This comprehensive book on the use of microscopy for cement production contains the latest information on preparation of samples, stains and etches, Ono's method, and microscopical interpretation of clinker and raw materials.
Improving quality control, maximizing production, and optimizing clinker processing are just a few of the many uses readers will find for this book. A major feature in this second edition is a chapter on raw materials analysis.Explains how to take and store samples and how to prepare polished sections, thin sections and particle mounts. For stains and etches, lists reagent solutions, reaction type (stain or structural etch), time required, recommended temperature, and concentration.
Discusses and illustrates microscopic characteristics of alite, belite, tricalcium aluminate, ferrite, free lime, periclase, alkali sulfates, and miscellaneous phases, then covers clinker interpretation and misinterpretation. History, explanation, and practice of Ono method for using transmitted, polarized light microscopy in kiln control and cement quality control.
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Author: James H. Allen III, PE, PhD | Size: 4.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: For Dummies | Year: 2010 | pages: 388 | ISBN: 0470598948
Statics For Dummies gives you easy-to-follow, plain-English explanations for everything you need to grasp the study of statics. You'll get a thorough introduction to this foundational branch of engineering and easy-to-follow coverage of solving problems involving forces on bodies at rest; vector algebra; force systems; equivalent force systems; distributed forces; internal forces; principles of equilibrium; applications to trusses, frames, and beams; and friction.
Offers a comprehensible introduction to statics
Covers all the major topics you'll encounter in university-level courses
Plain-English guidance help you grasp even the most confusing concepts
If you're currently enrolled in a statics course and looking for a friendlier way to get a handle on the subject, Statics For Dummies has you covered.
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The experience developed by Ian McHarg represents the first attempt to base environmental planning on more objective methods. In particular, he supposed that the real world can be considered as a layer cake and each layer represents a sectoral analysis. This metaphor represents the fundamental of overlay mapping. At the beginning, these principles have been applied only by hand, just considering the degree of darkness, produced by layer transparency, as a negative impact. In the following years, this craftmade approach, has been adopted for data organization in Geographical Information Systems producing analyses with a high level of quality and rigour. Nowadays, great part of studies in environmental planning field have been developed using GIS. The next step relative to the simple use of geographic information in supporting environmental planning is the adoption of spatial simulation models, which can predict the evolution of phenomena. As the use of spatial information has definitely improved the quality of data sets on which basing decision-making process, the use of Geostatistics, spatial simulation and, more generally, geocomputation methods allows the possibility of basing the decision-making process on predicted future scenarios. It is very strange that a discipline such as planning which programs the territory for the future years in great part of cases is not based on simulation models. Sectoral analyses, often based on surveys, are not enough to highlight dynamics of an area. Better knowing urban and environmental changes occurred in the past, it is possible to provide better simulations to predict possible tendencies. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the main methods and techniques adopted in the field of environmental geocomputation in order to produce a more sustainable development.
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Many concrete structures and elements of concrete infrastructure have exceeded their original design lives and are deteriorating to an extent where they are becoming dangerous. The deterioration can be internal or not obvious and therefore only shows up with detailed testing. Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 1: Deterioration processes and standard test methods reviews the processes of deterioration and classical and standard test methods. Part one discusses deterioration of reinforced concrete and testing problems with chapters on topics such as key issues in the non-destructive testing of concrete structures, when to use non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures, deterioration processes in reinforced concrete, modelling ageing and corrosion processes in reinforced concrete structures, components in concrete and their impact on quality, and predicting the service life of reinforced concrete structures. Part two reviews classical and standard testing methods including microscopic examination of deteriorated concrete, the analysis of solid components and their ratios in reinforced concrete structures, the determination of chlorides in concrete structures, and investigating the original water content of reinforced concrete structures. With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 1: Deterioration processes and standard test methods will be a standard reference for civil and structural engineers as well as those concerned with making decisions regarding the safety of reinforced concrete structures.
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Hybrid laser-arc welding (HLAW) is a combination of laser welding with arc welding. It overcomes some of the shortfalls of both processes. Hybrid laser-arc welding combines deep weld penetration of laser welding with good gap tolerance of gas metal arc welding (GMAW). HLAW can also enhance the metallurgical stability of a finished component, giving welds that are stronger and less brittle. This important book provides a comprehensive account of hybrid laser-arc welding including technological aspects, hybrid welding of metals, applications and future trends.
Key Features: reviews arc and laser welding including both advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid laser-arc approach; explores the characteristics of the process including the properties of joints produced by hybrid laser-arc welding and ways of assessing weld quality; examines applications of the process including magnesium alloys, aluminium and steel with specific focus on applications in the shipbuilding and automotive industries.
Contents: Part 1 Characteristics of hybrid laser-arc welding: Advantages and disadvantages of arc and laser welding; Fundamentals of hybrid laser-arc welding; Heat sources of hybrid laser-arc welding processes; Effect of shielding gas on hybrid laser-arc welding; Properties of joints produced by hybrid laser-arc welding; Quality control and assessing weld quality in hybrid laser-arc welding. Part 2 Applications of hybrid laser-arc welding: Hybrid welding of magnesium alloys; Shipbuilding applications of hybrid laser-arc welding; Industrial robotic application of laser-GMAW and laser-Tandem hybrid welding; Hybrid laser-arc welding of aluminium; Hybrid laser-arc welding of dissimilar metals. Part 3 Hybrid laser-arc welding of steel: Hybrid laser-arc welding of steel.
2.About the Author
Professor Flemming Ove Olsen works in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management at the Technical University of Denmark. He is internationally known for his research in the field of hybrid laser-arc welding.
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Can any one guide us to download this book:
"Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice", Rajib B. Mallick (Author), Tahar El-Korchi (Author).
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Tensile strength, fatigue strength and ductility are important properties of nanostructured metallic materials, which make them suitable for use in applications where strength or strength-to-weight ratios are important. Nanostructured metals and alloys reviews the latest technologies used for production of these materials, as well as recent advances in research into their structure and mechanical properties.
One of the most important issues facing nanostructured metals and alloys is how to produce them. Part 1 describes the different methods used to process bulk nanostructured metals and alloys, including chapters on severe plastic deformation, mechanical alloying and electrodeposition among others. Part 2 concentrates on the microstructure and properties of nanostructured metals, with chapters studying deformation structures such as twins, microstructure of ferrous alloys by equal channel angular processing, and characteristic structures of nanostructured metals prepared by plastic deformation. In part 3, the mechanical properties of nanostructured metals and alloys are discussed, with chapters on such topics as strengthening mechanisms, nanostructured metals based on molecular dynamics computer simulations, and surface deformation. Part 4 focuses on existing and developing applications of nanostructured metals and alloys, covering topics such as nanostructured steel for automotives, steel sheet and nanostructured coatings by spraying.
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Materials for Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Buildings (Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy) >> By M. Hall (Editor)
Author: M. Hall (Editor) | Size: 15.61 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition | Year: May 27, 2010 | pages: 755 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1439829705 ISBN-13: 978-1439829707
A review of advanced materials and sustainable technologies for applicable for improving the building environment, this book examines fundamental building physics and occupant comfort, from heat and mass transport, hygrothermal behavior, and ventilation, on the thermal comfort and health and safety requirements. It details the development of advanced materials and sustainable technologies and covers modern methods of construction, roofing design and technology, and benchmarking of façades for optimized building thermal performance. The book also covers the use of advanced materials, design, and technologies on a range of existing and new building types.
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This Second Edition of Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies covers basic concepts and important methodologies. It details the prediction and assessment of impacts on soil and groundwater management, surface water management, biological environment, air environment, the impact of noise on the environment, and of socio-economic and human health impacts. This new edition contains an additional chapter on environmental risk assessment and risk management, a chapter on the application of remote sensing and GIS in EIA and a chapter with EIA case studies. Written clearly and concisely, it presents the fundamentals of EIA and how to apply these in practice. This volume is intended for a global audience of advanced students and practitioners in environmental management and planning.
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