Innovative and individual detailed solutions for a range of different types of buildings
Strategies and measures for cost-effective planning and building
This volume from the 'in Detail' series highlights projects that are otherwise always overshadowed by more spectacular and extravagant buildings in the trade press. These examples show how cost-effective planning and building can be achieved. "Cost-Effective Building" takes the entire planning and implementation process into consideration - from office organization through the design phase and coordination of the execution planning, right up to actual execution. The focus throughout is on the building's profitability. The wide range of possible measures and strategies for implementing cost-effective execution presented provide various ideas and stimuli for architects and planners.
* Housing, schools, industrial buildings - cost-effective planning for all types of buildings.
* Wood, steel, concrete and brickwork - different materials allow for individual solutions
* Competent planning help drawn from practice
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The Code and Specification are written as legal documents so that they may be adopted by reference in general building codes. The Code covers the design and construction of masonry structures, with subjects covered ranging from quality assurance to the details and development of reinforcement. Compliance with the Specification is required by the Code to control materials, labor and construction. The Code Commentary comments on subjects covered by the Code, gives some of the considerations in developing the provisions, and explains provisions, in particular new or revised provisions, that may be unfamiliar to users of the Code. Commentary on the Specification provides similar information on subjects covered by the Specification.
This code covers the design and construction of masonry structures. It is written in such form that it may be adopted by reference in a legally adopted building code.
Among the subjects covered are: definitions; contract documents; quality assurance; materials; placement of embedded items; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear; details and development of reinforcement; walls; columns; pilasters; beams and lintels; seismic design requirements; glass unit masonry; and veneers. An empirical design method applicable to buildings meeting specific location and construction criteria are also included.
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PyroSim is a graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). It is used to create fire simulations that accurately predict smoke movement, temperature, and toxin concentrations during a fire.
Key Features
PyroSim 2011 is a graphical user interface for version 5 of FDS and Smokeview. Some of PyroSim's key features include: * Edit geometry using floor plan images, angled walls, and other powerful tools. * Integrated execution of FDS and Smokeview * Full support for 64-bit operating systems * Run multi-CPU simulations with a single click * Import existing FDS4 and FDS5 models. * Convert FDS4 input files to FDS5 * Import AutoCAD DXF models directly or as background images. For a list features and bug fixes new in PyroSim 2010, please read the release notes. Download the Feature Slideshow to learn more about PyroSim's capabilities. PyroSim is designed to run on MS Window operating systems. Apple users have reported success using PyroSim with both VMWare Fusion and Parallels.
Bigger Models with PyroSim 64-Bit Edition
As of PyroSim 2008.2, registered users can take advantage of 64-bit hardware using a 64-bit version of PyroSim. The key simulation components (PyroSim, MPI, FDS) of this version are provided as 64-bit software. This allows access to memory beyond the traditional 3 GB limit in Windows operating systems - making it possible to create fire models with many more cells than with a 32-bit system. The 64-bit version requires a 64-bit computer and operating system.
Verification and Validation
The developers of FDS at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) use the model verification techniques outlined in ASTME 1355 to ensure the accuracy of the numerical solutions given by FDS. Additional information can be found in Part III of the FDS Users Guide.
FDS was also the subject of a verification and validation study sponsored by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Electric Power Research Institute. This work compares 5 different simulators based on several fire scenarios.
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For anyone not familiar with the Autodesk Labs preview of the Subassembly Composer (SAC), it is a very intuitive tool used for creating highly customized Civil 3D Corridor Subassembly parts. Each Subassembly created with the SAC had the capabilities of much more than a simple "Subassembly from Polyline." Actually, every aspect a Subassembly created with SAC had the potential for being a dynamic component more intelligent that many of the Subassemblies preinstalled and included with Civil 3D. Most importantly, no programming or coding is necessary to accomplish these things. This extension will work with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 and 2012, both 32 bit and 64 bit. Content is currently available in English only, but will install on all language versions of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 and 2012.
2- River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D / AutoCAD Map 3D
Project River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 software and AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 is a sophisticated river modeling software package supports HEC-RAS within the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 environment. This technology preview of River Analysis makes it easier than ever before to compute water surface profiles for modeling rivers, bridges, culverts, spillways, levees, floodplain and floodway delineations, stream diversions, channel improvements, and split flows.
This extension for Civil 3D 2012 and Map 3D 2012 makes it extremely easy to:
- Automate HEC-RAS cross section cutting, water surface analysis, flood plain mapping, and all related modeling tasks.
- Utilize numerous automation mapping tools for extracting cross sections from various digital terrain sources including contours, TINs, DTMs, DEMs, LiDAR data, survey files, surveyed cross sections, etc.
- Perform sophisticated bridge and culvert analysis as well as automating the process of designing and analyzing roadway crossings.
- Automate mapping of bank station locations, channel and overland flow lengths, levee locations, ineffective flow areas, Manning’s roughness data from topographic map data.
- Perform automated bridge scour computations for FHWA and state DOT roadway studies. - Automatically generate floodplain and floodway maps, ready for FEMA and other agency submittals. This technology preview is now available as a free download from the link above. The River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D / AutoCAD Map 3D technology preview is licensed for a limited term and for a particular territory as referenced in the End User License Agreement. The technology preview executable expires at the end of the technology preview based on a time-bomb date that has been set for December 31, 2011.
3- Civil 3D | 2012 Transportation Extensions
• Check alignment geometry – enables users to check alignment geometry for tangency conditions, and automatically fix inconsistencies.
• Show / Hide Labels – enables users to show and hide all Civil 3D labels.
• Surface high / Low points – enables users to automatically generate Civil 3D points at surface high/low points. • Export Civil Data (to survey formats – RD5 and TP5) – enables users to export Civil 3D alignments, profiles, and corridors to a TDS .rd5 roadway file and/or .tp5 template file.
• Import Raw Data (imports Star*Net data) – enables users to import a Star*Net .dat file.
• Create surface from photogrammetric data – provides a simple import functionality for surface creation from layer based AutoCAD 3D linework and points (lines, arcs, polylines, and point entities residing on user selected layers). Additionally, the utility allows users to append AutoCAD entities to an existing surface.
• 11 Reports – globally beneficial
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The following are instructions on how to extract the pdf out of scribd:
1. First of you need to have a pdf printer (Adobe Pdf, PrimoPdf etc.)
2. Open the link above
3. Right click somewhere in a blank region and choose View page source
4. If you are using google chrome, then a new tab should open up with the source code.
5. Ctrl + F command and look for "href"
6. 2nd "href" entry contains a link, click on it
7. Again if you are using google chrome, then a new tab should open up with some source code [less than before]
8. Ctrl + F command and look for "src"
9. 1st "src" entry and maybe the only one contails a link.
10. Copy that link and open it in new chrome tab.
11. If nothing shows up, refresh the tab
12. At this point the whole document should be opened.
13. Click Print on the upper left side
14. Choose your pdf printer and save it somewhere.
15. Wait for some minutes
16. Enjoy!
Let me know if it worked for you. I did not check it on firefox or explorer.
Read the rules! You might be warned by a moderator! Next time you will be warned if uou continue to post transparent links.
I would be so grateful if anyone could help me with these paper:
Case Study: Finite Element Method and Artificial Neural Network Models for Flow through Jeziorsko Earthfill Dam in Poland
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This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of personal fall protection systems and equipment for use in the workplace to prevent and/or to arrest falls from a height, including systems and equipment suitable for use in rescue. It also gives guidance on rescue of persons working at a height, in the event of an accident.
It is intended for use by employers, employees and self-employed persons who use personal fall protection systems and equipment. It is also intended for use by designers, e.g. architects and structural engineers, including those who are responsible for the design of safe access routes on buildings and structures, by those who commission work at a height, e.g. building owners and contractors, and by those involved in training persons for work at a height.
The standard is not applicable to collective fall protection systems, for example work platforms and fall arrest nets. It is not intended to apply to personal fall protection systems and equipment for use in leisure activities or in professional or private sports activities. It is also not intended to apply to personal fall protection systems and equipment for use in arboriculture.
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Recommendations on the use of rope access methods for work at height.
This British Standard provides recommendations and guidance on the use of rope access methods for work at a height. It is intended for use by employers, employees and self-employed persons who use rope access methods, and those who commission rope access work, e.g. building owners and contractors.
This British Standard is applicable to the use of rope access methods for access to buildings, other structures (on or offshore) or natural features (such as cliff faces), in which the ropes are suspended from or connected to the structure or natural feature. It is applicable to situations where ropes are used as the primary means of access, egress or support and as the primary means of protection against a fall.
This standard is not intended to apply to the use of rope access methods for leisure activities, arboriculture, general steeplejack methods or emergency personal evacuation systems, or to the use of rope access (line rescue) techniques by the fire brigade and other emergency services for rescue work or for training.
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