BS 6173:2009 Specification for installation and maintenance of gas-fired catering appliances for use in all types of catering establishments (2nd and 3rd family gases)
BS 6173:2009 Specification for installation and maintenance of gas-fired catering appliances for use in all types of catering establishments (2nd and 3rd family gases)
BS 6173 is a key standard for all gas installers.
BS 6173 specifies requirements for the installation, servicing and maintenance of new and previously-used gas-fired catering appliances used in catering establishments, burning 2nd or 3rd family gases.
The main changes to the standard include updates to installation practice and legislation.
BS 6173 does not apply to LPG catering installations where appliances are sited temporarily in the open air, marquees or tents, or to LPG installations in mobile catering vehicles.
BS 6173 does apply to the installation of typical domestic cookers or leisure appliances such as barbecues when installed in commercial catering sites or establishments. It is not intended to apply to primarily domestic premises, e.g. those supplying a small number of clients on a “bed and breakfast” basis. However, the general rules for hygiene and personal safety should be applied. It covers a wide range of appliances, such as cookers, fish and chip frying ranges, fryers, ovens, café boilers and urns, bain-marie units, tandoori ovens, kebab grills and barbecues.
BS 6173:2009 replaces BS 6173:2001, which is now withdrawn.
Contents of BS 6173:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Consultation and design of the installation
5 Competence
6 Pre-installation checks
7 Installation of gas appliances and associated services
8 Final gas appliance connections
9 Electrical connections
10 Water connections and drainage
11 Ventilation
12 Safety precautions
13 Commissioning
14 Maintenance of gas-fired appliances
List of figures
Figure 1 – Guidance on installation of flexible connection
List of tables
Table 1 – Registration and approval bodies by country/territory
Table 2 – Competence requirements by country/territory
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Buildings, Water supply and waste systems (building, Water supply (buildings), Potable water, Pipes, Pipelines, Water, Cold-water supply systems, Hot-water supply systems, Installation, Pipework systems, Pipe fittings, Copper, Steels, Stainless steels, Plastics, Flushing cisterns, Water storage cisterns, Valves, Commissioning, Thermal expansion, Fixing, Spaced, Pipe couplings
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Posted by: hessi - 12-11-2011, 05:49 AM - Forum: ASTM
- No Replies
I got it myself!!!
ASTM C494 / C494M - 11 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
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BS EN 12190:1999 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures Ð Test methods - Determination of compressive strength of repair mortar
This European Standard specifies a method for determining the compressive strength of mortars and concretes for structural and non-structural repair, as defined in EN 1504-1.
The method applies to all types of repair mortar and concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 8 mm. It distinguishes between mortar with hydraulic and polymer binders. Hereafter, the term mortar refers to both mortars and concretes.
NOTE For repair mortars and concretes with aggregate in excess of 8 mm in size, conventional concrete test methods according to prEN 206 are used.
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BS EN 13581:2002 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures — Test methods — Determination of loss of mass of hydrophobic impregnated concrete after freeze-thaw salt stress
This European Standard is one of a series dealing with products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. It specifies a method for determining the loss of mass after freeze-thaw salt stress in sodium chloride solution. It can be used to test the resistance of hydrophobic impregnated concrete as well as the untreated concrete. There are two types of concrete deterioration when a freeze-thaw attack occurs: surface scaling and internal damage.
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Service life estimation and extension of civil engineering structures
Author: Edited by V M Karbhari, L S Lee | Size: 5.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: December 2010 | pages: 312 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 398 1 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 398 5
- a single source of information on the service life of reinforced concrete and fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) rehabilitated structures
- examines degradation mechanisms in composites for rehabilitation considering uncertainties in FRP reliability
- provides an overview of probabilistic methods for rehabilitation and service life estimation of corroded structures
Service life estimation is an area of growing importance in civil engineering both for determining the remaining service life of civil engineering structures and for designing new structural systems with well-defined periods of functionality. Service life estimation and extension of civil engineering structures provides valuable information on the development and use of newer and more durable materials and methods of construction, as well as the development and use of new techniques of estimating service life.
Part one discusses using fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites to extend the service-life of civil engineering structures. It considers the key issues in the use of FRP composites, examines the possibility of extending the service life of structurally deficient and deteriorating concrete structures and investigates the uncertainties of using FRP composites in the rehabilitation of civil engineering structures. Part two discusses estimating the service life of civil engineering structures including modelling service life and maintenance strategies and probabilistic methods for service life estimation. It goes on to investigate non-destructive evaluation and testing (NDE/NDT) as well as databases and knowledge-based systems for service life estimation of rehabilitated civil structures and pipelines.
With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors Service life estimation and extension of civil engineering structures is an invaluable resource to academics, civil engineers, construction companies, infrastructure providers and all those with an interest in improving the service life, safety and reliability of civil engineering structures.
About the editors
Professor Vistasp M. Karbhari is the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA, where he is also a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is widely regarded for his research expertise on infrastructure renewal and multi-threat mitigation (including blast), durability and damage-tolerance, processing of composites, sustainability, damage prognosis, and structural health monitoring.
Professor Luke S. Lee is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of the Pacific, USA. He is well-known for his research on the rehabilitation of civil infrastructure using composite materials, structural health monitoring and service life estimation.
- Key issues in the use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the rehabilitation and retrofitting of concrete structures L C Hollaway, University of Surrey, UK
- Using fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites to extend the service life of corroded concrete structures K Soudki, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Areas of uncertainty in the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the rehabilitation of civil engineering structures R A Atadero, Colorado State University, USA
- Rehabilitation and service life estimation of bridge superstructures L S Lee, University of the Pacific, USA
- Service life, reliability and maintenance of civil structures D M Frangopol and S Kim, Lehigh University, USA
- Probabilistic methods for service life estimation of civil engineering structures R Melchers, The University of Newcastle, UK
- Non-destructive evaluation and testing (NDE/NDT) of civil structures rehabilitated using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites Y Dong, University of Alaska Fairbanks and F Ansari, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Structural health monitoring and field validation of civil engineering structures C Sikorsky, California Department of Transportation and V M Karbhari, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
- Databases and knowledge-based systems for service-life estimation of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) rehabilitated civil engineering structures V M Karbhari, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
- Pipeline rehabilitation systems for service-life extension M Najafi, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
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Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
3rd Edition
Author: Sheldon M. Ross | Size: 2.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Academic Press | Year: July 20, 2004 | pages: 640 | ISBN: 0125980574, ISBN-13: 978-0125980579
This updated classic provides a superior introduction to applied probability and statistics for engineering or science majors. Author Sheldon Ross shows how probability yields insight into statistical problems, resulting in an intuitive understanding of the statistical procedures most often used by practicing engineers and scientists. Real data sets are incorporated in a wide variety of exercises and examples, and the enclosed CD-ROM includes software that automates the required computations.
The Third Edition includes new exercises, examples, and applications, updated statistical material, and more.
New in this edition:
* New exercises and data examples including:
- The One-sided Chebyshev Inequality for Data
- The Logistics Distribution and Logistic Regression
- Estimation and Testing in proofreader problems
- Product Form Estimates of Life Distributions
- Observational Studies
* Updated statistical material
* New, contemporary applications
Hallmark features:
* Reflects Sheldon Ross's masterfully clear exposition
* Contains numerous examples, exercises, and homework problems
* Unique, easy-to-use software automates required computations
* Applies probability theory to everyday statistical problems and situations
* Careful development of probability, modeling, and statistical procedures leads to intuitive understanding
CD Rom Not included in this download!
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Author: Simon Robinson, Ross Dixon, Christopher Preece, Krisen Moodley | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: A Butterworth-Heinemann Title | Year: 30 Jan 2007 | pages: 259 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0750667419 ISBN-13: 978-0750667418
Product Description
Engineering, as a profession and business, is at the sharp end of the ethical practice. Far from being a bolt on extra to the 'real work' of the engineer it is at the heart of how he or she relates to the many different stakeholders in the engineering project.
Engineering, Business and Professional Ethics highlights the ethical dimension of engineering and shows how values and responsibility relate to everyday practice. Looking at the underlying value systems that inform practical thinking the book offers a framework for ethical decision-making.
Covering global corporate responsibility to the increasing concern for the environment within the engineering business, the book offers ways in which value conflict can be handled. Integrating practice, value and diversity the book helps to prepare the engineer for the ethical challenges of the 21st century.
This book is essential reading for all students on courses accredited by the Engineering Council e.g. Civil, Chemical, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering who need to be aware of ethics. Also of interest to practicing engineers and professionals such as Sustainability Managers and Community Workers involved in engineering projects.
The authors have worked together in the area of engineering, professional and business ethics for many years and are all members of the National Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of Leeds.
* Integrates ethical considerations into everyday decision-making
* Shows how to review and overcome professional ethical problems
* Practical case studies and examples throughout
About the Author
By Simon Robinson, School of Applied Global Ethics, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK; Ross Dixon, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK; Christopher Preece, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK; and Krisen Moodley, University of Leeds, UK
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Developments in the formulation and reinforcement of concrete
Author: Edited by S Mindess, University of British Columbia, Canada | Size: 24.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: June 2008 | pages: 309 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 263 2 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 263 6
- summarises a wealth of recent research on improving qualities such as sustainability and durability
- discusses new concrete types together with their characteristics and applications
- reviews the development of concrete especially suited to particular conditions such as hot weather and under water
- written by a distinguised editor and team of international contributors
Concrete is the most widely-used construction material in the world. This important book summarises the wealth of recent research on improving qualities such as durability and sustainability as well as the emergence of a new generation of specialist concretes for particular applications.
A number of chapters discuss new types of concrete such as autoclaved aerated concrete, high-strength concrete, sprayed concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete, lightweight concrete, self-compacting concrete, foamed and polymer concrete, together with their characteristics and applications. Other chapters review the development of concrete especially suited for particular conditions such as radiation protection, hot weather and underwater conditions, as well as the increasingly important area of recycling.
With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Developments in the formulation and reinforcement of concrete is a standard reference for civil and structural engineers.
About the editor
Dr Sidney Mindess is Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He has an international reputation for his research on concrete.
Autoclaved aerated concrete - R Klingner, University of Texas, USA
High density and radiation-shielding concrete - P Lessing, Idaho National Laboratory, USA
High strength concrete - O Gjørv, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Sprayed concrete (Shotcrete) - N Banthia, University of British Columbia, Canada
Hot weather concreting - C Ishee, Florida Department of Transportation, USA
Underwater concrete - A Al-Tamimi, College of Engineering American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Fibrous concrete reinforcement - S Mindess, University of British Columbia, Canada
Lightweight concrete - T W Bremner, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Self compacting concrete (SCC) - M Geiker, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Recycled materials in concrete - C Meyer, Columbia University, Canada
Formed concrete - V Bindiganavile and M Hoseini, University of Alberta, Canada
Polymer concrete - Y Ohama, Nihon University, Japan
Future developments in concrete - L Czarnecki, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, W Kurdowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland and S Mindess, University of British Columbia, Canada
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A complete introduction to the multidisciplinary applications of mathematical methods
In order to work with varying levels of engineering and physics research, it is important to have a firm understanding of key mathematical concepts such as advanced calculus, differential equations, complex analysis, and introductory mathematical physics. Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering provides a comprehensive introduction to these methods under one cover, outlining basic mathematical skills while also encouraging students and practitioners to develop new, interdisciplinary approaches to their research.
The book begins with core topics from various branches of mathematics such as limits, integrals, and inverse functions. Subsequent chapters delve into the analytical tools that are commonly used in scientific and engineering studies, including vector analysis, generalized coordinates, determinants and matrices, linear algebra, complex numbers, complex analysis, and Fourier series. The author provides an extensive chapter on probability theory with applications to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics that complements the following chapter on information theory, which contains coverage of Shannon's theory, decision theory, game theory, and quantum information theory. A comprehensive list of references facilitates further exploration of these topics.
Throughout the book, numerous examples and exercises reinforce the presented concepts and techniques. In addition, the book is in a modular format, so each chapter covers its subject thoroughly and can be read independently. This structure affords flexibility for individualizing courses and teaching.
Providing a solid foundation and overview of the various mathematical methods and applications in multidisciplinary research, Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering is an excellent text for courses in physics, science, mathematics, and engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a useful reference for scientists and engineers who would like a practical review of mathematical methods.
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