their mechanical properties; diffusion bonding (DB) and SPF/DB technology
- Problems associated with SP and SPF
- Case study: The role of DB/SPF in the manufacture of wide chord fan blades
- Conclusion and future trends
- Sources of further information
- References
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This authoritative guide promotes safe, healthy and non-exploitative working conditions for the construction industry. It combines theoretical analysis and case-studies from around the world, offering recommendations for best practice.
The book results from a project funded by the Geneva International Academic Network, with staff from the International Labour Office and the University of Geneva. It presents and discusses the challenges and potential of local authorities to promote decent work in construction.
Existing literature on decent work focuses mainly on the roles and responsibilities of actors in the private sector but the contribution of the public sector should not be ignored. Local authorities play a crucial role in economic development through a range of policies and programmes in the construction sector and related services.
Labour Conditions for Construction: decent work, building cities & the role of local authorities includes a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative information. It defines and validates a set of criteria to evaluate the capacity of local authorities, combining criteria about decent work, the construction sector and the policies and programmes of the local authority in each case study city.
The book fills an important gap in focussing on the role of local authorities in creating and promoting decent work and will be of interest to managers and policy-makers in construction, health and safety and labour relations as well as to researchers and students in construction management.
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Author: G S Pandit, S P Gupta | Size: 174 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: McGraw Hill | pages: 587 | ISBN: 0070667357 & 9780070667358
Book Description
Structural Analysis : A Matrix Approach
Meant for the undergraduate students of civil engineering, this text on "Structural Analysis" has been updated with units in the SI system. It has been written in a clear lucid style which presents the complex concepts of matrix analysis in an easy-to-understand manner.
Key Features:
It assumes only an elementary knowledge of structural mechanics, briefly but lucidly discusses fundamental concepts of structural analysis.
A unique feature is the combined discussion of the two methods i.e. the force method and the displacement method for each category of structure. This enables their critical comparison and provides an understanding of their merits and demerits .
Before discussing the matrix methods in detail, sufficient information on matrix algebra and a preview of the two main methods is given.
It assumes only an elementary knowledge of structural mechanics, briefly but lucidly discusses fundamental concepts of structural analysis.
A unique feature is the combined discussion of the two methods i.e. the force method and the displacement method for each category of structure. This enables their critical comparison and provides an understanding of their merits and demerits .
Before discussing the matrix methods in detail, sufficient information on matrix algebra and a preview of the two main methods is given.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts
Chapter 2. Basic Methods of Structural Analysis
Chapter 3. Determinants and Matrices
Chapter 4. Flexibility and Stiffness Matrices
Chapter 5. Continuous Beams
Chapter 6. Rigid-Jointed Plane Frames
Chapter 7. Pin-Jointed Frames
Chapter 8. Rigid-Jointed Space Frames
Chapter 9. Pin-Jointed Space Frames
Chapter 10. Comparison of Force and Displacement Methods
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If you like this book, please buy it and support the authors.
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Drift optimization of high-rise buildings in earthquake zones
Author: Mohammed Al-Ansar, Ahmed Senouci | Size: 0.99 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Volume 20, Issue 2 | Year: March 2011 | pages: 208–222 | ISSN: 1541-7808
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I'm looking for the following standards:
1. BS EN 12390-6:2009 Testing hardened concrete. Tensile splitting strength of test specimens
2. DD CEN/TS 12390-9:2006 Testing hardened concrete. Freeze-thaw resistance. Scaling
3. DD CEN/TS 12390-11:2010 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of the chloride resistance of concrete, unidirectional diffusion
4. PD CEN/TR 15177:2006 Testing the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete. Internal structural damage
5. BS EN 14629:2007 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Determination of chloride content in hardened concrete.
If you have any of the standards mentioned above, please share it.
Thanks in advance!
1)Borges, JL. 2004. Three-dimensional analysis of embankments on soft soils incorporating vertical drains by
finite element method. Computers and Geotechnics, 31(8): 665–676, Elsevier.
2)Borges, J.L, Cardoso, A.S. 2001. Structural behaviour and parametric study of reinforced embankments on
soft clays. Computers and Geotechnics, 28(3): 209–233.
3)Lewis, R.W., Schrefler, B.A. 1987. The finite element method in the deformation and consolidation of porous
media. JohnWiley and Sons, Inc., NewYork
4)Mita, K. A., Dasari, G. R., Lo, K.W. 2004. Performance of a three-dimensional Hvorslev-Modified Cam Clay
model for overconsolidated clay. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 4(4): 296–309.
5)Bose, S. K. and Som, N. N. 1998. Parametric study of a braced cut by finite element method. Elsevier Science
Publishers (eds.).Computers and Geotechnics vol. 22 no2: 91–107.
6)Clough, G.W. and Reed, M.W. 1984. Measured behaviour of braced wall in very soft clay. Journal Geotech.
Eng. Div. Vol. 110, N◦1: 1–19.
7)Clough, G.W. and Schmidt, B. 1981. Design and performance of excavations and tunnels in soft clay. Brand
and Brenner (eds) Soft Clay Engineering,
AutoCAD is a drafting and design software package developed and marketed by Autodesk®, Inc. As of 2011, it has been around for approximately 29 years—several lifetimes in the software industry. It has grown from modest beginnings to an industry standard, often imitated, sometimes exceeded, but never equaled. The basic premise of its design is simple and is the main reason for AutoCAD’s success. Anything you can think of, you can draw quickly and easily. For many years, AutoCAD remained a superb 2D electronic drafting board, replacing the pencil and paper for an entire generation of technical professionals. In recent releases, its 3D capabilities finally matured, and AutoCAD is now also considered an excellent 3D visualization tool, especially for architecture and interior design.
The software has a rather steep learning curve to become an expert but a surprisingly easy one to just get started. Most important, it is well worth learning. This is truly global software that has been adopted by millions of architects, designers, and engineers worldwide. Over the years, Autodesk expanded this reach by introducing add-on packages that customize AutoCAD for industry-specific tasks, such as electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering. However, underneath all these add-ons is still plain AutoCAD. This software remains hugely popular. Learn it well, as it is still one of the best things you can add to your resume and skill set.
This book is not like most on the market. While many authors certainly view their particular text as unique and novel in its approach, I rarely reviewed one that was clear to a beginner student and distilled AutoCAD concepts down to basic, easy to understand explanations. The problem may be that many of the available books are written by either industry technical experts or teachers but rarely by someone who is actively both. One really needs to interact with the industry and the students, in equal measure, to bridge the gap between reality and the classroom.
After years of AutoCAD design work in the daytime and teaching nights and weekends, I set out to create a set of classroom notes that outlined, in an easy to understand manner, exactly how AutoCAD is used and applied, not theoretical musings or clinical descriptions of the commands. These notes eventually were expanded into the book that you now hold. The rationale was simple: I need this person to be up and running as soon as possible to do a job. How do we make this happen?
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