Particle boards, Woodbased sheet materials, Wood products, Boards, Boiling tests, Water-resistance tests, Test equipment, Strength of materials, Test specimens, Specimen preparation, Testing conditions
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Particle boards, Woodbased sheet materials, Wood products, Boards, Boiling tests, Water-resistance tests, Test equipment, Strength of materials, Test specimens, Specimen preparation, Testing conditions
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Particle boards, Woodbased sheet materials, Wood products, Definitions, Classification systems
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Plywood, Particle boards, Woodbased sheet materials, Wood products, Construction materials, Cements, Binding agents, Definitions, Classification systems
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BS EN 634-2:2007 Cement-bonded particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for OPC bonded particleboards for use in dry, humid and external conditions
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Author: Michael Plesha, Gary Gray, Francesco Costanzo | Size: 75 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | Year: 2009 | pages: 704 | ISBN: 0077275535
Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics presents the fundamental concepts, clearly, in a modern context using applications and pedagogical devices that connect with today’s students.
The text features a five-part problem-solving methodology that is consistently used throughout all example problems. This methodology helps students lay out the steps necessary to correct problem-formulation and explains the steps needed to arrive at correct and realistic solutions. Once students have fully mastered the basic concepts, they are taught appropriate use of modern computational tools where applicable.
Further reinforcing the text's modern emphasis, the authors have brought engineering design considerations into selected problems where appropriate. This sensitizes students to the fact that engineering problems do not have a single answer and many different routes lead to a correct solution.
The first new mainstream text in engineering mechanics in nearly twenty years, Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics will help your students learn this important material efficiently and effectively.
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Flammability testing of materials used in construction, transport and mining >> By V Apte, formerly Fire Science and Technology Laboratory, CSIRO, Australia
Author: V Apte, formerly Fire Science and Technology Laboratory, CSIRO, Australia | Size: 4.26 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: January 2006 | pages: 478 | ISBN: ISBN 1 85573 935 6 ISBN-13: 978 1 85573 935 2
V Apte, formerly Fire Science and Technology Laboratory, CSIRO, Australia
- an authoritative guide to best practice in ensuring safe design
- defines flammability and the main types of test available
- a vital reference source for civil and transport engineers
Engineers need to be able to test the flammability of the materials they use in buildings and other structures. However, the range of test procedures and regulations in this important area is often confusing. Flammability testing of materials used in construction, transport and mining provides an authoritative guide to current best practice in ensuring safe design.
The book begins by defining flammability and the main types of test available. Building on this foundation, a group of chapters then reviews tests for key materials used in buildings and their contents. There are chapters on wood, external cladding and sandwich panels as well as the flammability of walls and ceilings. Tests for furniture fabrics, cables and electrical appliances are also reviewed. A final group of chapters discusses other types of test, particularly in the transport sector, including chapters on flammability testing for railway passenger cars, aircraft, road and rail tunnels.
With its distinguished international team of contributors, Flammability testing of materials used in construction, transport and mining is a standard reference for civil and transport engineers in particular.
About the author
Dr Vivek Apte is a Senior Research Scientist with CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT), and has led a number of projects within its Fire Science and Technology Laboratory. Before joining CMIT, Dr Apte was a Senior Specialist at TestSafe Australia for 14 years. He is the author of over 75 publications in the area of fire and explosion safety.
Understanding materials flammability
C Lautenberger, University of California, USA, J Torero, University of Edinburgh, UK and A C Fernandez-Pello, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Definition of flammability
- Key aspects of flammability
- Standardized bench-scale flammability tests
- Standardized real-scale flammability tests
- Customized flammability tests
- Fire modeling as a complement to flammability testing
- Future trends
- References
Fundamental measurement techniques
M Janssens, Southwest Research Institute, USA
- Introduction
- Temperature measurements
- Heat flux
- Mass
- Pressure
- Gas velocity
- Gas flow rate
- Light extinction
- Gas analysis
- Error and uncertainty of measurements
- References
Flammability of wood products
B A-L Östman, SP Trätek / Wood Technology, Sweden
- Introduction
- New European classes for the reaction to fire performance of building products
- Applications for different wood products
- Test results for different wood products
- Classification without further testing for wood products
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Flammability tests for external cladding on buildings
E Soja, BRANZ Ltd, New Zealand
- Introduction
- Building regulations
- Modelling external fire spread
- Case studies of fires
- Full-scale or intermediate-scale test methods for façades
- Small- or bench-scale test methods used to classify external claddings
- Performance in selected test methods
- Conclusions
- References
Fire hazard assessment of wall and ceiling fire spread in rooms
C Wade, BRANZ Ltd, New Zealand
- Introduction
- Model basis and principles
- Material properties
- Determining flame spread and fire growth
- Smoke development
- Model verification
- Conclusions
- Nomenclature
- References
Fire behaviour of sandwich panels
P Van Hees, SP Fire Technology, Sweden
- Description of sandwich panels
- Typical fire problems related to sandwich panels
- Overview of major recent developed reaction to fire test methods
- Overview of major test methods and approaches used by insurance companies
- Recent research related to sandwich panels
- Areas for further progress in testing of sandwich panels
- References and bibliography
Flammability tests for upholstered furniture and mattresses
CM Fleischman, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Introduction
- The role of upholstered furniture and mattresses in fires
- Description of the burning behaviour of upholstered furniture
- Standard test methods for upholstered furniture and mattresses
- Modelling of furniture fires
- Additional information
- Nomenclature
- References
Flammability tests for cables
B Sundstrom, SP Fire Technology, Sweden
- Fire hazards related to cables
- International standards for the fire performance of cables
- The European Union requirements on cables
- Some results of research projects related to cables
- Areas for further development
Flammability tests for electrical appliances
M Simonson, SP Fire Technology, Sweden
- Introduction
- Fire statistics
- Fire performance
- Standardisation/regulation
- Environmental considerations
- References
Flammability tests for regulation of building and construction materials
K Sumathipala, American Forest and Paper Association and R H White, USDA Forest Service, USA
- Introduction
- United States flammability requirements
- Canadian flammability requirements
- European flammability requirements
- Japanese and Chinese flammability requirements
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Fire testing in road and railway tunnels
H Ingason, SP Fire Technology, Sweden
- Introduction
- Overview of large-scale tunnel experiments
- Description of large-scale tests
- Summation of measured HRR data
- Summation of the temperature data
- Summation of flame length data
- Conclusions
- References
Flammability tests for aircraft
J M Peterson, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, USA
- Introduction
- FAA approvals for design and production of airplanes
- FAA fire test requirements inside the fuselage
- FAA fire test requirements outside the fuselage
- Future FAA directions
- References
Flammability testing in the mining sector
H C Verakis, US Department of Labor, USA
- Introduction
- Regulated materials for flammability
- Definitions and terms
- Technical aspects and criteria
- Evaluated materials/products
- Future applications/trends
- Summary
- Sources of information
- References
Flammability tests for railway passenger cars
R D Peacock and R W Bukowski, NIST Building and Fire Laboratory, USA
- Introduction
- Small scale testing
- Tests on assemblies
- Full scale tests
- Future trends
- References
Ships and submarines
B Y Lattimer, Hughes Associates Inc., USA
- Introduction
- Ships
- Submarines
- Future trends
- Summary
- References
Tests for spontaneous ignition of solid materials
H Wang, CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology, B Z Dlugorgorski and E M Kennedy, The University of Newcastle, Australia
- Introduction
- Heat-based methods: isothermal and adiabatic calorimetry
- Heat-based methods: differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- Heat-based methods: basket heating
- Heat-based methods: Chen’s method
- Heat-based methods: crossing-point temperature (CPT)
- Non heat-based methods: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
- Non heat-based methods: oxygen consumption and generation of gaseous oxidation products
- Non heat-based methods: generation of solid oxidation products
- Advantages and disadvantages of the various test methods
- Conclusions
- Nomenclature
- References
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Sustainability of construction materials >> Edited by J Khatib, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Author: Edited by J Khatib, University of Wolverhampton, UK | Size: 6.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: April 2009 | pages: 313 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 349 3 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 349 7
This polished work, edited by Jamal Khatib, is ground-breaking and based on an international team of contributors, it is laid out in the form of a super academic journal, each chapter presenting an abstract, keywords and references.
Materials World
…useful materials science book. …The masonry materials chapter is excellent.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
…thought provoking and forward-thinking. …should be of interest a wide audience. …a stimulating learning experience. ...A more scientific and theoretical approach for those who wish to get in touch with sustainable building materials.
Bowen met staal
- provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the sustainability of a variety of construction materials ranging from wood and bamboo to cement and concrete
- assesses the durability of sustainable construction materials including the utilisation of waste tyre rubber and vegetable fibres
- collates a wealth of recent research including relevant case studies as well as an investigation into future trends
Until recently, much of the development of building materials has predominantly focused on producing cheaper, stronger and more durable construction materials. More recently attention has been given to the environmental issues in manufacturing, using, disposing and recycling of construction materials. Sustainability of construction materials brings together a wealth of recent research on the subject.
The first part of the book gives a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the sustainability of the following building materials: aggregates; timber, wood and bamboo; vegetable fibres; masonry; cement, concrete and cement replacement materials; metals and alloys; glass; and engineered wood products. A final group of chapters cover the use of waste tyre rubber in civil engineering works, the durability of sustainable construction materials and nanotechnologies for sustainable construction.
With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Sustainability of construction materials is a standard reference for anyone involved in the construction and civil engineering industries with an interest in the highly important topic of sustainability.
About the editor
Dr Jamal Khatib is a Reader in Civil Engineering Materials in the School of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Sustainability of aggregates in construction
W Langer, United States Geological Survey, USA
- Introduction
- Production of aggregate
- Substitutes and manufactured aggregates
- Extending aggregate availability through recycling
- Performance of aggregate in use
- Waste products from aggregate mining and processing
- Sustainability of natural aggregate
- Status of sustainable aggregate resource management
- General approaches to sustainable aggregate resource management
- Case studies
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Sustainability of timber, wood and bamboo in construction
M Asif, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom
- Introduction
- Softwood and hardwood
- Chemical composition
- Growth and structure of wood
- Seasoning
- Sustainability
- Durability
- Preservation
- Repair
- Waste disposal and recycling
- Wood composites
- Bamboo
- References
Sustainability of vegetable fibres in construction
H Savastano Jr, S F Santos and V Agopyan, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
- Introduction
- Availability and extraction
- Manufacturing and processing of raw materials
- General uses
- Case study: vegetable fibre in cement-based composites
- Conclusions
- References
Sustainability of masonry in construction
P Bingel and A Bown, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
- Introduction
- Additional sources of information
- Definitions
- Facts and figures
- Manufacture of masonry units and mortar
- Standards for masonry
- Properties of masonry
- Historical use of masonry
- Sustainability
- Examples of sustainable masonry construction
- Future developments in masonry
- References
Sustainability of cement, concrete and cement replacement materials in construction
M Glavind, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
- Introduction
- Life cycle aspects of concrete
- Raw materials
- Manufacturing of concrete
- Construction
- Uses of concrete
- Demolition and recycling
- Case studies
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Sustainability of metals and alloys in construction
P Lambert, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
- Introduction
- Ferrous alloys
- Stainless steel
- Weathering steels
- Non-ferrous metals and alloys
- Copper and copper alloys
- Corrosion
- Future trends
- References
Sustainability of glass in construction
C Atkins, Mott MacDonald, UK
- Introduction
- History of glass
- Manufacture
- Composition
- Types of glass and their usage
- Glass production
- Structural uses of glass
- Reuse
- Recycling
- Alternative uses
- Conclusions
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Sustainability of engineered wood products in construction
H R Milner, Monash University, Australia
- Introduction
- Engineered wood products and sawn timber products
- Products and raw elements
- Structural life and service environment
- Sustainability, life cycle analysis, embodied energy
- Life cycle analysis
- Structural adhesives
- Case studies
- References
The use of waste tyre rubber in civil engineering works
N Oikonomou and S Mavridou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Introduction
- Tire rubber in concrete and mortars
- Tire rubber in asphalt mixtures
- Tire rubber in geotechnical works
- Other applications
- Sustainability issues / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Conclusions
- References
Durability of sustainable concrete materials
J Bai, University of Glamorgan, UK
- Introduction
- The nature of concrete durability
- Durability of sustainable construction materials
- References
Nanotechnologies for sustainable construction
M R Geiker and M M Andersen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Introduction
- Nanotechnology and sustainable construction
- Green nanotechnology for construction
- Health and environmental risks
- Selected examples of green nanoconstruction
- Sources of further information and advice
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
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BS EN 1365 series Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements
Size: Rar 1.9 MB | Format:PDF
1. BS EN 1365-1:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 1: Walls
2. BS EN 1365-2:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 2: Floors and roofs
3. BS EN 1365-3:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 3: Beams
4. BS EN 1365-4:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 4: Columns
5. BS EN 1365-5:2004 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 5: Balconies and walkways
6. BS EN 1365-6:2004 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 6: Stairs
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Posted by: ir_71 - 12-20-2011, 10:45 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear friends,
I need the following standards for my next lection :
1. BS EN 1365-1:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 1: Walls
2. BS EN 1365-2:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 2: Floors and roofs
3. BS EN 1365-3:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 3: Beams
4. BS EN 1365-4:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 4: Columns
5. BS EN 1365-5:2004 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 5: Balconies and walkways
6. BS EN 1365-6:2004 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 6: Stairs
I'll be thankful if someone of you who have them or some of them - share them.