I've put this thread here since is not the type of request. More like advice.
I'm thinking of getting into the meshfree method, but I'm not sure from where to start. I could easily take one of the books that are in the forum and start with that but I'm looking for advice with what specifically to start, and from where. What book is the best for that? Is there any lecture notes?
Or maybe state-of-the-art paper.
Any advice is good, and I'm thankful for it.
Best regards
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Author: - | Size: 7.31 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT | Year: 2006 | pages: - | ISBN: -
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Urban subsurface resources and particularly urban groundwater are vulnerable to environmental impacts, and their rational management is of major importance. In this book a multidisciplinary team of specialists and scientists presents innovative process-oriented approaches to the sustainable use of these resources. The included case studies from northwestern Switzerland describe representative environments and are relevant for urban areas in general.
They illustrate the protection of groundwater; river restoration; engineering and hydrogeological questions related to urban infrastructure and management concepts; as well as monitoring, modeling and remediation strategies for contaminated sites; problems caused by karst in urban environments; the use of shallow geothermal energy; and natural hazards such as flood events and earthquakes. It is demonstrated that modern quantitative earth sciences can contribute significantly in finding solutions concerning the sustainable use of subsurface resources in urban environments. The book is an invaluable source of information for hydrogeologists, geologists, urban planners, water supply engineers, and environmental agencies.
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Driver Distraction: Theory, Effects, and Mitigation
Author: Kristie Young (Editor), John D. Lee (Editor), Michael A. Regan (Editor) | Size: 4.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: October 15, 2008 | pages: 672 | ISBN: 978-0849374265
It is estimated that up to 23 percent of crashes and near-crashes are caused by driver distraction, and these figures will likely increase as more and more distractions, both inside and outside the vehicle, compete for driver attention. Driver Distraction: Theory, Effects, and Mitigation gives a comprehensive overview of this issue, outlining the underlying theory of distraction, its effects on driving performance and safety, strategies for mitigating its effects, and directions for future research. It also brings together the wide array of literature on the topic into one, all-inclusive, volume.
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Author: A. H. Perry, L. J. Symons (Editor) | Size: 1.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Spon Pr | Year: October 1991 | pages: 216 | ISBN: 978-0442313807
Roads that are safe in all weathers are a prerequisite of modern society, and large amounts of money have to be spent, especially in winter, by highway authorities to make travel safe. Climatic factors like fog frequency have to be taken into account in planning the route that a road will follow. The operation and maintenance of the road network requires that weather information be taken into account if measures like preventative salting and top dressing are to be successfully carried out. Particularly in the field of winter maintenance of highways a range of new technology has recently become available that is revolutionising the work of the highway engineer. Ice detection systems, thermal mapping and weather radars are being introduced or considered by many authorities, in the UK, Europe and North America. There is intense interest in the performance, reliability and cost-benefits to be gained from employing the new technology. Meanwhile research shows that weather is often a contributary cause of many road accidents, and although motoring accidents in fog, often referred to in the media as "motorway madness", make the headlines, more commonplace events like heavy rain and ice exact a continuing toll of injuries. Highway Meteorology is a result of the increasing cooperation between meteorologists and highway engineers and brings together an overview of trends and developments.
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Masonry cement, Cements, Cement mortar, Mortars, Plasters, Plastering, Render, Wall coverings, Bricklaying, Definitions, Composition, Compositional tolerances, Physical properties of materials, Mechanical properties of materials, Chemical properties, Strength of materials, Grades (quality), Classification systems, Conformity, Durability
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