The repair of deteriorated, damaged and substandard civil infrastructures has become one of the most important issues for the civil engineer worldwide. This book discusses the use of externally bonded fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites to strengthen, rehabilitate and retrofit civil engineering structures, covering such aspects as material behavior, structural design and quality assurance.
The first three chapters of the book review structurally deficient civil engineering infrastructure, including concrete, metallic, masonry, and timber structures. FRP composites used in rehabilitation and surface preparation of the component materials are also reviewed. The next four chapters deal with the design of FRP systems for the flexural and shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams and the strengthening of RC columns. The following two chapters examine the strengthening of metallic and masonry structures with FRP composites. The last four chapters of the book are devoted to practical considerations in the flexural strengthening of beams with unstressed and prestressed FRP plates, durability of externally bonded FRP composite systems, quality assurance and control, maintenance, repair, and case studies.
With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Strengthening and rehabilitation of civil infrastructures using fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites will be a valuable reference guide for engineers, scientists and technical personnel in civil and structural engineering working on the rehabilitation and strengthening of the civil infrastructure.
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Product Description
This book provides theoretical and experimental investigations on vessels under external pressure together with design hints. Highly beneficial to naval architects, ocean engineers, pressure vessel designers and aeronautical engineers and post graduates. Illustrated with 180 diagrams and 120 references.
Key Features: presents an overview of the types of vessels under external pressure and materials used for construction; assesses axisymmetric deformation and different types of instability covering vibration of pressure vessel shells; explores novel pressure hulls, covering design, vibration and collapse concentrating on the design and non-linear analysis of submarine pressure hulls. About the Author Carl T. F. Ross is a Professor of Structural Dynamics at the University of Portsmouth.
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Welding and Joining of Magnesium Alloys (Woodhead Publishing in Materials) >> By L. Liu (Author, Editor)
Author: L. Liu (Author, Editor) | Size: 22.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd | Year: 28 Oct 2010 | pages: 409 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1845696921 ISBN-13: 978-1845696924
Product Description
This book covers all aspects of the welding and joining of magnesium alloys. The use of magnesium and its alloys is increasing due to their light weight and other properties. Part 1 covers welding metallurgy, preparation methods and welding materials as well as corrosion protection. Part 2 covers the various welding and other technologies that can be used for joining magnesium alloys.
Key Features: provides a detailed review of both established and new techniques for magnesium alloys welding and their characteristics, limitations and applications; both the weldability of magnesium alloys and weldability to other metals is assessed as well as the preparation required for welding featuring surface treatment; particular welding and joining technologies are explored in detail with particular chapters examining hybrid laser-arc welding, laser welding and resistance spot welding.
Contents: Part 1 General: Introduction to the welding and joining of magnesium; Welding metallurgy of magnesium alloys; Preparation for welding of magnesium alloys; Welding materials for magnesium alloys; Welding and joining of magnesium alloys to aluminium alloys; The joining of magnesium alloys to steel; Corrosion and protection of magnesium alloy welds. Part 2 Particular welding and joining techniques: Brazing and soldering of magnesium alloys; Mechanical joining of magnesium alloys; Adhesive bonding of magnesium alloys; Gas-tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of magnesium alloys; Metal inert gas welding (MIG) of magnesium alloys; Variable polarity plasma arc welding of magnesium alloys; Hybrid laser-arc welding of magnesium alloys; Activating flux tungsten inert gas (A-TIG) of magnesium alloys; Friction stir welding of magnesium alloys; Laser welding of magnesium alloys; Resistance spot welding of magnesium alloys; Electro-magnetic welding of Mg alloys.
About the Author Dr Liming Liu is a Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, China.
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Applied Metal Forming: Including FEM Analysis >> By Henry S. Valberg (Author)
Author: Henry S. Valberg | Size: 13.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition | Year: 31 Mar 2010 | pages: 477 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0521518237 ISBN-13: 978-0521518239
Product Description Applied Metal Forming: Including FEM Analysis describes metal forming theory and how experimental techniques can be used to study any metal forming operation with great accuracy. For each primary class of processes, such as forging, rolling, extrusion, wiredrawing, and sheet-metal forming, it explains how FEA (Finite Element Analysis) can be applied with great precision to characterize the forming condition and in this way optimize the processes. FEA has made it possible to build very realistic FEM-models of any metal forming process, including complex three-dimensional forming operations, in which complex products are shaped by complex dies. Thus, using FEA it is now possible to visualize any metal forming process and to study strain, stresses, and other forming conditions inside the parts being manufactured as they develop throughout the process.
Book Description
This book outlines metal forming theory and how experimental methods are utilized to understand how metal forming works. For each main process, such as forging, rolling, extrusion, wiredrawing, and sheet-metal forming, it demonstrates how FEA (Finite Element Analysis) can accurately characterize the forming condition and therefore optimize the processes.
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I am studying in Australia as a Civil Engineer, most programs I find, do not have the AS codes integrated into them. If there is any software that is able to design concrete and steel structures, that utilizes AS3600-2009 and AS4100-1998, please do let me know!
BS OHSAS 18001:2007 is the British standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) management systems. It outlines requirements for achieving a compliant OH&S system to manage both health and safety risks, improve performance and boost stakeholder confidence.
How does it work?
BS OHSAS 18001:2007 outlines what’s needed to achieve a compliant OH&S management system. The standard includes updated regulatory requirements for delegating responsibility, evaluating compliance, and investigating incidents. BS OHSAS 18001:2007 is also aligned with BS EN ISO 14001:2004 environmental management and BS EN ISO 9001:2008 quality management systems, helping you take an integrating approach to improving business performance. If you are new to BS OHSAS 18001, we recommend you also use OHSAS 18002:2008 for guidelines on implementation and achieving compliance.
Who should buy it?
Health and safety managers and auditors
Organizations that want to implement BS OHSAS 18001:2007
Organizations that still have BS OHSAS 18001:1999.
What’s new?
The BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard replaces the OHSAS 18001:1999 specification. The revised standard places greater emphasis on health as well as safety risks and is more easily aligned with BS EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS EN ISO 9001:2008.
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PD 6689:2009. Surface treatments. Guidance on the use of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273
Published Document (PD) 6689 gives guidance on the use of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273 in the United Kingdom. BS EN 12271 specifies the properties of surface dressing whilst BS EN 12273 specifies the properties of slurry surfacing and microsurfacing.
PD 6689 gives guidance on the performance requirements and control procedures for the installation of both surface treatments as products for the maintenance of roads and other trafficked areas.
PD 6689 does not apply to the following:
• Surface dressings designed by the purchaser; i.e. the recipe approach for which the contractor is instructed as to the rates of spread, chipping size, etc., and therefore is not responsible for performance requirements
• Surface treatments in tunnels where fire regulations apply
• Small areas under 500 m2 which are not contiguous, such as patch repair
• Airfield pavements covered by international regulations (e.g. International Civil Aviation Organization regulations).
BS EN 12271:2006 Surface dressing. Requirements
BS EN 12271 specifies a range of categories for properties of surface dressing to enable users to select appropriate limiting values for a wide range of uses within Europe.
The specifier needs to define BS EN 12271 categories for properties relevant to the particular end-use of the surface dressing. It does not cover surface dressing works carried out to the purchaser’s design, commonly called a recipe specification.
This type of specification can continue to be used, but purchasers are responsible for the performance of the surface dressing provided that the works have been executed correctly.
BS EN 12273:2008 Slurry surfacing. Requirements
BS EN 12273 specifies a range of categories for properties of slurry surfacing and microsurfacing to enable users to select appropriate limiting values for a wide range of uses within Europe.
Specifiers need to define BS EN 12273 categories for properties relevant to the particular end-use of the slurry surfacing and microsurfacing.
This version of PD 6689 replaces the 2006 version, which is withdrawn.
Contents of PD 6689:
0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Overview
5 Requirements of BS EN 12271 and BS EN 12273
6 Factory production control
7 Type approval installation trial (TAIT)
Annex A (informative) Examples of specification – surface dressing
Annex B (informative) Examples of specification – slurry surfacing and microsurfacing
List of figures
Figure A.1 – Surface dressing – example specifications
Figure B.1 – Slurry surfacing and microsurfacing – example specifications
List of tables
Table 1 – Traditional binder class names
Table 2 – Traffic categories
Table 3 – Surface dressing – tolerance and accuracy of rate of spread of binder and chippings
Table 4 – Surface dressing – categories for defects determined by visual assessment
Table 5 – Surface dressing – recommended minimum macrotexture levels at the end of the guarantee period
Table 6 – Slurry surfacing and microsurfacing – recommended minimum macrotexture levels
Table 7 – Slurry surfacing and microsurfacing – categories for defects determined by visual assessment
Table 8 – Surface dressing – frequencies of test for binder and chipping application
Table 9 – Slurry surfacing and microsurfacing – frequencies of testing – all road types
Table 10 – Surface dressing – example of family of TAITs
Table 11 – Slurry surfacing and microsurfacing – example of family of TAITs
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Requirements for composition, strength, physical and chemical properties of four strength classes.
Replaced By BS EN 197-1:2011
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