Author: Bichara B. Muvdi , Amir W. Al-Khafaji , J.W. McNabb | Size: 71 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2012 ( reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997 ) | pages: 917 | ISBN: 1461273366 ISBN13: 9781461273363
"Mechanics is one ofthe branches ofphysics in which the number ofprinciples is at once very few and very rich in useful consequences. On the other hand, there are few sciences which have required so much thought-the conquest of a few axioms has taken more than 2000 years. "-Rene Dugas, A History 0/ Mechanics Introductory courses in engineering mechanics (statics and dynamics) are generally found very early in engineering curricula. As such, they should provide the student with a thorough background in the basic fundamentals that form the foundation for subsequent work in engi neering analysis and design. Consequently, our primary goal in writing Statics for Engineers and Dynamics for Engineers has been to develop the fundamental principles of engineering mechanics in a manner that the student can readily comprehend. With this comprehension, the student thus acquires the tools that would enable him/her to think through the solution ofmany types ofengineering problems using logic and sound judgment based upon fundamental principles. Approach We have made every effort to present the material in a concise but clear manner. Each subject is presented in one or more sections fol lowed by one or more examples, the solutions for which are presented in a detailed fashion with frequent reference to the basic underlying principles. A set of problems is provided for use in homework assign ments.
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Author: Elias G. Abu-Saba | Size: 6.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2012( reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995 edition ) | pages: 403 | ISBN: 1461358647 ISBN13: 9781461358640
This book is intended for classroom teaching in architectural and civil engineering at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Although it has been developed from lecture notes given in structural steel design, it can be useful to practicing engineers. Many of the examples presented in this book are drawn from the field of design of structures. Design of Steel Structures can be used for one or two semesters of three hours each on the undergraduate level. For a two-semester curriculum, Chapters 1 through 8 can be used during the first semester. Heavy emphasis should be placed on Chapters 1 through 5, giving the student a brief exposure to the consideration of wind and earthquakes in the design of buildings. With the new federal requirements vis a vis wind and earthquake hazards, it is beneficial to the student to have some under standing of the underlying concepts in this field. In addition to the class lectures, the instructor should require the student to submit a term project that includes the complete structural design of a multi-story building using standard design procedures as specified by AISC Specifications. Thus, the use of the AISC Steel Construction Manual is a must in teaching this course. In the second semester, Chapters 9 through 13 should be covered. At the undergraduate level, Chapters 11 through 13 should be used on a limited basis, leaving the student more time to concentrate on composite construction and built-up girders.
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Author: AISC American Institute of Steel Construction | Size: 1.75 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: AISC American Institute of Steel Construction | Year: 2014 | pages: 70
Evaluation and Repair of Bridge Truss Gusset Plates
Howard Hill, Jonathan C. McGormley, Jonathan Lewis,
Wade Clarke and Thomas Nagle
Two-Way Bending of Base Plates under Uniaxial
Moment Loading—Alternative Approach
Edward R. Haninger and Bruce M. Tong
A Graphical Design Aid for Selecting Standard
W-Shape Steel Beam-Columns with Minimum Weight
Mohammad Ali Sa'Adat and Mohammad Reza Banan
Effective Weld Properties for Hollow Structural Section
T-Connections under Branch In-Plane Bending
Matthew R. McFadden and Jeffrey A. Packer
Current Steel Structures Research No. 36
Reidar Bjorhovde
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Author: P. G. Lowe | Size: 4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 1982 First Edition | pages: 190 | ISBN: 0903384256 ISBN13: 9780903384254
Adding another volume, even if only a slim one, to the technical books already published requires some justification. Mine is, firstly, that plate theory is not well represented in the available elementary texts, and secondly that no existing text adequately covers modern applications. The present account is intended to be elementary (though this is a relative term) while still providing stimulation and worthwhile experience for the reader. Special features of interest will I hope be the treatment of geometry of surfaces and the attempts around the end of the work to speculate a little. The detailed treatment of geometry of surfaces has been placed in an appendix where it can readily be referred to by the reader. My interest in plate theory extends back many years to the energetic and stimulating discussions with my supervisor, Professor R. W. Tiffen, at Birkbeck College, London, and a debt to him remains. Interest was rekindled for me by Dr R. E. Melchers when I supervised him in Cambridge some ten years ago, and more recently my stay at Strathclyde University and encouragement and stimulation in the Civil Engineering Department led me to undertake the present work. The typescript was prepared by Ms Catherine Drummond and I thank her warmly for this and other assistance, always cheerfully offered. My thanks also to the publishers and the referees for useful comments and advice. P.G.L.
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This book provides the students of various engineering disciplines with a clear and understandable treatment of the concepts of Mechanics of Materials or Strength of Materials. This subject is concerned with the behavior of deformable bodies when subjected to axial, torsional and flexural loads as well as combinations thereof. It is a 3rd, updated edition of the popular undergraduate level textbook useful for students of mechanical, structural, civil, aeronautical and other engineering disciplines. The book is supplied with problems and a solution manual will be available from the authors.
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Posted by: AlmostThere - 10-14-2014, 06:10 AM - Forum: Archive
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Article/eBook Full Name: Greek national annexes to Eurocodes
Author(s): Hellenic Body for Standardisation
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An integrated structural bridge design solution
Structural Bridge Design software gives you greater flexibility and efficiency in your bridge design processes. Perform integrated loading, analysis, and code checking of small- to medium-span bridges and deliver design reports faster. Rely on more accurate, consistent, and verifiable data throughout the project lifecycle.
Create better bridge designs faster with finite element analysis
Use side-by-side graphical displays in Structural Bridge Design software
Create reliable reports
Review and validate requirements throughout the design process.
Use bridge design software to generate detailed reports
Deliver reports faster
Speed report delivery with loading, analysis, and code checking integration.
Accelerate project refinement
Create detailed designs faster with productivity tools that help you define bridge components and easily incorporate them into the analytical model. Save time with automatic calculations of section properties for all shapes and materials. Allow for stages of construction to support a faster design process on small to medium bridge projects.
Structural Bridge Design software, formerly Sam Integrated Bridge Design software, automatically generates optimized traffic loading in a fully integrated environment. This enables you to refine design options faster with automated change updates in a "define-analyze-code check" loop.
Validate requirements with reliable reporting
Better understand structural behavior with side-by-side graphical displays of data and results at all stages of analysis and design.
Review pass/fail criteria for beams from graphical displays of actual and limiting load effects.
Use detailed hand-style design sheets that are created with full formulas and code referencing to review code check requirements.
Clarify reports and aid in the checking process with embedded screen graphics within the calculation sheet.
Deliver better reports faster
Design sections and bridge beams based on a variety of international standards—including Eurocodes, AASHTO LRFD, British Standards, and Australian and New Zealand Standards. Develop a more economical solution using a single system that doesn’t require import or export or need to convert data. Create reports that need minimal editing by generating calculations directly from the system, which helps you save time and money.
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i am planning to buy the software cypecad. i have never use it but it seems very powerful. I would appreciate your opinion about this software as also the pros and cons.
The International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials provides a forum for accessing to the most up-to-date and authoritative knowledge from both industrial and academic worlds, sharing best practice in this exciting field of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials. The first CEABM was successfully taken place in Haikou, China, June 18-20, 2011, the second CEABM was in held in Yantai, China, from May 25 to 27, 2012 and the third in Jinan, from May 24 to 26, 2013. After the very successful previous issues, the 4th CEABM was successfully held in Haikou, China, from May 24 to 25, 2014.
All papers included in this collection had undergone the careful peer-review by the experts of international and domestic of China before it is selected for publications.
This book covers the subject areas of Structural Engineering, Monitoring and Control of Structures, Structural Rehabilitation, Retrofitting and trengthening, Reliability and Durability of Structures, etc. We hope that this collection of papers will contribute in stimulating debate among scholars, researchers and academicians and we aspire that you find them interesting and thought-provoking.
We would like to thank the authors for their valuable contribution and we are grateful to our general chairs, session chairs and the reviewers for having read and commented on the papers. Our most sincere thanks go to all keynote speakers who shared with us their expertise and knowledge. We are grateful to all the sponsors for their technical and financial support. We would also like to express our gratitude to all the members of the Organizing Committee for the efforts they have made before and during the conference.
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