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Bitumens, Bituminous products, Coatings, Polymers, Waterproofing materials, Waterproof materials, Construction materials, Flexibility, Sheet materials, Bend testing, Cold-weather tests, Environmental testing
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BS EN 14695:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other trafficked areas of concrete. Definitions and characteristics
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This text represents the first ever attempt to include in book format a number of standard problems from structural mechanics. It is innovative in treating each problem by means of a single mathematical approach (the influence function method). The material in the book presumes that the reader's background is equally solid in undergraduate mathematics and mechanics. The book covers only a limited number of topics from the undergraduate/graduate course on structural mechanics and as such is intended as a supplementary, rather than a primary, text. It can also be used in other core courses in the mechanical/civil engineering curriculum, as well as in the applied or industrial mathematics curriculum. It can even be adapted as a graduate text for a course on computational mechanics, where a student could use a strong mathematical background in modelling and solving actual problems from mechanics. Engineers involved in the structural design industry will also find the book useful.
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We should like to state from the outset what this book is not. It is not a study of water resource systems or of methodologies for the planning, design, and:operation of such systems-topics that are treated in a vast body of excellent. books, papers, and reports which have appeared in recent years. Rather, the book addresses itself to an area in water resources technology that has received practically no attention in the literature: the description
and assessment of the pervasive role that computer systems have come to exert in this field, and are likely to exert in the future. While there are few practitioners or researchers in water resources today who have not used a computer in their work, and derived opinions, preferences, and a feeling for the possible directions of future evolution concerning computer systems, it is
fair to say that a systematic and comprehensive discussion of the subject has been lacking. Though this book does not provide such a comprehensive discussion, it does offer a state of the art overview of some of the principal considerations concerning computer systems that the decision-maker and practitioner in water resources can no longer afford to neglect. Since we
believe that an historical perspective is important, in several sections of the book we have provided brief sketches of the early use of computers in a number of water resource areas.
The germ of the book was a study carried out for the U.S. Office of Water Resources Research' , which was subsequently expanded, modified, and brought up to date. The study could not have been accomplished without the expertise of numerous persons. In addition to Robert Cheever who was a participant in the original study, numerous persons have contributed their expertise and advice. Personal communications with M. Abbott, E.
Altouney, P. Caruso, P. Combs, A. Cosper, N.H. Crawford, B. Doyle, A.J. Frederick, C. Furgeson, S. Lang, H.L. Longford, L. Manning, R. Myrick, J. Orlob, R.V. Thomann, and D.W. Webber, to name only a few, provided valuable direction and insight into the important, but often subtle problems encountered in the establishment of computer and programming policy.
Contributions by Sheri Gunther and Brandy Rommel (Editing), Vivian 1 Bugliarello, G. and Gunther, F.J., Computers and Water Resources, U.S. Office of Water Resources Research, 1973.
Cardwell (Administration), Myra Martin (Typing), and Edward Daniels (Drafting), in dealing with the practical aspects of generating this document cannot be fully acknowledged.
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