Posted by: ir_71 - 12-04-2011, 07:13 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friends and colleagues,
a lot of standards for waterproofing products was issued during past two years:
1. BS EN 14695:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other trafficked areas of concrete - Definitions and characteristics
2. BS EN 15812:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Determination of crack bridging ability
3. BS EN 15813:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Determination of flexibility at low temperatures
4. BS EN 15815:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Resistance to compression
5. BS EN 15816:2011 Polymer-modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Resistance to rain
6. BS EN 15817:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Water resistance
7. BS EN 15818:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Determination of dimensional stability at high temperature
8. BS EN 15819:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Reduction of the thickness of the layer when fully dried
9. BS EN 15820:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Determination of watertightness
10. BS EN 15976:2011 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of emissivity
11. BS EN 16002:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of the resistance to wind load of mechanically fastened flexible sheets for roof waterproofing
It will be very useful for me and my students if someone of you can share some of these standards.
Product Description
This text provides an introduction to the theory and practice of designing modern highway bridge superstructures. Beginning with the history of bridges, it describes various types of bridge superstructures, materials of construction, bridge loadings, and analysis techniques for various types.
Book Info
Emphasis has been placed on the practical aspects of design, rather than on design theory. Covers the topic of bridge design in conformance with the 55th editions of AASHTO Specifications for Highway Bridges, 1992 and the 1993 AASHTO Interim Specifications. DLC: Bridges - Design
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Clear Glass: Creating New Perspectives >> By Van Chris Uffelen (Author)
Author: Van Chris Uffelen | Size: 255.01 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Braun Publishing AG | Year: November 1, 2008 | pages: 256 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 3037680032 ISBN-13: 978-3037680032
Glass stands for openness and transparency. In contemporary glass architecture these associations are utilized in a subtle and highly intentional way. Some buildings appear low-key and reduced to express elegance and seriousness, other provide deep insights to set a stage for profiling and a vivid exchange between inside and outside. In either case innovative glass buildings generate unexpected perspectives, individual communication channels and a temporary feeling of freedom in an actually closed spatiality. In this title about 60 projects from all around the world will be presented with texts, photos as well as sketches and drawings.
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Hi my dera friends,
I found no way to access this paper
I'll really appreciate it, if any body can help me by sharing this paper
Wilson, H K STOWE, R L
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Dear member, who have this course, please share. It must be very helpful.
Author(s) / Developer: S. K. Ghosh and Susan Dowty
Description: This one-day seminar was presented by Dr. S. K. Ghosh and Susan Dowty, S.E., in Southern California in July, 2009, and was professionally recorded at the site. The seminar addresses the top 10 misunderstood structural provisions in ASCE 7-05 and related IBC structural provisions. The following ten topics are discussed, including a presentation of answers to questions that we have received on the
application of related provisions:
1. Redundancy Factor
2. Drift Determination and Building Separation
3. Minimum Seismic Design Base Shear
4. Live Load Reduction
5. Seismic Analysis Procedure Selection
6. Enclosure Classification for Wind Design
7. Special Seismic Load Combinations
8. R, Cd and Overstrength Factor Values for Horizontal and Vertical Combinations
9. Seismic and Wind Design of Parapets
10. Torsion, Torsional Irregularity and Direction of Seismic Loading
Total Duration: 6 hrs
PDH Earned: 6
For more information
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During our last update in forum, unfortunately we missed some user information. "User Avatars" and "user awards" are missing information.
I`m very sorry for this issue.
we can restore these data from our backup but it needs to be closed site and also need we accept high risk to destroy other information.
I think it is better to not restore data.
I request you to re-upload or re-select your avatar, and if you have not your avatar post here and I`ll give your avatar from our backup.
and about awards, we try to give old medals users.
I`m very sorry for this issue.
please reupload your avatar again and if need post here to give you, your old avatar. also I request you, do not use tinypic or imagehack for uploading your avatars.
The use of fibrous materials in civil engineering, both as structural reinforcement and in non-structural applications such as geotextiles, is an important and interesting development. Fibrous and composite materials for civil engineering applications analyzes the types and properties of fibrous textile and structures and their applications in reinforcement and civil engineering.
Part 1 introduces different types of fibrous textiles and structures. Chapters cover the properties of natural and man-made fibers and of yarns, as well as an overview of textile structures. Part 2 focuses on fibrous material use in concrete reinforcement, with chapters on the properties and applications of steel fiber reinforced concrete, natural fiber reinforced concrete and the role of fiber reinforcement in mitigating shrinkage cracks. In part 3, the applications of fibrous material-based composites in civil engineering are covered. Chapters concentrate on production techniques and applications such as reinforcement of internal structures, structural health monitoring and textile materials in architectural membranes.
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Environmental Science Experiments introduces students to the challenges in balancing the use of resources with maintaining a healthy environment. The experiments in this title encourage students to increase their awareness of the environment, the impact of environmental change, and how Earth's residents can stop or slow the destruction of habitats. From experiments about acid rain and oil spills to studying a freshwater habitat and investigating alternative fuels, the experiments in this book will serve as inspiration for students to pursue an education in a related field.
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Plastic load bearing capacity of multispan composite highway bridges with longitudinally stiffened webs
Harald Unterweger, Andreas Lechner and Richard Greiner
Abstract; Full Text (1167K)
Parameters influencing seismic response of horizontally curved, steel, I-girder bridges
Daniel G. Linzell and Venkata P. Nadakuditi
Abstract; Full Text (2777K)
Experimental and numerical studies on concrete encased embossments of steel strips under shear action for composite slabs with profiled steel decking
Noémi Seres, László Dunai
Abstract; Full Text (1747K)
Forced vibration of an embedded single-walled carbon nanotube traversed by a moving load using nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory
Mesut Simsek
Abstract; Full Text (726K)
Experimental evaluation on the seismic performance of steel knee braced frame structures with energy dissipation mechanism
H.-L. Hsu, J.-L. Juang and C.-H. Chou
Abstract; Full Text (1224K)
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