Posted by: concreteok - 10-29-2014, 07:05 AM - Forum: Archive
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Full title: A proposal for changes to the basis for the design of slabs
Volume 547 of Cement and concrete association. Technical report
Author(s): A. W. Beeby
Publisher:Cement and Concrete Association, 1982
Language: English
ISBN-13: 9780721012544
Advanced composite materials for bridge structures are recognized as a promising alternative to conventional construction materials such as steel.
After an introductory overview and an assessment of the characteristics of bonds between composites and quasi-brittle structures, Advanced Composites in Bridge Construction and Repair reviews the use of advanced composites in the design and construction of bridges, including damage identification and the use of large rupture strain fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. The second part of the book presents key applications of FRP composites in bridge construction and repair, including the use of all-composite superstructures for accelerated bridge construction, engineered cementitious composites for bridge decks, carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites for cable-stayed bridges and for repair of deteriorated bridge substructures, and finally the use of FRP composites in the sustainable replacement of ageing bridge superstructures.
Advanced Composites in Bridge Construction and Repair is a technical guide for engineering professionals requiring an understanding of the use of composite materials in bridge construction.
Reviews key applications of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in bridge construction and repair
Summarizes key recent research in the suitability of advanced composite materials for bridge structures as an alternative to conventional construction materials
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The catastrophic earthquakes of the last decades (Mexico City, 1985; Loma Prieta, 1989; Northridge, 1994; Kobe, 1995) have seriously undermined there putation of steel structures, which in the past represented the most suitable solution for seismic resistant structures. Even if in very few cases, the performance of steel joints and members was unexpectedly bad, showing that it was due to some lacks in the current design concept. As a consequence of the lessons learned from the above dramatic events, many progress has been recently achieved in the conception, design and construction, by introducing the new deals of the performance based design, including the differentiation of earthquaketypes and considering all factor influencing the steel structure behaviour under strong ground motions. In this scenario, the aim of the book is to transfer the most recent achievements into practical rules for a safe design of seismic resistant steel structures. The seven Chapters cover the basic principles and design criteria for seismic resistant steel structures, which are applied to the main structural typologies, like moment resistant frames, braced frames and composite structures with particular reference to connections and details.
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Posted by: mig21 - 10-27-2014, 11:27 AM - Forum: Archive
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[*]Article/eBook Full Name: Advances in Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems [*]Author(s): John D. SØrensen and Dan M. Frangopol [*]Published By: CRC Press [*]Related Links:
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Water structures Sheets (Dam Spillway Design, Complete Water Supply Treatment Plant)
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1-Dam Spillway Design:
A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed. In the UK they may be known as overflow channels. Spillways release floods so that the water does not overtop and damage or even destroy the dam. Except during flood periods, water does not normally flow over a spillway. In contrast, an intake is a structure used to release water on a regular basis for water supply, hydroelectricity generation, etc. Floodgates and fuse plugs may be designed into spillways to regulate water flow and dam height. Other uses of the term "spillway" include bypasses of dams or outlets of a channels used during highwater, and outlet channels carved through natural dams such as moraines.
Energy dissipation
As water passes over a spillway and down the chute, potential energy converts into increasing kinetic energy. Failure to dissipate the water's energy can lead to scouring and erosion at the dam's toe (base). This can cause spillway damage and undermine the dam's stability. The energy can be dissipated by addressing one or more parts of a spillway's design.
Steps - First, on the spillway surface itself by baffles and/or steps along the spillway.
Flip bucket - Second, at the base of a spillway, a flip bucket can create a hydraulic jump and deflect water upwards.
Ski jump - A ski jump can also direct water horizontally and eventually down into a plunge pool or two ski jumps can direct their water discharges to collide with one another.
Stilling basin - Third, a stilling basin at the terminus of a spillway serves to further dissipate energy and prevent erosion. They are usually filled with a relatively shallow depth of water and sometimes lined with concrete. A number of velocity-reducing components can be incorporated into the their design to include chute blocks, baffle blocks, wing walls, surface boils or an end sill.
2-Complete Water Supply Treatment Plant:
Complete Water Supply Treatment Plant
Calculation of Water Demand
Physical & Chemical Standards Of Water
Comparison of Given Data & Standard Data and Treatment Proposed
Design of Intake Well
Design of Pen Stock & Bell Mouth Strainer
Design of Gravity Main
Design of Jack Well
Design Of Pumping System
Design of Rising Main
Treatment Units - Design Of Aeration Unit
Design Of Chemical House & Calculation Of Chemical Dose
Lime - Soda Process
Design Criteria for Mechanical Rapid Mix Unit
Design Of Clariflocculator
Design Of Rapid Gravity Filter
Design Of Disinfection Unit
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The rar file includes the following sheets:
bucket design .xls
Complete Water Supply Treatment Plant.xlsx
length of spill way.xls
optimisation of spillway-Ungated.xls
Spillway Stability.xls
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Soil dynamics is the branch of soil mechanics which deals with the behavior of soil and foundations under dynamic loads. The main goal of this seminar is to provide a better understanding to practicing engineers and architects of the design and evaluation of foundations under this class of dynamic loads. (Read More)
Seminar Benefits
-Understand the behavior of soils under dynamic loading
-Learn about soil-structure interaction and methods of incorporating it in global models
-Learn procedures for equipment foundation design
-Gain insight into the response of centrifugal, reciprocating, and hammerfoundations
-Learn what are the basic dynamic soil properties and the required field tests for its evaluation
-Learn about basic Geotechnical earthquake engineering principles and its relation to global seismic analyses
-Find out latest procedures on modeling and design of different kinds of foundations for seismic loads
-Apply the knowledge of analysis and design procedure in hands-on exercises on computers in a workshop setting
Purpose and Background
Soil dynamics is the branch of soil mechanics which deals with the behavior of soil and foundations under dynamic loads. Operation of rotary machines or hammers, and earthquake ground motions constitute a class of dynamic loads that usually challenge engineers in their design of different kinds of foundations. The main goal of this seminar is to provide a better understanding to practicing engineers and architects of the design and evaluation of foundations under this class of dynamic loads.
Topics to be discussed include:
-Basic Principles of Soil Dynamics: Fundamental distinctions between static and dynamic problems; basic notions of soil dynamics; the nature of different types of dynamic loads; the significance of soil-structure interaction; dynamic soil properties.
-Dynamic Properties of Shallow and Pile Foundations: Impedance functions of foundations and pile groups; definition of stiffness, and damping, for circular shallow foundations and piles; non-circular shallow foundations; mathematical models for pile analysis.
-Rotating Machine and Hammer Foundations: Harmonic excitations due to rotary machines; response of rigid foundations in 1DOF; evaluation of the effects of vibration; coupled response of rigid foundations in two degrees of freedom; types of hammers and hammer foundations; design criteria; mathematical models; impact forces and impact eccentricity.
-Vibration Damage and Remedial Measures for Machine Foundations: Damage and disturbance; problem assessment and evaluation; remedial principles; examples from different industries; sources of error.
-Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Fundamentals: Sources of seismic hazard; introduction to seismic waves; ground motion characterization and response spectra; evaluation of soil dynamic properties; site response analysis.
-Design of Foundations for Seismic Loads: Dynamic bearing capacity of shallow foundations; dynamic response analysis of shallow foundations; conventional methods of analysis of piles under seismic loads; seismic analysis of deep caissons; seismic design of retaining walls; solved examples from industry.
-Computer applications using DYNA-5: Types of foundations; types of soil models; types of loads; types of analysis and output; practical applications using DYNA-5.
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