The video game industry is unique in that it regularly incorporates every major discipline of computer science. From 3D graphics and artificial intelligence to operating system theory and database design, if you are
designing a commercial video game, you will eventually run into problems from each of these fields. Some of these fields mean working with specialized languages, but ultimately the two languages that are as common to the game industry as crunch time, caffeinated beverages, and pizza are C and C++. Despite a few commercial games written in Java (which is very similar to C++), almost every game that you play is written in either C or C++. It doesn’t matter whether the game runs on a PC, a game console, or even an arcade machine, chances are that C or C++ routines are at its heart. Even in cases when performance dictates that a routine needs to be written in assembly language to squeeze out more speed, it is common practice to first write the routine in C or C++.
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Titles in the Objekt series explore a range of types – buildings, products, artefacts – that have captured the imagination of modernist designers, makers and theorists. The objects selected for the series are by no means all modern inventions, but they have in common the fact that they acquired a particular significance in the last 100 years.
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BS 8887 Series - Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE)
Size: Total 5.4 MB | Format:PDF | ISBN: -varies-
BS 8887-240:2011
Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE). Reconditioning
BS 8887-220:2010
Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE). The process of remanufacture. Specification
BS 8887-2:2009
Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE). Terms and definitions
BS 8887-1:2006
Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE). General concepts, process and requirements
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BS 644 specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of fully finished and glazed factory-assembled timber windows of various types.
It applies to windows that have been treated with either opaque, non-opaque finishes, or that are designed to support an externally fixed covering of another material, and that have been factory-glazed. It does not apply to windows supplied as kits for site assembly.
BS 644 applies to windows fabricated into frames in a factory, to be installed vertically (±15°) into the external face of buildings, as single or multi-light units, in coupled assemblies when appropriate, of the following types:
a) Hinged: side-hung (open in or out), top-hung (open out), bottom hung (open in), tilt and turn or turn before tilt
b) Projecting: side-hung (open in or open out) and top-hung (open out)
c) Pivoted: horizontal and vertical (hung centrally or off-centre)
d) Sliding: horizontal and vertical
e) Side-hung and top-hung (open out) fully reversible
f) Fixed light
g) Direct glazed frames.
BS 644 should be used for assemblies in which any frame member is not longer than 3 m. It does not apply to curtain walls that span across horizontal structural members of floors but does apply to windows within a curtain walling system. It is also applicable to assemblies up to the factory gate.
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BS EN ISO 18279:2003 details a classification of imperfections that can occur in brazing joints; guidance on quality levels; and suggested limits for imperfections. BS EN ISO 18279:2003 covers only imperfections that can occur in connection with brazing without the effect of any additional service loads. Only the type, shape and position of such imperfections are covered; no indication is given of the conditions of occurrence or causes.
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Solders, Joining materials, Chemical composition, Shape, Marking, Tin alloys, Lead-containing alloys, Antimony-containing alloys, Bismuth-containing alloys, Cadmium-containing alloys, Copper-containing alloys, Silver-containing alloys, Lead alloys, Indium-containing alloys
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Guidance on the application of brazing and the manufacture of brazed joints.
This European Standard provides guidance on the application of brazing and the manufacture of brazed joints. This standard gives an introduction to brazing and a basis for the understanding and use of brazing in different applications.
This standard covers joint design and assembly, material aspects for both parent material and filler materials, brazing process and process variables, pre- and post-braze treatment and inspection.
History and related standards
This European Standard supersedes BS 1723-1:1986 and BS 1723-2:1986, which are withdrawn.
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Archiworld Co.,Ltd selects 44 skyscrapers in Korea and introduces plans on design companies for skyscrapers all over the world in order to support the development of Korea architecture.
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We've just finished our lesson in partial differential equation , and the prof. assigned a mission to hand for next week.
The task/document is about how are partial differential equations applied in civil engineering.
How and why do civil engineers use partial differential equations for?
Elasticity with Mathematica:
An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
Author: Andrei Constantinescu, Alexander Korsunsky | Size: 2.21 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: October 8, 2007 | pages: 266 | ISBN: 0521842018, ISBN-13: 978-0521842013
This book is intended for researchers, engineers and students in solid mechanics, materials science and physics who are interested in using the power of modern computing to solve a wide variety of problems of both practical and fundamental significance in elasticity. Extensive use of Mathematica in the book makes available to the reader a range of recipes that can be readily adjusted to match particular tastes or requirements, to visualize solutions, and to carry out symbolic and numerical analysis and optimization.
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