Probabilistic reasoning, statistical methods, and measures of engineering judgment are combined to develop a quantified approach for analyzing and managing risks in civil engineering systems and the applied earth sciences. The resulting risk analysis approach described in this book reflects an emerging trend in geotechnical engineering, natural hazards mitigation, infrastructure protection, and other civil engineering fields to directly and quantitatively deal with uncertainty.
The book is organized in four parts:
Part I introduces concepts of uncertainty, probability, reliability, statistics, and risk. It discusses both practical considerations and philosophical issues that have existed as long as probability theory itself.
Part II deals with uncertainty in a geologic or geotechnical context. It deals with issues of uncertainty in engineering properties and the spatial variation of soils and rocks.
Part III describes how reliability analyses are performed. It surveys important methods and provides detail on various models.
Part IV presents applications of reliability and probabilistic methods to practical problems.
It also addresses how probabilistic information is obtained and managed. These major parts of the book could be viewed in an alternate way as well: they deal, in turn, with (1) the nature of uncertainty in geotechnical engineering and how uncertainty is modeled; (2) inference and estimation from data involving the use of statistical techniques; (3) predictions of the uncertainty in engineering performance involving.
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Wong, K.S. and Teh, C.I. (1995) Negative skin friction on piles in layered soil deposits,
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
121(6): 457-465.
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The ultimate resource on strategies for redeveloping abandoned urban sites
Architects, urban planners, urban designers, developers, city officials, and all those interested in revitalizing their post-industrial cities will find the tools they need here. Redeveloping Industrial Sites delivers solutions to complex issues concerning urban planning, design, and financing to reveal lessons on ways to successfully convert decaying land and buildings into vibrant parks, stimulating cultural destinations, and active commercial complexes. In addition, carefully chosen real-world examples illustrate topics such as sustainability, public policy, and developer know-how to form a complete picture of the elements involved in planning and executing urban redevelopment projects. Redeveloping Industrial Sites:
* Covers strategies used to turn abandoned industrial sites into vibrant new neighborhoods and special districts such as Toronto's Distillery District and Philadelphia's Piazza at Schmidts
* Emphasizes design and economic issues that urban planners and city officials need to plan successful projects as well as manage spontaneous neighborhood transformations such as loft conversions
* Includes case studies of a variety of redevelopments from across North America and Europe ranging from large projects such as New York's Hudson River Park and Amsterdam's harbor to the small, but important neighborhood regenerators such as Baltimore's American Brewery Building for Humanim
* Examines how cities from Minneapolis, Minnesota to North Adams, Massachusetts, to Swansea, Wales harnessed the forces of tourism and art to transform their mills and harbors
Providing historical context as well as current perspective, Redeveloping Industrial Sites offers clear direction on repurposing derelict and polluted wastelands and warehouses into vital, living extensions of their communities.
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BS EN 1338:2003 specifies materials, properties, requirements and test methods for unreinforced cement bound concrete paving blocks and complementary fittings. It is applicable to precast concrete paving blocks and complementary fittings for pedestrian use, vehicular use and roof coverings, e.g. footpaths, precincts, cycle tracks, car parks, roads, highways, industrial areas (including docks and harbours), aircraft pavements, bus stations, petrol filling stations.
This standard does not deal with the tactility or visibility of blocks or with permeable blocks.
This standard provides for the product marking and the evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard.
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Concrete is one of the important materials of construction in civil engineering. The durability of the structure depends upon the care with which ingredients of concrete are selected mixed laid vibrated and cured. This laboratory manual deals mainly with the selection of the ingredients and preparation of ordinary concrete mix as per lates BIS code. Author: hemant sood / l.n. mittal / p.d. kulkarni
About The Book & Authors
1. Specifications For Cement
2. Specifications And Data For Coarse & Fine Aggregates And Water
3. Specifications And Data For Concrete
4. Method As Sampling Cement
5. Method Of Sampling Cement
6. Method Of Sampling Aggregate
7. Method Of Sampling Concrete
8. Frequency Of Control Tests For Quality Concrete
9. Tests Cement
10. Tests On Aggregate
11. Test On Concrete
12. Non-Destructive Tests And Latest Techniques
Posted by: henryjjc - 12-18-2011, 06:18 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Hi All,
I have been looking for a pdf copy of Canadian CAC Concrete Design Handbook 3rd Edition for sometime. Can anyone please help if you have a softcopy to share. I do have the Aug 1995 edition but I believe it has been superseded now.
I would appreciate if any one can help me on that. Thank you so much.
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Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems >> Edited by V M Karbhari, University of Alabama at Huntsville and F Ansari, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Author: Edited by V M Karbhari, University of Alabama at Huntsville and F Ansari, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA | Size: 12.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: August 2009 | pages: 583 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 392 2 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 392 3
- reviews key developments in research, technologies and applications
- discusses systems used to obtain and analyse data and sensor technologies
- assesses methods of sensing changes in structural performance
Structural health monitoring is an extremely important methodology in evaluating the ‘health’ of a structure by assessing the level of deterioration and remaining service life of civil infrastructure systems. This book reviews key developments in research, technologies and applications in this area of civil engineering. It discusses ways of obtaining and analysing data, sensor technologies and methods of sensing changes in structural performance characteristics. It also discusses data transmission and the application of both individual technologies and entire systems to bridges and buildings.
With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems is a valuable reference for students in civil and structural engineering programs as well as those studying sensors, data analysis and transmission at universities. It will also be an important source for practicing civil engineers and designers, engineers and researchers developing sensors, network systems and methods of data transmission and analysis, policy makers, inspectors and those responsible for the safety and service life of civil infrastructure.
About the editors
Professor Vistasp M. Karbhari is Provost and Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA where he is also a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Dr Farhad Ansari is Professor and Head of Civil and Materials Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Structural health monitoring: applications and data analysis
F N Catbas, University of Central Florida, USA
- Structural health monitoring SHM approach
- Components for a complete SHM
- Application scenarios for decision making
- Emerging role of structural health monitoring for management
- Critical considerations for structural health monitoring interpretations
- Data analysis and interpretation and some methods
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Piezoelectric impedence transducers for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
Y W Yang and C K Soh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Introduction
- Electromechanical impedance modelling
- Damage assessment
- Sensing region of lead zirconate titanate transducers
- Practical issues on field applications
- Conclusion
- References
Wireless sensors and networks for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
R A Swartz and J P Lynch, University of Michigan, USA
- Introduction
- Challenges in wireless monitoring
- Hardware requirements for wireless sensors
- Wireless sensing prototypes
- Embedded data processing
- Wireless monitoring: case studies
- Wireless sensors and cyber-infrastructures
- Wireless feedback control
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Synthetic aperture radar and remote sensing technologies for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
M Shinozuka, University of California, USA and B Mansouri, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Iran
- Introduction
- Optical remote sensing: background
- Change/damage detection in urban areas
- Radar remote sensing: background
- Side-looking apeture radar
- Synthetic aperture radar
- Feasibility of change detection by SAR simulation
- Change/damage detection using actual satellite SAR data
- Light detection and ranging remote sensing
- Acknowledgment
- References
Magnetoelastic stress sensors for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
M L Wang, Northeastern University, USA
- Introduction
- Stress and magnetization
- Magnetoelastic stress sensors
- Effect of temperature on magnetic permeability
- Magnetoelastic sensor and measurement units
- Application of magnetoelastic sensor to bridges
- Conclusion
- References
Vibration-based damage detection techniques for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
V M Karbhari, University of Alabama in Huntsville and L S-W Lee, University of the Pacific, USA
- Introduction
- Dynamic testing of structures
- Overview of vibration-based damage detection
- Application to a fiber-reinforced polymer rehabilitated bridge structure
- Extension to prediction of service life
- Future trends
- References
Operational modal analysis for vibration-based structural health monitoring of civil structures
V M Karbhari, University of Alabama in Huntsville, H Guan HDR, USA and C Sikorsky, California Department of Transportation, USA
- Introduction
- Overview of operational modal analysis
- The time domain decomposition technique
- The frequency domain natural oxcitation technique
- Application of operational modal techniques to highway bridges
- Future trends
- References
Fiber optic sensors for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
F Ansari, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- History
- Fiber optic sensors
- White light interferometic sensors
- Strain optic law and gauge factors
- Multiplexing and distributed sensing issues
- Applications
- Monitoring of bridge cables
- Monitoring of cracks
- Conclusions
- References
Data management and signal processing for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems
D K McNeill, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Introduction
- Data collection and on-site data management
- Issues in data communication
- Effective storage of structural health monitoring data
- Structural health monitoring measurement processing
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Statistical pattern recognition and damage detection in structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure and other systems
K Worden, G Manson and S Rippengill, University of Sheffield, UK
- Introduction
- Case study one: an acoustic emission experiment
- Case study two: damage location on an aircraft wing
- Analysis of the aircraft wing data
- Discussion and conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Structural health monitoring of bridges: general issues and applications
D Inaudi, SMARTEC SA, Switzerland
- Introduction: bridges and cars
- Integrated structural health monitoring systems
- Designing and implementing an structural health monitoring system
- Bridge monitoring
- Application examples
- Conclusions
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Structural health monitoring of cable-supported bridges in Hong Kong
K Y Wong, Highways Department and Y Q Ni, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Introduction
- Scope of structural health monitoring systems
- Modular architecture of structural health monitoring systems
- Sensory systems
- Data acquisition and transmission systems
- Data processing and control systems
- Structural health evaluation systems
- Structural health data management systems
- Inspection and maintenance systems
- Operation of wind and structural health monitoring systems
- Application of wind and structural health monitoring system
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Structural health monitoring of historic buildings
A De Stefano, Turin Polytechnic and P Clemente, ENEA, Italy
- Introduction
- Inspection techniques
- Dynamic testing of ancient masonry buildings
- The Holy Shroud Chapel in Turin (Italy)
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References and bibliography
Structural health monitoring research in Europe: trends and applications
W R Habel, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany
- Structural health monitoring in Europe
- Survey of European structural health monitoring networks and events
- Main centres with structural health monitoring activities in European countries
- Selected examples of structural health monitoring projects in Europe
- Future trends
- References.
Structural health monitoring research in China: trends and applications
J Ou, Dalian University of Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology and H Li, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Fiber optic sensing technology
- Wireless sensors and sensor networks
- Smart cement-based strain gauges
- Applications: structural health monitoring system for an offshore platform
- Applications: the National Aquatic Center for the Olympic Games (‘Water Cube’)
- Applications: the Harbin Songhua River Bridge
- Conclusions
- Sources of further information and advice
- Acknowledgements
- References
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