Buildings, Construction works, Construction systems, Life (durability), Planning, Life cycle, Design, Structural design, Performance, Maintenance
BS ISO 15686-1 2011
BS ISO 15686-3 2002
BS ISO 15686-6 2004
BS ISO 15686-7 2006
BS ISO 15686-8 2008
DD ISO TS 15686-9 2008
BS ISO 15686-10 2010
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Designers of buildings, manufacturers of building products, users of buildings, owners of buildings and others active in the building and construction sector are increasingly demanding information that enables them to make decisions to address environmental impacts of buildings and other construction works. These demands are currently being addressed only through various national initiatives applying a variety of approaches.
It is essential that there be uniformity in the means of expressing environmental product declarations. This includes having a consistent way of arriving at the declaration that is based on basic life-cycle inventory data and additional information not based on life-cycle assessment (LCA). The user expects non-biased information, which is expected be consistent with the best current practice and understanding over the lifetime of the standard.
According to the set of four international standards dealing with environmental labelling, (BS ISO 14020, BS ISO 14021, IBS SO 14024 and BS ISO 14025), environmental labels and declarations are divided into three principal types:
General principles: ISO 14020
Self-declared environmental claims, type II environmental labelling (ISO 14021)
Principles and procedures of environmental labels and declarations, types I and III environmental
labelling (ISO 14024 and ISO 14025).
This International Standard is one in a suite of International Standards dealing with sustainability in building construction that includes the following:
BS ISO 15392 Sustainability in building construction. General principles
BS ISO 21932 Buildings and constructed assets. Sustainability in building construction. Terminology
ISO/TS 21929-1 Sustainability in building construction. Sustainability indicators. Framework
for development of indicators for buildings;
BS ISO 21930 Sustainability in building construction. Environmental declaration of building products
BS ISO/TS 21931-1 Sustainability in building construction. Framework for methods of assessment for environmental performance of construction works. Buildings.
BS ISO 21930 is the international standard that provides the principles and requirements for type III environmental declarations (EPD) of building products.
BS ISO 21930:2007 contains specifications and requirements for the EPD of building products. Where standard contains more specific requirements, it complements BS ISO 14025 for the EPD of building products.
BS ISO 21930 provides a framework for and the basic requirements for product category rules as defined in BS ISO 14025 for type III environmental declarations of building products. Type III environmental declarations for building products, as described in BS ISO 21930, are primarily intended for use in business-to-business communication, but their use in business-to-consumer communication under certain conditions is not precluded.
BS ISO 21930 does not define requirements for developing type III environmental declaration programmes. Requirements for type III environmental declaration programmes are found in BS ISO 14025.
The working environment is not included in BS ISO 21930:2007 because it is normally a subject for national legislation.
Contents of BS ISO 21930 include
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Units and abbreviated terms
Abbreviated terms
General aspects of type III environmental product declarations (EPD) of building products
Objectives of EPD of building products
Involvement of interested parties
Responsibility for the EPD
Use of EPD of building products
Building products information modules
Comparability of EPD of building products
Methodological framework
General requirements
Product category rules (PCR)
Project report and documentation
Rules for data confidentiality
Content of the EPD
Declaration of general information
Declaration of environmental aspects
Review and verification procedures
Product chain of a building and information modules — Practical examples
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BS ISO 21931-1:2010 Sustainability in building construction. Framework for methods of assessment of the environmental performance of construction works. Buildings
Construction, Construction works, Sustainability, Sustainable development, Environmental management, Environmental engineering, Buildings, Performance, Measurement, Life (durability), Life cycle, Design, Technical documents
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Geosynthetic materials, Geotextiles, Construction materials, Pavements (roads), Roads, Concretes, Blocks, Damage, Compaction tests, Mechanical testing, Test equipment
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BS EN ISO 12958 is an International Standard which specifies a method for determining the constant-head water flow capacity within the plane of a geotextile or geotextile-related product.
If the full water flow capacity characteristics of the geotextile or geotextile-related product have previously been established, then for control purposes it can be sufficient to determine the water flow capacity at two loads and both gradients.
The compressibility of the product over time will substantially influence the in-plane water flow capacity. Test methods for assessing the compressive creep behaviour of geotextiles or geotextile-related products are described in ISO 25619-1.
The test report is judged in conjunction with the long-term compressive creep behaviour in order to assess the long-term flow capacity.
Contents of BS EN ISO 12958:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
5 Apparatus and materials
6 Specimens
6.1 Handling
6.2 Selection
6.3 Number and dimensions
6.4 Specimen condition
7 Test procedure
8 Calculations and expression of results
9 Test report
Annex A (informative) Determination of the correction factor RT for conversion to a water temperature of 20 °C
Annex B (informative) Experimental data and calculations for a specimen
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BS EN ISO 12956 is an International Standard which specifies a method for the determination of the characteristic size of the openings of a single layer of a geotextile or geotextile-related product using the wet-sieving principle.
Contents of BS EN ISO 12956:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Symbols
4 Principle
5 Apparatus and materials
6 Test specimens
6.1 Handling
6.2 Selection
6.3 Number and dimensions
6.4 Specimen condition
7 Procedure
8 Calculation and expression of results
9 Test report
Annex A (normative) Mesh sizes
Annex B (informative) Example of the determination of the characteristic opening size
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BS EN ISO 11058:2010 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products. Determination of water permeability characteristics normal to the plane, without load
BS EN ISO 11058 specifies two test methods for determining the water permeability characteristics of a single layer of geotextile or geotextile-related product normal to the plane:
a) The constant head method;
b) The falling head method.
If the full permeability characteristics of the geotextile or geotextile-related product have previously been established, then for control purposes it can be sufficient to determine the velocity index at a head loss of 50 mm only.
Contents of BS EN ISO 11058:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Test specimens
4.1 Handling
4.2 Selection
4.3 Number and dimensions
4.4 Condition of specimens
5 Constant head method
5.1 Principle
5.2 Apparatus
5.3 Procedure
5.4 Calculation and expression of results
6 Falling head method
6.1 Principle
6.2 Apparatus
6.3 Procedure
6.4 Calculation and expression of results
7 Test report
Annex A (informative) Determination of the correction factor, RT, to a water temperature of 20 °C
Annex B (informative) Relationship between head loss and flow velocity
Annex C (informative) Velocity index
Annex D (informative) Experimental data and calculations
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Geosynthetic barriers, Geosynthetic materials, Clay, Construction materials, Impermeable materials, Permeability measurement, Gases, Gas flow, Flow measurement, Leak tests, Test equipment
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