1.1 This Guide establishes general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement that can be followed at various levels of accuracy and in many fields — from the shop floor to fundamental research. Therefore, the principles of this Guide are intended to be applicable to a broad spectrum of measurements, including those required for:
- maintaining quality control and quality assurance in production;
- complying with and enforcing laws and regulations;
- conducting basic research, and applied research and development, in science and engineering;
- calibrating standards and instruments and performing tests throughout a national measurement system in order to achieve traceability to national standards;
- developing, maintaining, and comparing international and national physical reference standards, including reference materials.
1.2 This Guide is primarily concerned with the expression of uncertainty in the measurement of a well-defined physical quantity — the measurand — that can be characterized by an essentially unique value. If the phenomenon of interest can be represented only as a distribution of values or is dependent on one or more parameters, such as time, then the measurands required for its description are the set of quantities describing that distribution or that dependence.
1.3 This Guide is also applicable to evaluating and expressing the uncertainty associated with the conceptual design and theoretical analysis of experiments, methods of measurement, and complex components and systems. Because a measurement result and its uncertainty may be conceptual and based entirely on hypothetical data, the term “result of a measurement” as used in this Guide should be interpreted in this broader context.
1.4 This Guide provides general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement rather than detailed, technology-specific instructions. Further, it does not discuss how the uncertainty of a particular measurement result, once evaluated, may be used for different purposes, for example, to draw conclusions about the compatibility of that result with other similar results, to establish tolerance limits in a manufacturing process, or to decide if a certain course of action may be safely undertaken. It may therefore be necessary to develop particular standards based on this Guide that deal with the problems peculiar to specific fields of measurement or with the various uses of quantitative expressions of uncertainty.* These standards may be simplified versions of this Guide but should include the detail that is appropriate to the level of accuracy and complexity of the measurements and uses addressed.
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam,
with or without facings or coatings, which are used for thermal insulation of buildings. The products are
manufactured in the form of boards, which are also available with special edge and surface treatment
(tongue and grooves, shiplap, etc.).
This European Standard specifies product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evaluation of
conformity, marking and labelling.
Products covered by this European Standard are also used in prefabricated thermal insulating systems and
composite panels; the performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered. This European
Standard also covers multilayered insulation boards.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to
demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be
found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2⋅K/W or a declared thermal conductivity
greater than 0,060 W/(m⋅K) at 10 °C are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover in situ insulation products and products intended to be used for the
insulation of building equipment and industrial installations or products intended for acoustic insulation.
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This book is designed as a handbook to provide some basic information and whenever possible information on practical issues, for this very promising material and its applications in construction. It is hoped that, it will give enough insight both to the newcomers to the industry and to the technical personnel already working in construction sector and that it will help to further promote the use of this material which is neglected somewhat because of the unkowns and negligence. The book has 13 chapters, each prepared by a group of experts from different parts of the world.
The contents of this book is covered the use of plastics in construction by looking at its past and the future trends and use of plastics specifically in building construction. It also discussed the applications of plastics in concrete repair and strengthening and the use in geotechnical engineering field. The brief chemistry and mechanics of plastics materials and composites is presented in this book.
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The methods developed in this book apply to hydrosystems that can be controlled: in irrigation canals, the gates need to be operated in order to deliver water to the user; in navigation waterways, water levels need to be controlled accurately to ensure given water depths along the reaches; in combined sewer systems, overflow may be prevented by opening or closing of gates; hydroelectric power plants in regulated rivers need controllers to maintain the river water levels close to some target value; and regulated rivers used to transportwater to users need to have the water release adjusted from the upstream dam to satisfy the water demand.
The book mainly focuses on the control of irrigation canals and of regulated rivers, but the techniques presented can easily be adapted to other hydrosystems. To design automatic controllers for such systems, one needs accurate models describing the open channel dynamics. The Saint-Venant equations are commonly used by hydraulic engineers to describe open channel flow dynamics. These equations are nonlinear partial differential equations, which have a complex behavior in general, can exhibit shocks, and are therefore difficult to study for control design.
In this book the authors propose to study the linearization of the Saint-Venant equations around realistic steady flow solutions, and to design controllers that stabilize the set of linearizations. This pragmatic approach is closely related to the gain-scheduling approach commonly used in the automatic control community to control real systems.
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How do you all keep your Ebooks / Articles etc. organized?
Many a time I don't remember that I have previously downloaded a say a Concrete Ebook and saved it under "concrete". I end up downloading the same file again, and might end up saving it elsewhere.
Do you have any good ways to keep your stuff organized?
Well, the need for a laptop is actually essential for engineers in general, but the fact lies on choosing a suitable one concerning your needs and work.
We all know the intense software we must download, from CAD to Revit that all require specific requirements.
What I have in hand is the following specifications that was made by my friend.
- Core i7 ( 2.0 Ghz )
- 17" inch screen ( I think 15.4" will do the job, but he said working on a 17 inch screen is much better while drawing and drafting)
- 4 GB of Ram ( I do prefere 6 GB )
- 1 GB VGA - ATI
- 640 GB Hard Disk
In this section the design of slab for beam slab portion of part -4 is presented. This portion consist of one-way slabs supported by main beams and secondary beams.
Slab thickness considered are 200
and 300mm.
Analysis and design carried out as per BS 8110.
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This book provides the background information necessary to understand delays. This understanding is not geared solely to the context of disputes but rather provides a framework to help prevent disputes from occurring and to resolve questions of time as they arise during the Project.
Delays in construction projects are frequently expensive, since there is usually a construction loan involved which charges interest, management staff dedicated to the project whose costs are time dependent, and ongoing inflation in wage and material prices. Many techniques are used to analyze delays. Some of these methods have inherent weaknesses and should be avoided. This book points out the shortcomings of these faulty methods and explains how a delay analysis should be performed. It then describes specifically how the analysis is done with CPM schedules. A explanation of delays and delay damages, presented in a straightforward, accessible manner, should be useful to public and private owners, construction managers, general contractors, subcontractors, designers, suppliers, and attorneys whose work involves them in the construction industry. The discussion will include subtleties of the process, such as shifts in the critical path, and non-critical delays. The subject of damages is covered in detail, including the major categories of extended field overhead and unabsorbed home office overhead. Likewise, the damages suffered by the owner, either actual or liquidated, are also explained. Finally, a chapter is devoted to managing the risk of delays and time extensions from the viewpoints of the various parties to a construction project. A discussion of early completion schedules and constructive acceleration is also included.
Chapter 1, “Project Scheduling,” provides an overview and definitions of basic scheduling concepts and terms that will be referred to throughout the book. It is not intended as a CPM scheduling primer. Rather, it addresses important basic concepts required for using Project schedules. Key elements include float, reviewing and approving schedules, the critical path, and early completion schedules.
Chapter 2, “Types of Construction Delays,” explains the basic categories of excusable and nonexcusable delays and the subcategories of compensable and noncompensable delays. It addresses the concept of concurrency and also non-critical delays. This primer in delays prepares the reader for the specific issues covered in succeeding chapters.
Chapter 3, “Measuring Delays—the Basics,” explains how to approach the analysis, including the starting points of as-planned schedules and as-built diagrams and how one must compare the two in order to quantify the delays that have occurred. The question of liability is addressed separately, since this determination is made most expeditiously after the specific delays have been identified.
Chapter 4, 5 and 6 travel through the actual process of analyzing delays with bar charts, CPMs, and no schedule.
Chapter 7 comments on some of the more common approaches used and the strengths and weaknesses associated with the numerous approaches used in analyzing delays
Chapters 8 through 13, “Damages to the Owner and Contractor”. Since inefficiency and acceleration costs are often time-related issues associated with delay, they have been addressed separately in the hopes that some of the myth and magic that surrounds them may be cleared away. Similarly, the topic of costs associated with noncritical delays has been given special attention, since many projects experience these with little or no recognition of the problem.
Chapter 14, “Determining Responsibility for Delay,” explains the process used to assess the party who caused the delay. The responsibility for delays is addressed separately from the delay analysis because we believe that this is the proper approach to use: first determine the activities that are delayed and the magnitude of the delay and then address responsibility or liability.
Chapter 15, “Risk Management,” could also be called “Prevention of Time-Related Problems,” since it focuses on the delay-related risks of the various parties in a construction Project. By maintaining this focus, each of the parties has a tendency to better control time and resolve delay problems as they occur.
In this new ediion, all chapters are updated to reflect the changes in the construction field since the first edition published over l6 years ago. The 2nd edition includs over 40% more information such as new methods for analyzing delays with examples of the proper approach. The author also includes a new chapter on risk managment which focuses on the delay-related risks of the various parties in a construction project.
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Author: Juan de Dios Ortuzar, Luis G. Willumsen | Size: 3.64 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2011 | pages: 606 | ISBN: 0470760397
Providing unrivalled depth and breadth of coverage, each topic is approached as a modelling exercise with discussion of the roles of theory, data, model specification, estimation, validation and application. The authors present the state of the art and its practical application in a pedagogic manner, easily understandable to both students and practitioners.
This book try to present the most important (in authors views) transport modelling techniques in a form accessible to students and practitioners alike, and attempt this giving particular emphasis to key topics in contemporary modelling and planning:
• the practical importance of theoretical consistency in transport modelling;
• the issues of data and specification errors inmodelling, their relative importance andmethods to handle them;
• the key role played by the decision-making context in the choice of the most appropriate modelling tool;
• how uncertainty and risk influence the choice of the most appropriate modelling tool;
• the advantages of variable resolution modelling; a simplified background model coupled with a much more detailed one addressing the decision questions in hand;
• the need for a monitoring function relying on regular data collection and updating of forecasts and models so that courses of action can be adapted to a changing environment.
Enhancements include two entirely new chapters on modelling for private sector projects and on activity-based modelling; a new section on dynamic assignment and micro-simulation; and sizeable updates to sections on disaggregate modelling and stated preference design and analysis. It also tackles topical issues such as valuation of externalities and the role of GPS in travel time surveys.
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