Structural Shear Joints: Analyses, Properties And Design for Repeat Loading
Author: George T. Hahn, Kaushik A. Iyer, Carol A. Rubin | Size: 21,4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: 2005 | pages: 267 | ISBN: 0791802388
This book describes the mechanical response of butt, lap and doubler joints. The findings apply to shear connections in civil, aerospace, and other mechanical structures subjected to repeated loading. The findings are intended for engineers and NDE practitioners concerned with the design of new, as well as inspection and maintenance of existing shear joints. Fatigue strengths of the joints are derived using conventional, material S-N data and the joint stress concentration factor. Structural Shear Joints treats the different modes of load transmission: the bearing, clamped, and adhesive modes, joint geometry: fastener spacing and number of fastener rows, and fastener geometry: standard and countersunk heads and self-piercing and interference fasteners. It contains analyses that relate global features with the local conditions that govern contact fatigue damage such as the contact pressures, interface slips and the intensity and locations of stress concentrations. The role of fretting wear is discussed. The estimates of joint fatigue strength are compared with a selection of fatigue strength measurements for aluminum and steel joints. In many cases, the method offers valid estimates and preliminary designs of joints meeting given fatigue strength requirements. The book incorporates the results of over 150 recent and detailed, 2D and 3D finite element analyses of aluminum and steel connections. It includes handbook-type summaries of the results of the finite element calculations, as well as modeling details such as finite element meshes, material models, boundary conditions and validation procedures to assist design engineers with computations. A simplified methodology for modeling joints that contain adhesive is also provided. Useful for all engineers concerned with structural fatigue, the book addresses riveted and bolted joints, aluminum connections for airframes and automotive bodies, and steel connections for machines and bridges.
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Dear members,
I need these papers. Please!
N. Wattanasakulpong, B.G. Prusty, D.W. Kelly, M. Hoffman, "A Theoretical Investigation on the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Beams", in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. 14- 17 Sept 2010, Valencia, Spain.
Author: Ernest D. Werner (editor) and Hugh P. Friedman (editor) | Size: 19.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Nova Science | Year: 2010 | pages: 417 | ISBN: 1607412586
A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments. Although the action of gravity is the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are other contributing factors affecting the original slope stability. Typically, pre-conditional factors build up specific sub-surface conditions that make the area/slope prone to failure, whereas the actual landslide often requires a trigger before being released. This book discusses such triggers, as well as their outcomes.
Research studies of landslides that have occurred in various geographical settings are also among the topics examined in this book, as well as an analysis of the factors that caused them.
1. Mass Movements in Adriatic Central Italy: Activation and Evolutive Control Factors.
2. Causes and Effects of Landslides in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, NE Mexico.
3. Mitigation of Large Landslides and Debris Flows in Slovenia.
4. Geomatic Methods for Punctual and Areal Control of Surface Changes Due to Landslide Phenomena.
5. Using Largest Seismically Induced Landslides for Estimating Earthquake Magnitudes and Topography Changes.
6. Recognition of Likely Large-Scale Landslip Failure Surfaces through Geotechnical Core Logging Methods.
7. Multi-scale Analysis for Estimating Strong Ground Motion and Structure Responses.
8. Prediction of the Seismic Displacement of Landslides Using a Multi-block Model.
9. Faults Activity, Landslides and Fluvial Catchments Triggered by the 28 December 1908 Messina Strait Earthquake (Italy).
10. Special Problems in Landslide Modelling: Mathematical and Computational Methods.
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After a thorough search in civilea's database I couldn't find the following CIGB-ICOLD BULLETINS, which are very useful for me in the present moment. If someone can upload them (preferable in English), i would be grateful.
Bulletin 38 - 1981: Use of thin membranes on fill dams
Bulletin 78 - 1991: Watertight geomenbranes for dams - State of the art
Design Calculation Method for Punching Shear as per BS8110 - Part 1
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The independent airport planning manual >> By A L W Bradley, UK
Author: A L W Bradley, UK | Size: 2.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: September 2010 | pages: 180 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 713 8 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 713 6
- provides airport planners and architects with an essential guide and reference tool, based on the author’s extensive experience
- discusses key airport planning issues including forecasting demand, planning and strategic objectives and airport security
- outlines important airport planning principles specified by IATA for masterplan development featuring evaluation techniques and independent development planning
- focuses on the design of the terminal pier and satellite infrastructure with particular reference to effective passenger segregation and baggage handling system design concepts
This independent manual provides airport planners and architects with an essential guide and reference tool, based on the author’s extensive experience in the field and involvement in developing best practice airline and airport industry guidelines.
Chapter 1 discusses the key issues airport planners need to take account of, including forecasting demand, planning and strategic objectives, physical site constraints, airport security and the characteristics of terminals, satellites and piers. Chapter 1 also discusses cargo and aircraft maintenance facilities, general airfield infrastructure, landscaping and access provision. Chapter 2 refers to the outline development planning principles specified by IATA for masterplan development. Masterplan evaluation techniques are also explored and the author’s own approach to independent development planning is explained, setting the context for the chapters that follow.
Chapter 3 focuses on the design of the terminal pier and satellite infrastructure, particularly in the context of effective passenger segregation. This chapter also discusses and explains the various airside and landside retail models and shows how to obtain optimized landside and airside retail income. Chapter 4 reviews baggage handling system design concepts, referencing the three categories of baggage handling system and the technologies that support them. The pros and cons of different hold baggage screening locations and technologies are explored, including next generation baggage handling systems. Chapter 5 covers apron design, including such features as passenger airbridges and Multi-Aircraft Ramping Systems (MARS) for aircraft parking. The needs of both low-cost and legacy carriers are explored. Chapter 6 focuses on airport security, discussing potential threats to aircraft and airports, including the potential impact of explosives on airport infrastructure. The chapter also explains best practice for improving security in terminals, piers, satellites, car parks and forecourts as well as the airport perimeter. The final chapter comprises a series of airport case-studies, including airports processing predominantly low-cost and those processing predominantly legacy carriers. The case studies provide the designer with real examples of processes and layouts within airports.
About the author
Alexandre Bradley BEng (Hons), CEng, MIMechE, MPhil/PhD in study, has previously been an employee of BAA (formerly British Airport Authority) as Head of Terminal Development at Stansted Airport, UK and an airport planner with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and was lead author and editor of the ninth edition of IATA’s Airport Development Reference Manual (ADRM). Alex Bradley has contributed significantly to the design of many airport projects around the world, and has over 20 years experience in baggage handling systems design and airport masterplanning.
The brief to airport planners
- Forecasts
- Planning objectives and service levels
- Development phasing strategy
- Site constraints: physical and operational
- Construction logistics
- Airport security
- Terminals and satellites/piers
- Cargo buildings
- General aviation facilities
- Aircraft maintenance facilities
- Airfield infrastructure
- General support infrastructure
- Ancillary facilities
- Landscaping
- Surface access
Outline airport planning principles
- Industry standard IATA planning best practice 10-step plan
- Masterplan evaluation techniques (evaluation criteria/pair wise/weighting)
- Project drivers
- Airport case study
Airport baggage handling design
- Categories of baggage handling systems
- User requirements specification (URS)
- Hold and hand baggage screening legislative requirements
- Current and future baggage screening processes
- Advances in baggage system automation
- Advantages and disadvantages of the various hold baggage screening (HBS) processes and locations
- Manual handling baggage hall design
Airport apron, runway and taxiway design
- Function areas of the apron
- Aircraft stands and multi-aircraft ramping systems (MARS)
- Passenger airbridges
- Levels of passenger service
- Low-cost carrier terminals versus full-service legacy terminals
- Runway components
- Restricted surfaces runways and taxiway ICAO Annex data
Design for airport security
- Threats to aviation
- Hijacking of aircraft
- Sabotage of aircraft
- Sabotage of airports
- Legislation: international, European and domestic obligations
- ICAO Annex 17
- Master plan airport development considerations
- Design options for terminals and piers
- Impact of explosives on terminal infrastructure
- Perimeter security
Case-studies in airport planning
- Introduction
- Airport research report: Chisinau S.E
- International Airport, Moldova
- Airport research report: Cologne-Bonn Airport, Germany
- Airport research report: Adelaide Airport, Australia
- Airport research report: low-cost terminal, Luton Airport, UK
- Airport research report: low-cost terminal, Frankfurt-Hann Airport, Germany
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Posted by: deviationz - 12-21-2011, 06:32 AM - Forum: Request
- No Replies
Do anyone of you have reference drawings for tall buildings, from projects you have worked on or have copies of.
I am particularly interested to see how core walls / columns etc. get scheduled and detailed in the drawings. I don't think there is any better resource than looking at drawings from buildings that have been constructed.