Understanding and recognising failure mechanisms in concrete is a fundamental pre-requisite to determining the type of repair, or whether a repair is feasible. This title provides a review of concrete deterioration and damage, as well as looking at the problem of defects in concrete. It also discusses condition assessment and repair techniques. Part one discusses failure mechanisms in concrete and covers topics such as causes and mechanisms of deterioration in reinforced concrete, types of damage in concrete structures, types and causes of cracking and condition assessment of concrete structures. Part two reviews the repair of concrete structures with coverage of themes such as standards and guidelines for repairing concrete structures, methods of crack repair, repair materials, bonded concrete overlays, repairing and retrofitting concrete structures with fiber-reinforced polymers, patching deteriorated concrete structures and durability of repaired concrete. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Failure and repair of concrete structures is a standard reference for civil engineers, architects and anyone working in the construction sector, as well as those concerned with ensuring the safety of concrete structures.
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Author: Conrad P. Heins | Size: 11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc | Year: 1979 | pages: 476 | ISBN: 0471042633
Product Description
Provides complete, integrated coverage of structural analysis and design of conventional and modern bridges, with appropriate specifications and design examples. Also examines bridge history and development, materials, and loads. Demonstrates design procedures and development, the organization of design computations, and the interpretation of AASHTO design specifications. Includes discussions of substructures, bridge piers, abutments, and bridge rating and repair.
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Posted by: medo_sk - 12-05-2011, 08:27 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Hi Civileans,
I need the following paper:
Tomazevic M, Gams M, Lu S (2009) Modelling of shear failure mechanism of masonry walls. 11th Canadian Masonry Symposium. CD-ROM. McMaster University, Canada Masonry Design Centre, Toronto: Paper A1-5.
Takahashi T, Takeuchi T, Sassa K. ISRM suggested methods for borehole geophysics in rock engineering. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2006;43:337–68.
Karacan CO¨ . Reservoir rock properties of coal measure strata of the Lower Monongahela Group, Greene County (Southwestern Pennsylvania), from methane control and production perspectives. Int J Coal Geol 2009;78:47–64.
Grima MA. Neuro-fuzzy modeling in engineering geology. Rotterdam: Balkema; 2000.
Feddock J, Waters P. Padgett, P. Unrug, K. and Popp J. (2003). Determination of Rock Strength Properties Using Geophysical and Ultrasonic Logging in Exploration Drillholes. Proceedings of the 22nd International Ground Control in Mining Conference, Morgantown, WV, pp 157 - 161.
McNally, G.H. (1987). Geotechnical Applications and Interpretation of Downhole Geophysical Logs. ACIRL Coal Research Report 87-7, November, p.62. ISBN 0 86772 329 7
McNally, G.H. (1990). The Prediction of Geotechnical Rock Properties from Sonic and Neutron Logs. Exploration Geophysics 21:65-71.
The construction industry is an information-intensive sector and low levels of productivity are often blamed on inadequate integration of information. This book shows how the different types and sources of information can be integrated to benefit individual construction projects, construction companies and in the construction industry at world-wide level.
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BS EN 16002:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of the resistance to wind load of mechanically fastened flexible sheets for roof waterproofin
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Bitumens, Bituminous products, Coatings, Polymers, Waterproofing materials, Sealing materials, Construction materials, Watertightness tests, Leak tests, Test equipment
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This book will help architects and engineers to understand and deal with the continuous damage of heavy structures. It includes a recognition of signs of the phenomenon, proposed predictive models, and guidelines for the on-site investigation, monitoring and repair of the damaged structures.
The book examines a number of well known cases: the collapse of the Civic Tower of Pavia (March 17 1989); the collapse of the St. Marco bell-tower in Venice (1902), the collapse of the Sancta Maria Magdalena bell-tower in Dusseldorf (1992); damage to the bell-tower of the Monza Cathedral; damage to the Torrazzo in Cremona; the collapse of the Noto Cathedral (1996).
The book describes ongoing experimental research, begun in 1989, designed to examine the phenomenon. After a careful interpretation of the experimental results, also based on experience from rock mechanics and concrete, modelling of the phenomenon for massive structures as creep behaviour of masonry was implemented.
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