Noise-Induced Phenomena in the Environmental Sciences
Author: Francesco Laio, Luca Ridolfi, Paolo D'Odorico | Size: 17.24 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2011 | pages: 328
Randomness is ubiquitous in nature. Random drivers are generally considered a source of disorder in environmental systems. However, the interaction between noise and nonlinear dynamics may lead to the emergence of a number of ordered behaviors (in time and space) that would not exist in the absence of noise. This counterintuitive effect of randomness may play a crucial role in environmental processes. For example, seemingly "random" background events in the atmosphere can grow into larger instabilities that have great effects on weather patterns. This book presents the basics of the theory of stochastic calculus and its application to the study of noise-induced phenomena in environmental systems. It will be great reference text for ecologists, geoscientists, and environmental engineers interested in the study of stochastic environmental dynamics.
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CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae
Author: Daniel Zwillinger, Stephen Kokoska | Size: 3.65 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: December 27, 1999 | pages: 568 | ISBN: 1584880597, ISBN-13: 978-1584880592
Whether you are a statistician, engineer, or businessperson, you need statistics. You want to be able to easily reference tables, find formulas, and know how to use them so you can extract information from data without getting bogged down by advanced statistical methods. Your goal is to determine the appropriate statistical procedures and interpret the results. Standard Probability and Statistics: Tables and Formulae provides the tools you need to do just that. Logically organized and reaching far beyond a mere catalog, a textual description accompanies each entry- most include an example. The topics addressed are directly applicable to modern business and engineering as well as to statistics, including regression analysis, ANOVA, decision theory, signal processing, and control theory. The result is an accessible, example-oriented handbook that supplies the basic principles, the most commonly used values, and the information to make them work for you. It is easy to fill a statistics reference with hundreds of pages of tables - sometimes for just one test. This handbook is much more. With topics ranging from classical statistics to modern applications, Standard Probability and Statistics fills the need for an up-to-date, authoritative statistics reference.
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Author: Pierre Y. Julien | Size: 3.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2010 | pages: 392 | ISBN: 0521830389
The second edition of this acclaimed, accessible textbook brings the subject of sedimentation and erosion completely up-to-date, providing an excellent primer on both fundamental concepts of sediment-transport theory and methods for practical applications. The structure of the first edition is essentially unchanged, but all the chapters have been updated, with several chapters reworked and expanded significantly. Examples of the new additions include the concept of added mass, the Modified Einstein Procedure, sediment transport by size fractions, sediment transport of sediment mixtures, and new solutions to the Einstein Integrals. Many new examples and exercises have been added. Erosion and Sedimentation is an essential textbook on the topic for students in civil and environmental engineering and the geosciences, and also as a handbook for researchers and professionals in engineering, the geosciences and the water sciences.
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Hybrid Simulation: Theory, Implementation and Applications
Author: Victor Saouma, M.V. Sivaselvan | Size: 8.05 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2008 | pages: 242
Hybrid Simulation deals with a rapidly evolving technology combining computer simulation (typically finite element) and physical laboratory testing of two complementary substructures. It is a cost effective alternative to shaking table test, and allows for the improved understanding of complex coupled systems. Traditionally, numerical simulation and physical tests have been uncoupled and performed separately. In this simulation paradigm the coupled nature of the simulation allows for improved understanding, and more efficient design since the factor of safety does not have to be arbitrarily inflated to account for uncertainties of uncoupling. It is a multidisciplinary technology which relies heavily on control theory, computer science, and numerical techniques.
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This Second Edition of a standard numerical analysis text retains organization of the original edition, but all sections have been revised, some extensively, and bibliographies have been updated. New topics covered include optimization, trigonometric interpolation and the fast Fourier transform, numerical differentiation, the method of lines, boundary value problems, the conjugate gradient method, and the least squares solutions of systems of linear equations. Contains many problems, some with solutions.
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Ironmongery (buildings), Shutters (buildings), Construction systems parts, Hinges, Fasteners, Performance, Performance testing, Durability, Strength of materials, Corrosion resistance, Classification systems
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This British Standard, a part of the BS 7036 series, provides guidance to manufacturers, suppliers, installers, specifiers, occupiers and property owners on the general recommendations for the provision, installation, safe operation and maintenance of powered door systems with a view to safeguarding traffic against the risk of accidents.
Although this code of practice is not intended to include industrial type powered doors and powered turnstiles, gates and barriers, the guidance given may be helpful for such installations.
This British Standard is not intended to cover the manufacture or design of powered door operating systems except where the products, components or devices have a bearing on the question of safety, nor does it cover the application of powered doors to specific installations.
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Sealing materials, Weatherstrips, Gaskets, Performance, Classification systems, Windows, Doors, Rainwater control systems
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BS EN 115-1 defines safety requirements for escalators and moving walks in order to safeguard people and objects against risks of accidents during installation, operation, maintenance and inspection work.
BS EN 115-1 applies to new escalators and moving walks (pallet or belt type.
BS EN 115-1 deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to escalators and moving walks when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
BS EN 115-1 does not deal with hazards arising from seismic activities.
BS EN 115-1 is not applicable to escalators and moving walks which were manufactured before the date of its publication as EN. It is, however, recommended that existing installations be adapted to this standard.
Contents of BS EN 115-1:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions - Symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations
4 List of significant hazards
4.1 General
4.2 Mechanical hazards
4.3 Electric hazards
4.4 Radiation hazards
4.5 Fire hazard
4.6 Hazards generated by neglecting ergonomic principles in machinery design
4.7 Hazard generated by failure of control circuit
4.8 Hazards generated by break-up during operation
4.9 Slipping, tripping and falling hazards
4.10 Hazards specific for this type of machine
5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures
5.1 General
5.2 Supporting structure (truss) and enclosure
5.3 Steps, pallets, belt
5.4 Drive unit
5.5 Balustrade
5.6 Handrail system
5.7 Landings
5.8 Machinery spaces, driving station and return stations
5.9 Fire protection
5.10 Transportation
5.11 Electric installations and appliances
5.12 Protection against electric faults - controls
6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective measures
6.1 General
6.2 Specific data, test reports and certificates
7 Information for use
7.1 General
7.2 Signals and warning devices
7.3 Inspection and test
7.4 Accompanying documents (in particular, instruction handbook)
7.5 Marking
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This book discusses free vibration of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems and forced vibration of SDOF systems. It covers response to periodic dynamic loadings and impulse loads and two degrees of freedom linear system response methods and free vibration of multiple degrees of freedom. Topics include time history response by natural mode superposition, numerical solution methods for natural frequencies and mode shapes and differential quadrature, transformation, and Finite Element methods for vibration problems. The book also touches on earthquake ground motion, response spectra, and earthquake analysis of linear systems are discussed. Worked examples in Mathematica and Matlab are given.
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