Toward More Sustainable Infrastructure: Project Evaluation for Planners and Engineers
Author: Carl D. Martland | Size: 4,6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Year: 2011 | pages: 477 | ISBN: 0470448768
Project Evaluation presents methods for evaluating projects and programs aimed at improving the performance and sustainability of infrastructure projects. It introduces system performance, concepts of sustainability, methods of engineering economics, and provides numerous case studies, examples, and exercises based upon real world problems. The text is designed to aid the understanding of why major infrastructure projects are undertaken, how they are structured and evaluated, and how they are financed.
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Since 1984 the EURO-C conference series (Split 1984, Zell am See 1990, Innsbruck 1994, Badgastein 1998, St Johann im Pongau 2003, Mayrhofen 2006, Schladming 2010) has provided a forum for academic discussion of the latest theoretical, algorithmic and modelling developments associated with computational simulations of concrete and concrete structures. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures includes recent research advancements on the applicability and robustness of methods and models for the analysis of complex concrete, reinforced concrete and/or pre-stressed concrete structures in engineering practice.
The book covers both computational mechanics and computational modelling aspects of the analysis and design of concrete structures:
- Constitutive and Multiscale Modelling of Concrete
- Advances in Computational Modelling
- Time Dependent and Multiphysics Problems
- Modelling of Concrete Structures
- Hazard, Risk and Safety
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures is of special interest to researchers in computational concrete mechanics, and to industry experts in complex nonlinear simulations of concrete structures.
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Author: Paul A and Tipler, Ralph Llewellyn | Size: 26.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Clancy Marshall | Year: 2008 | pages: 758 | ISBN: 978-0-7167-7550-8
For the intermediate-level course, the Fifth Edition of this widely used text takes modern physics textbooks to a higher level. The Author of this Book is Paul A. Tipler, Ralph Llewellyn With a flexible approach to accommodate the various ways of teaching the course (both one- and two-term tracks are easily covered), the authors recognize the audience and its need for updated coverage, mathematical rigor, and features to build and support student understanding. Array ISBN .
Continued are the superb explanatory style, the up-to-date topical coverage, and the Web enhancements that gained earlier editions worldwide recognition. Modern Physics, 5th edition available in English. Enhancements include a streamlined approach to nuclear physics, thoroughly revised and updated coverage on particle physics and astrophysics, and a review of the essential Classical Concepts important to students studying Modern Physics.
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Posted by: mybest - 12-30-2011, 12:21 AM - Forum: ASTM
- No Replies
(11-24-2011, 03:59 AM)ypyenpham Wrote: 1. ASTM D4839 - 03(2011) Standard Test Method for Total Carbon and Organic Carbon in Water by Ultraviolet, or Persulfate Oxidation, or Both, and Infrared Detection
2. ASTM D2435 / D2435M - 11 Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Incremental Loading
3. ASTM D2487 - 11 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)
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Spreadsheet will design a supported cone roof (Rafter, Girder and Column) based on the procedures outlined in the text by brownell & Young.
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Author: Richard W. Healy | Size: 7.30 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2010 | pages: 256 | ISBN: 9780521863964
Understanding groundwater recharge is essential for successful management of water resources and modeling fluid and contaminant transport within the subsurface. This book provides a critical evaluation of the theory and assumptions that underlie methods for estimating rates of groundwater recharge. Detailed explanations of the methods are provided - allowing readers to apply many of the techniques themselves without needing to consult additional references. Numerous practical examples highlight benefits and limitations of each method. Approximately 900 references allow advanced practitioners to pursue additional information on any method. For the first time, theoretical and practical considerations for selecting and applying methods for estimating groundwater recharge are covered in a single volume with uniform presentation. Hydrogeologists, water-resource specialists, civil and agricultural engineers, earth and environmental scientists and agronomists will benefit from this informative and practical book. It can serve as the primary text for a graduate-level course on groundwater recharge or as an adjunct text for courses on groundwater hydrology or hydrogeology. For the benefit of students and instructors, problem sets of varying difficulty are available at
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If you like this book (very good for water engineers), then buy it and support this amazing author.
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Joseph Penzien, a University of California-Berkeley engineering professor who developed the world's first modern shake table in 1972 and pioneered groundbreaking earthquake engineering research and academics, died on Sept. 19 in Redwood City, Calif. He was 86.
Penzien, a 35-year teaching veteran at the school, was a key developer of its programs in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, "which many considered to be the best in the world," according to a 2004 oral history conducted by Robert Reitherman, executive director of the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering.
An introduction by Berkeley professor Anil Chopra noted that while Penzien taught all of the program's courses, "his unique contribution was the first course on random vibrations." Developed in 1961, it was "the earliest course on this subject offered in a civil engineering department in the U.S." he said, further noting that it "became legendary for how tough it was and enhanced his already-existing reputation of teaching difficult subjects."
Penzien later co-authored a landmark 1975 textbook, “Dynamics of Structures.” The book was groundbreaking "in terms of its broad scope, comprehensive coverage and philsophy," said Chopra
Author: George F. Pinder, Michael A. Celia | Size: 14.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Year: 2006 | pages: 488 | ISBN: 0471742430
This text features a comprehensive examination of water movement as well as the movement of various pollutants in the earth's subsurface. The authors also discuss the movement of fluids other than water in the subsurface such as oil, gasoline, and other liquids that may serve as sources of contamination. The multidisciplinary approach covers the topic from both a scientific and engineering perspective, integrating such fields as earth science, fluid mechanics, mathematics, statistics, and chemistry.
Rather than focus on the physical systems themselves, this text takes a practical approach by stressing methodology. Readers are provided with a full discussion of the practices, procedures, and rules for dealing with groundwater. Among the important topics covered are:
• Fluid and multi-fluid flow and transport
• Water movement in geological formations
• Analytical solutions for flow problems
• Well hydraulics
• Numerical solutions of the groundwater flow equation
• Contamination of subsurface water and remediation
• Groundwater and surface water interaction
Figures, diagrams, charts, and tables are used liberally throughout the text to help readers visualize various procedures and subsurface structures. A summary is included at the end of each chapter to highlight key concepts. Problem sets at the end of each chapter give readers an opportunity to test their knowledge and practice their new skills. Moreover, the use of problem sets and the logical presentation of materials make this appropiate as an upper-level undergraduate and graduate textbook for courses in groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology.
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Introduction into the concept of FEM the book focuses on how to use the program.
This is done step by step at hand of well chosen examples being interesting for beginners and advanced users as well, repeating the basics taught in corresponding physics/mechanics courses.
Having worked yourself through this book you' ll be able to use ANSYS-Software efficiently to solve problems mechanical engineers are usually confronted with.
Topics covered are (from Table of Contents):
1) Introduction
2) Sketching
3) 2D Simulations
4) 3D Solid Modeling
5) 3D Simulation
6) Surface Models
7) Line Models
8) Optimization
9) Meshing
10) Buckling and Stress Stiffening
11) Modal Analysis
12) Structural Dynamics
13) Nonlinear Simulations
14) Nonlinear Materials
15) Explicit Dynamics
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Complete Geostructural Analysis and Design Solution
Bentley's GeoStructural Analysis products address a wide range of geotechnical design and analysis challenges from foundation and wall design to stability and settlement analyses. GeoStructural Analysis’ integrated modules allow you to quickly compare different design scenarios and discrete construction stages, as well as comparing analyses by analytical methods or Finite Element Method (FEM).
Bentley's geostructural design and analysis software is available in two editions: GeoStructural Analysis and Advanced GeoStructural Analysis.
GeoStructural Analysis contains these 17 integrated modules including tools for retaining walls, foundations, slopes, and more.
Sheet Pile Design and Analysis
•Sheeting Design
•Sheeting Check
Foundation Design
•Pile CPT
•Spread Footing
Settlement Analysis
Advanced GeoStructural Analysis
The Advanced GeoStructural Analysis suite includes all of the above modules as well as these three advanced modules.
Advanced Analysis
•Ground Loss
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