The Essential Handbook of Ground-Water Sampling clearly details the economic and scientific case for adopting these new methodologies. Citing examples of unnecessary expenditure due to the inaccuracy of out-dated techniques, the editors point out that the expense of making incorrect decisions based on poor quality samples clearly negates any savings that might be realized by using older, more inefficient, and effectively short-sighted, methods. Using numerous figures, tables, and references to recent research, the editors explain the efficiency of utilizing newer, more accurate, techniques that produce higher quality data. The text provides a detailed discussion of every aspect of ground-water sampling from the development of a sampling and analysis plan, through sample collection, pretreatment, handling, shipping, and analysis, to the documentation, interpretation, and presentation of ground-water quality data.
Successful sampling events and accurate data provide a sound foundation for making important, potentially expensive decisions regarding site monitoring, risk assessment, remediation, and closure. Armed with the information presented in this handbook, environmental professionals will be able to make sound technological and economic decisions regarding the choice of sampling equipment, methodologies, and procedures to meet their site-specific objectives and ensure the success of their ground-water sampling programs.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 12-10-2011, 07:54 AM - Forum: General Books
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Durability of Building Sealants
Author: Andreas T. Wolf - editor | Size: 5.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: RILEM | Year: 1999 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 0419249303
This volume contains the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Durability of Building Sealants, held under the joint auspices of the British Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE) and the International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Buildings and Structures (RILEM) Technical Committee 139-DBS.
The twelve contributions in this volume reflect the wide spectrum of current research and provide for the development of an International Standard on Sealant Durability.
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Posted by: hessi - 12-10-2011, 06:39 AM - Forum: ASTM
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Hi buddies!
I want the newest version of ASTM C494
I will be pleased if you help me
ASTM C494 / C494M - 11 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
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A quick guide to API 510 certified pressure vessel inspector syllabus: Example questions and worked answers >> By C Matthews, Matthews Engineering Training Limited, UK
Author: C Matthews, Matthews Engineering Training Limited, UK | Size: 8.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: October 2010 | pages: 334 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 755 3 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 755 6
- provides simple, accessible and well-structured guidance for anyone studying the API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector syllabus
- summarizes the syllabus and provides the user with multiple example questions and worked answers
- technical standards are referenced from the API ‘body of knowledge’ for the examination
The API Individual Certification Programs (ICPs) are well established worldwide in the oil, gas, and petroleum industries. This Quick Guide is unique in providing simple, accessible and well-structured guidance for anyone studying the API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector syllabus by summarizing and helping them through the syllabus and providing multiple example questions and worked answers.
Technical standards are referenced from the API ‘body of knowledge’ for the examination, i.e. API 510 Pressure vessel inspection, alteration, rerating; API 572 Pressure vessel inspection; API RP 571 Damage mechanisms; API RP 577 Welding; ASMEVIII Vessel design; ASMEV NDE; and ASME IX Welding qualifications.
About the author
Clifford Matthews CEng, FIMechE is Director of Matthews Engineering Training Limited, UK, which runs training courses in API 510/570/653, plant inspection, code design, pressure relief equipment and related subjects: over 4000 delegates have been trained in the past 10 years. He has worldwide experience in various industries and is the author of several books on topics relating to inspection. Matthews Training’s approach to teaching API subjects has achieved a first-time examination pass rate in the region of 90%.The company is an authorised global training provider to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Interpreting ASME and API Codes
- Codes and the real world
- ASME construction codes
- API inspection codes
- Code revisions
- Code illustrations
- New construction versus repair activity
- Conclusion: interpreting API and ASME codes
An Introduction to API 510 (Sections 1–4)
- Introduction
- Section 1: scope
- Section 3: definitions
- Section 4: owner/user/inspector organization
- API 510 sections 1–4 familiarization questions
API 510 Inspection Practices (Section 5)
- Introduction to API 510 section 5: inspection practices
- Inspection types and planning
- Condition monitoring locations (CMLs)
- Section 5.8: pressure testing
- API 510 section 5 familiarization questions
API 510 Frequency and Data Evaluation (Sections 6 and 7)
- Introduction
- The contents of section 6
- API 510 section 6 familiarization questions
- Section 7: inspection data evaluation, analysis and recording
- API 510 section 7 familiarization questions
API 510 Repair, Alteration, Re-rating (Section 8)
- Definitions
- Re-rating
- Repairs
- API 510 section 8 familiarization questions
API 572 Inspection of Pressure Vessels
- API 572 introduction
- API 572 section 4: types of pressure vessels
- API 572 section 4.3: materials of construction
- API 572 sections 5, 6 and 7
- API 572 section 8: corrosion mechanisms
- API 572 section 9: frequency and time of inspection
- API 572 section 10: inspection methods and limitations
- API 572 section 10 familiarization questions
API 571 Damage Mechanisms
- API 571 introduction
- The first group of DMs
- API 571 familiarization questions (set 1)
- The second group of DMs
- API 571 familiarization questions (set 2)
- The third group of DMs
API 576 Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices
- Introduction to API 576
- API 576 sections 3 and 4: types (definitions) of pressure-relieving devices
- Types of pressure-relieving device
- API 576 section 5: causes of improper performance
- API 576 section 6: inspection and testing
- API 576 familiarization questions
ASME VIII Pressure Design
- The role of ASME VIII in the API 510 syllabus
- How much of ASME VIII is in the API 510 syllabus?
- ASME VIII clause numbering
- Shell calculations: internal pressure
- Head calculations: internal pressure
- Set 1: shells/heads under internal pressure familiarization questions
- ASME VIII: MAWP and pressure testing
- Set 2: MAWP and pressure testing familiarization questions
- External pressure shell calculations
- Set 3: vessels under external pressure familiarization questions
- Nozzle design
ASME VIII Welding and NDE
- Introduction
- Sections UW-1 to UW-5: about joint design
- UW-12: joint efficiencies
- UW-11: RT and UT examinations
- UW-9: design of welded joints
- ASME VIII section UW-11 familiarization questions (set 1)
- Welding requirements of ASME VIII section UW-16
- ASME VIII section UW-16 familiarization questions (set 2)
- RT requirements of ASME VIII sections UW-51 and UW-52
- ASME VIII section UW-51/52 familiarization questions (set 3)
ASME VIII and API 510 Heat Treatment
- ASME requirements for PWHT
- What is in UCS-56?
- API 510 PWHT overrides
- ASME VIII sections UCS-56 and UW-40: PWHT familiarization questions
Welding Qualifications and ASME IX
- Module introduction
- Formulating the qualification requirements
- Welding documentation reviews: the exam questions
- ASME IX article I
- Section QW-140 types and purposes of tests and examinations
- ASME IX article II
- ASME IX articles I and II familiarization questions
- ASME IX article III
- ASME IX article IV
- ASME IX articles III and IV familiarization questions
- The ASME IX review methodology
- ASME IX WPS/PQR review: worked example
The NDE Requirements of API 510 and API 577
- NDE requirements of API 510 and API 577
- API 510 NDE requirements
NDE Requirements of ASME V
- Introduction
- ASME V article 1: general requirements
- ASME V article 2: radiographic examination
- ASME V article 6: penetrant testing (PT)
- ASME V articles 1, 2 and 6: familiarization questions
- ASME V article 7: magnetic testing (MT)
- ASME V article 23: ultrasonic thickness checking
- ASME V articles 7 and 23 familiarization questions
The Final Word on Exam Questions
- All exams anywhere: some statistical nuts and bolts for non-mathematicians
- Exam questions and the three principles of whatever (the universal conundrum of randomness versus balance)
- Exam selectivity
- Publications effectivity sheet for API 510 Exam
- Administration: 2 June 2010
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Science and engineering of short fibre reinforced polymer composites (Woodhead Publishing in Materials) >> By S-Y Fu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, B Lauke, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Germany and Y-W Mai, University of Sydney, Australia
Author: S-Y Fu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, B Lauke, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Germany and Y-W Mai, University of Sydney, Australia | Size: 5.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: July 2009 | pages: 361 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 269 1 ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 269 8
In the final chapter relating to the fracture mechanics of SFRP, the depth and breadth is quite remarkable. The text is both well-planned and well-written.
Materials World
- reviews the mechanical properties and functions of short fibre reinforced polymer composites (SFRP)
- examines recent developments in the fundamental mechanisms of SFRP's
- assesses major factors affecting mechanical performance such as stress transfer and strength
- discusses the extensive application of SFRP's in automobiles, durable consumer goods and electrical industries
When fibres in a composite are discontinuous and are shorter than a few millimetres, the composite is called a ‘short fibre reinforced composite (SFRP)’. SFRPs have found extensive applications in automobiles, business machines, durable consumer items, sporting goods and electrical industries owing to their low cost, easy processing and superior mechanical properties over the parent polymers. The book summarises recent developments in this area, focusing on the fundamental mechanisms that govern the mechanical properties including strength, modulus, fracture toughness and thermal properties of SFRP materials.
This book covers the following topics: extrusion compounding and injection moulding, major factors affecting mechanical performance, stress transfer, strength, elastic modulus flexural modulus, thermal conductivity and expansion, non-linear stress-strain behaviour and fracture mechanics of short fibre reinforced polymers.
With its distinguished team of authors, Science and engineering of short fibre reinforced polymer composites is a standard reference for anyone involved in the development, manufacture and use of SFRPs. It will also provide an in-depth understanding of the behaviour of these versatile materials.
About the authors
Professor Shao-Yun Fu is Division Head, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Dr Bernd Lauke is Group Leader, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Dresden, Germany. Professor Yiu-Wing Mai holds the University Chair in Mechanical Engineering and is Director, Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; he is also Visiting Chair Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
Introduction to short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- Introduction
- Mechanical and physical properties
- Organization of the book
- References
Major factors on performance of short fibre reinforced polymers
- Introduction
- Modified rule of mixtures
- Fibres
- Polymer matrices
- Interface and interphase
- Fibre length
- Fibre orientation
- Fibre volume fraction
- References
Stress transfer in short fibre reinforced polymers
- Model review
- Single-fibre model
- Multi-fibre model
- Local stress distribution
- Finite element analysis
- References
Strength of short fibre reinforced polymers
- Introduction
- Longitudinal strength of unidirectionally aligned short fibre reinforced polymers
- Strength of partially aligned short fibre reinforced polymers
- Anisotropy of tensile strength of short fibre reinforced polymer (SFRP) composites
- Strength of randomly aligned short fibre reinforced polymers
- Strength of hybrid short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- References
Elastic modulus of short fibre reinforced polymers
- Introduction
- Elastic modulus of unidirectional short fibre reinforced composites
- Elastic modulus of partially aligned short fibre reinforced composites
- Anisotropy of modulus of short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- Random short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- Hybrid short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- Numerical methods
- Effect of interphase properties on the composite modulus
- References
Flexural modulus of short fibre reinforced polymers
- Introduction
- Flexural modulus of SFRP composites
- References
Thermal conductivity and expansion of short fibre reinforced polymer composites
- Introduction
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal expansion
- References
Fracture mechanics
- Introduction
- Basic concepts for homogeneous materials
- Application of fracture mechanics to fibre reinforced composites
- Mechanisms of fracture toughness and energy dissipation
- Work of fracture of notched specimens
- Work of fracture of un-notched specimens
- Discussion on dependence of the work of fracture on loading rate, volume fraction and interface quality
- Discussion of experimental and modelling results for short glass fibre reinforced polyethylene
- The influence of fibre orientation, length and shape on the work of fracture
- Fracture toughness
- Relation between fracture toughness and the work of fracture
- Essential work of fracture criterion
- References
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Author: David R. Maidment (Editor in Chief) | Size: 50 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: McGraw-Hill | Year: 1993 | pages: 1424 | ISBN: 0070397325 / 9780070397323
Introducing Hydrology's New Benchmark Reference Here's the first book in nearly 30 years to provide comprehensive coverage of the current state of hydrologic knowledge and practice--saving you hours of time tracking down the latest techniques in professional journals. Maidment's Handbook of Hydrology includes the contributions of more than 50 international authorities, who provide you with practical methods of solving problems in every aspect of the field, including the increasing application of geostatistics and computer models. You'll discover more effective ways to. . .mitigate the impact of floods through better urban drainage; assess the water supplies of cities and farming areas; prevent the pollution of natural waters; halt the damaging effects of erosion; protect wilddlife and preserve wetlands; contain and remove contaminants in waterways; and much more.
Handbook of Hydrology is the first book in nearly 30 years to provide comprehensive coverage of the current state of hydrologic knowledge and practice--saving you hours of time tracking down the latest techniques in professional journals.
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This is one of the great book in hydrology and water engineering by a great author David R Maidment. If you like this book, please buy and recommend your librarian to collect some copies for students.
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This book focuses on two areas of ice technology: the use of ice as a construction material and the problems caused by ice to constructions. In connection with describing past and potential future applications of using ice in construction, a detailed discussion on the mechanical properties of ice is given. A state of the art description on ice-making methods, melt protection, methods and reinforcement of ice with the materials are covered.
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Size: 8.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2008 | pages: 222 | ISBN: 0415457742
The construction of high-speed railways includes a wide variety of aspects, ranging from safety to new types of equipment and construction solutions. All these require state-of-art technologies, and in recent years design concepts for high-speed railways have improved. The focus in this volume is on the interaction between rail track and bridges. Track-bridge interaction sets a limit to the vibration and deformability of structures, so that accelerations, stresses and track deformations are controlled, circulation safety is satisfied, and design solutions for bridges are determined.
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Greening Airports considers the “greening”, i.e., more sustainable development, of the entire air transport system – airports, air traffic control, and airlines – that could be achieved by the development and implementation of advanced operations and technologies.
A broad overview of the general concept is given at the start of Greening Airports, which then goes on to provide a system for monitoring and assessing the level of greening of both the air transport system and individual airports. These are followed by analysis and modelling of the potential effects of particular advanced operations and technologies on the greening of airports and their local airspace. These include:
the development of a large airport into a multimodal transport node by connecting it to a high speed rail network;
the use of operations supported by new and existing air traffic control technologies to increase landing capacity of existing runways;
the use of liquid hydrogen as a commercial aviation fuel; and
the improvement of airport ground accessibility by a light rail rapid transit system.
Greening Airports is written for researchers, planners, operators and policy makers in air transport.
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