BS 1192 establishes the methodology for managing the production, distribution and quality of construction information, including that generated by CAD systems, using a disciplined process for collaboration and a specified naming policy. BS 1192 is applicable to all parties involved in the preparation and use of information throughout the design, construction, operation and deconstruction throughout the project lifecycle and the supply chain.
The principles for information sharing and common modelling are equally applicable to building and civil projects. BS 1192 is also a guide for developers of software applications to enable them to support its implementation through the provision of configuration files or application add-ons.
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The Complete Guide to Home Wiring
by: Editors Of Creative Publishing | size: 98.50 MB | ISBN 1589232135 | PDF
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1. Ambient vibration tests on a 19 – story asymmetric steel building
H. Shakib and N. Parsaeifard
2. Structural damage identification of plates based on modal data using 2D discrete wavelet transform
A. Bagheri, G. Ghodrati Amiri, M. Khorasani and H. Bakhshi
3. Incorporating uplift in the analysis of shallowly embedded pipelines
Yinghui Tian and Mark J. Cassidy
4. Investigation on electromagnetothermoelastic interaction of functionally graded piezoelectric hollow spheres
Hong-Liang Dai and Yan-Ni Rao
5. A simple mathematical model for static analysis of tall buildings with two outrigger-belt truss systems
Reza Rahgozar, Ali Reza Ahmadi, Omid Hosseini and Mohsen Malekinejad
6. Integrating OpenSees with other software - with application to coupling problems in civil engineering
Quan Gu and Ozgur Ozcelik
7. Experimental study on long-term behaviour of CFRP strengthened RC beams under sustained load
Ehsan Ahmed and Habibur Rahman Sobuz
8. Closed form solutions for element equilibrium and flexibility matrices of eight node rectangular plate bending element using integrated force method
H.R. Dhananjaya, P.C. Pandey, J. Nagabhushanamb and Ismail Othamon
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This book provides over 300 standard letters for architects and contract administrators to use at all stages of contract administration. The letters are grouped into sections which correspond with the RIBA Plan of Work: the aim is to cover all the common situations encountered in practice.
This Fourth Edition has been revised to take account of the extensive changes to virtually the whole of the JCT suite of building contracts. Unless otherwise stated, all letters are suitable for use with:
- JCT Standard Building Contract (SBC)
- JCT Intermediate Building Contract (IC)
- JCT Intermediate Building Contract with contractor's design (ICD)
- JCT Minor Works Building Contract (MW)
- JCT Minor Works Building Contract with contractor's design (MWD)
- JCT Design and Build Contract (DB)
- GC/Works/1 (1998) With Quantities Contract
The latest edition also takes account of the CDM Regulations 2007, the revised RIBA Code of Conduct and its associated guidance notes, and the RIBA standard agreements for the appointment of an architect issued in 2007.
Architects and contract administrators spend a great deal of time writing letters of various types. Many of them are routine and repetitive in character, but they require proper consideration if potentially dangerous liability situations are to be avoided. The book will be of use not only to architects and contract administrators but also to project managers and employers' agents.
"Organised in an extremely user-friendly manner … invaluable for contractors, building surveyors and project managers." (Building Engineer, October 2008)
Book Description
Much of an architect's work is concerned with letter writing and many letters have legal and contractural implications. This set of some 250 standard letters is based on the RIBA Plan of Work and is suitable for use with JCT 80, the Intermediate Form, the Minor Works Agreement, the JCT Design and Build Form and GC/Works/1. It is a companion to the author's other book, Standard Letters for Building Contractors. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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As a result of changes in the composition of the population, society changes continuously with respect to various factors including age-structure, family composition and the availability of energy. Changes lead to situations that are reflected in the commissioning of buildings, which is gradually shifted from new construction to the reuse and renovation of existing buildings. The adaptation of buildings often requires the modification of facades and the construction behind. The scope of this action within the COST Transport and Urban Development Domain is to improve techniques and methods for envelopes of buildings constructed during the last half of the 20th century in the COST countries. In other words it is directed on the building envelopes of the so-called non-traditional buildings. This publication is based on a support by COST, an intergovernmental European framework for international cooperation between nationally funded research activities. COST creates scientific networks and enables scientists to collaborate in a wide spectrum of activities in research and technology.
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Structural timber, Construction materials, Wood, Structures, Wood products, Fasteners, Formulae (mathematics), Mathematical calculations, Test specimens, Acceptance (approval), Mechanical behaviour of materials
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This book is FHWA's primary reference of recommended design and procurement procedures for shallow foundations. It presents state-of-the-practice guidance on the design of shallow foundation support of highway bridges. The information is intended to be practical in nature, and to especially encourage the cost-effective use of shallow foundations bearing on structural fills. To the greatest extent possible, the document coalesces the research, development and application of shallow foundation support for transportation structures over the last several decades. Detailed design examples are provided for shallow foundations in several bridge support applications according to both Service Load Design (Appendix B) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (Appendix C) methodologies. Guidance is also provided for shallow foundation applications for minor structures and buildings associated with transportation projects.
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: University Press of the Pacific (August 9, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1410225860
ISBN-13: 978-1410225863
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With the increasing number of underground work places, and several of these requiring access for persons and equipment, an opening of at least 1 metre, sometimes much larger is needed. With growing attention to safety at work (especially in the construction industry) it is important to have a rationalised approach to the design, testing and user safety of this type of product.
These items are large versions of ‘manhole covers’, which are lifted by machinery (which can be integral or brought to site and used to do the lifting). They provide access for equipment as well as personnel, and can be set into surfaces used by pedestrians and vehicles.
BS 9124 specifies requirements for access cover systems manufactured from steel or aluminium and with a clear opening greater than 1 m for installations within areas subject to pedestrian and/or slow moving vehicular traffic, for use as covers over chambers and ducts.
BS 9124 provide as basis for consistent quality, user safety, customer satisfaction and manufacturer discipline, in a highly fragmented market.
BS 9124 establishes definitions, materials, design, structural performance, technical documentation, installation and operating guidance notes, warning notes, testing requirements, verification and marking of such access cover systems.
Who should use BS 9124?
Consulting engineers
Building consultants
Water companies
Local authorities
Petroleum industry
Gas industry
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