(First, I remember me and you that transparent link is not allowed in posts, but this post is excluded because it need some transparent links, sorry for Violation the rules).
Three years ago on "24-Dec-2008" forum.civilea.com was born. Before this date, originally we start our works from "4downloader.blogspot.com" weblog on "12-April-2007" then we immigrate to "4Downloader.veb.ir" then "4Downloader.ir" domain, Finally, during a poll of members, we sellect "CivilEA.com" as our main domain and it was our brand.
With your help we are now here and we are the best civil engineering site at the world. Major contribution to this success is thanks to the their moderators and users.
I want to thanks from our moderators that help us to improve forum, by helping users.
Special Thanks to our retired moderators: @cod-x (our first moderator that started his work from our weblog). @juice (Mans of tips of CivilEA) @kamran (My dear friend that help me a lot). @timosi™ (Active moderator with special posts). @Ultra Zone, @robertsas, @concreteok, @abudabeeja
and special thanks from our existing moderators that works very hard and spend their time to keep CivilEA clean and best place for you: @BennyP (A very serious, disciplined, honest and lovely person). @oanm2000 (Very serene and Knowledgeable Staff). @Dell Brett (Active and responsible staff). @kowheng (Knowledgeable and honest staff). @Grunf (wBookworm! Lovely, Active and inventor). @usman (Active staff, responsible and inventor). @3fan (serene, serious, active staff).
and all other users that I can not named all of them here, all VIPs users that help us by his/her activation here and sharing their knowledge with you.
All our Donors thet help us by his/her donation that help us to buy strong/stable server . I`m thankful from their responsibilities.
Here you can see summary of statics of forum, from beginning up to now: Users:
* I note that registration on CivilEA.com has been closed from Nov-2010 to Jun-2011 and we had not accept any new user also recently registration was closed again.
Quantity is not important for us, as you see in this graph, sometimes our thread (and also posts) number was decreased, because we`ll delete any useless posts. we are the best because here is clean.
Users of CivilEA where are from?:
this is some statics from forum during these there years, now we are on stable condition, we host on expensive and strong servers that guarantee us uptime and speed.
we have special programs for this year, we want to extend site and give more ability to users that never been seen before.
Can anyone please provide me with the following standard:
BS EN 12311-2:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of tensile properties. Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing.
The vertical deflections of beams is calculated as per Euro Code-2. The Vertical deflection of edge beam is calculated for the most unfavourable serviceability load case. Edge Beams in five faces of clinic building is checked for deflection. i.e. north face, east face,south face, west face curved portion and west face as shown previously.
The following pages shows the vertical deflection calculation of edge beams in second mezzanine floor level ( since the loading is more in this floor due to presence of mechanical rooms).
Vertical deflection calculation for the beam which has maximum deflection on that face is shown here.
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Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
I Am Designing 20 Storied Building With Transfer Girder Beams at 3rd Floor i Mean Over That Beams There are Floating Columns are There. I Modeled Building in Etabs. Can Anybody Let me Know About Soft storey Check in Etabs And Design. Is There Any Load Combinations in Etabs For Soft Storey Design?
Author: A. E. Adams, W. S. MacKenzie , C. Guilford | Size: 50 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition | Year: (July 23, 1984) | pages: 108 | ISBN: 978-0470274767
Atlas of sedimentary rocks under the microscope A third volume to accompany the successful Atlas of Rock-forming Minerals in Thin Section and Atlas of Igneous Rocks and Their Textures, this full-colour handbook presents over 200 colour illustrations of the common constituents and textures of sedimentary rocks as seen using thin sections or acetate peels. Since carbonate rocks show the greatest variety of grain types half the book is devoted to them, but the authors also cover sandstones, ironstones, phosphatic rocks, evaporites and cherts. In addition to the plates and their captions a short introduction outlines the classifications used and the staining techniques applied to most of the limestone samples. Like its predecessors, this atlas provides an essential guide and laboratory manual for geology students and teachers. Amateur geologists will also find much to help them enjoy the study of sedimentary rocks under the microscope with the aid of relatively simple equipment. A.E. Adams is Lecturer in Geology at the University of Manchester. W.S. MacKenzie is Emeritus Professor of Petrology at the University of Manchester. C. Guilford was formerly Superintendent of the Department of Geology at the University of Manchester.
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1. Marine structures engineering, by Gregory P. Tsinker
2. Design of marine facilities for the berthing, mooring, and repair of vessels by John Gaythwaite
or any Book where example of design of Wharves, Piers and Jetties will be found.
Hi all
I doing thesis master
I need some paper for my thesis
1. K. Subbaraj, M.A. Dokainish (1989). A survey of direct time integration methods in computational structural dynamics. II. Implicit methods, Computers and Structure,s 32, 1387–1401.
2. J. Chung, G.M. Hulbert (1993). A time integration algorithm for structural dynamics with improved numerical dissipation: the generalized-a method, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 60, 371–375