This book presents an integrated systems approach to the evaluation, analysis, design, and maintenance of civil engineering systems. Addressing recent concerns about the world's aging civil infrastructure and its environmental impact, the author makes the case for why any civil infrastructure should be seen as part of a larger whole. He walks readers through all phases of a civil project, from feasibility assessment to construction to operations, explaining how to evaluate tasks and challenges at each phase using a holistic approach. Unique coverage of ethics, legal issues, and management is also included.
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Author: Howard G. Allen | Size: 4.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Pergamon | Year: 1969 | pages: 292 | ISBN: 1483126625 ISBN13: 9781483126623
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Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung
Author: Badan Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia | Size: 2.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: BSN | Year: 2013 | pages: 265
Standar ini digunakan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan struktur beton untuk bangunan
gedung, atau struktur bangunan lain yang mempunyai kesamaan karakter dengan struktur
bangunan gedung.
Standar ini merupakan revisi dari SNI 03-2847-1992 Tata cara penghitungan struktur beton
untuk bangunan gedung yang mengacu pada ACI 318M-11 Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete. Modifikasi yang dilakukan berupa penambahan daftar definisi pada
pasal 2.2.
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I am looking for the Flour Daniel Design Guidelines. This document is like AISC design practice, but from Flour Daniel. If anybody has this document, please share.
This volume is a thorough introduction to contemporary research in elasticity, and may be used as a working textbook at the graduate level for courses in pure or applied mathematics or in continuum mechanics. It provides a thorough description (with emphasis on the nonlinear aspects) of the two competing mathematical models of three-dimensional elasticity, together with a mathematical analysis of these models. The book is as self-contained as possible.
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The objective of Volume II is to show how asymptotic methods, with the thickness as the small parameter, indeed provide a powerful means of justifying two-dimensional plate theories. More specifically, without any recourse to any a priori assumptions of a geometrical or mechanical nature, it is shown that in the linear case, the three-dimensional displacements, once properly scaled, converge in H1 towards a limit that satisfies the well-known two-dimensional equations of the linear Kirchhoff-Love theory; the convergence of stress is also established.In the nonlinear case, again after ad hoc scalings have been performed, it is shown that the leading term of a formal asymptotic expansion of the three-dimensional solution satisfies well-known two-dimensional equations, such as those of the nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love theory, or the von K?rm?n equations. Special attention is also given to the first convergence result obtained in this case, which leads to two-dimensional large deformation, frame-indifferent, nonlinear membrane theories. It is also demonstrated that asymptotic methods can likewise be used for justifying other lower-dimensional equations of elastic shallow shells, and the coupled pluri-dimensional equations of elastic multi-structures, i.e., structures with junctions. In each case, the existence, uniqueness or multiplicity, and regularity of solutions to the limit equations obtained in this fashion are also studied.
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The objective of Volume III is to lay down the proper mathematical foundations of the two-dimensional theory of shells. To this end, it provides, without any recourse to any a priori assumptions of a geometrical or mechanical nature, a mathematical justification of two-dimensional nonlinear and linear shell theories, by means of asymptotic methods, with the thickness as the "small" parameter.
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the second vol had been posted before but because of new title for 3 vol I made new thread,please merge these two threads and delete my post.
second vol link:
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Posted by: atram - 10-17-2014, 11:38 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear friends,
Can maybe somebody reupload these documents?
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Author: Ehsan Mirnateghi - Mansoor Almazrooei - Ali Mobarak Advisor: Dr. Elias Saqan | Size: 2.75 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Amiracan University IN Dubai | Year: 2009 | pages: 99
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Bentley STAAD Pro V8i (SELECTSeries 4) 7, 8 x64)
Size: 452 MB
STAAD.Pro is the structural engineering professional’s choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel design of virtually any structure including culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles, and much more through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features, and fluent data collaboration.
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Author: Y. C. Fung , Pin Tong | Size: 6 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: World Scientific | Year: 2001 | pages: 952 | ISBN: 9810241240 ISBN13: 9789810241247
Written for engineers and engineering scientists, this book gives first priority to the formulation of problems, presenting the classical results as the gold standard, and the numerical approach as a tool for obtaining solutions. The classical part is a revision of the text "Foundations of Solid Mechanics", with a much-expanded discussion on the theories of plasticity and large elastic deformation with finite strains. The computational part is all new and aims to solve major linear and nonlinear boundary-value problems.
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