Dear all, maybe someone in here have access to Sesoc Journal and can help me to get this paper, thanks
Article/eBook Full Name: The Freedom in Choosing the Seismic Strength of Components
Author(s): Tom Paulay
Edition: Vol 14, No 2
Publish Date: 2001
Published By: Structural Engineering Society New Zealand
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PCA Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 4th ed According ACI318-11
Author: Kamara, M. E. and Novak, L. C. | Size: 28.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: PCA Portland Cement | Year: 2011 | pages: 337 | ISBN: 9780893122737
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This new, fourth edition gives practicing engineers ways to reduce the design time, while still complying with the letter and intent of the ACI Standard 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. The simplified design procedures presented in this book are an attempt to satisfy the various design considerations that need to be addressed in the structural design and detailing of primary framing members of a reinforced concrete building by the simplest and quickest procedures possible. It aims to arrange the information in the code in an organized step-by-step procedure for the building and member design. The formulae and language avoid complicated legal terminology without changing the intent or the objective of the code.
This bestselling publication is based on ACI 318-11. The seismic and wind load provisions were updated to comply with the International Building Code (2009 IBC). Throughout the first eleven chapters, equations, design aids, graphs, and code requirements have been updated to the current Codes. New timesaving design aids were added to expand the use of the book to a wider range of concrete strengths. Also, expanded illustrations of the theory and fundamentals were added. Also, a new chapter on sustainable design (Chapter 12) has been included to introduce the key ideas addressed by today’s green design approaches and ways in which concrete can be used to build sustainably.
Simplified equations, design aids, graphs, and clarification of code requirements are provided throughout for use by engineering professionals seeking ways to speed and simplify their design procedures. Numerous solved examples illustrate the use of the simplified methods and are compared with exact analysis results from software.
The publication contains twelve chapters covering the design and requirements for beams, one-way slab, two-way slab systems, columns, structural walls, footings, structural detailing, formwork, fire resistance, earthquake forces and "Introduction to Sustainable Design."
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This text is the primary recommendation of the UK Engineering Council Faculty of Technology to all British universities as of approved standard and quality for use as a text for the Board's own examinations. It introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of statics and stress analysis as the essential reading for first year engineering students. Worked examples from the authors experience reinforce comprehension of key concepts. Tutorial solutions with explanation in extended detail have been provided for students. Key elements include: use of free-body diagrams to help problem solving; coverage of composite materials; torsion of circular and non-circular sections; and the matrix-displacement method.
Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of statistics and stress analysis and applies these concepts and principles to a large number of practical problems
The primary recommendation of the UK Engineering Council Faculty of Technology to all British universities
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This volume is the first to give the mathematical background and a comprehensive survey of the old and new summation formulae resulting in an approximate value of the critical load factor of a complex problem by means of the critical load factors of subproblems by addition. The theorems and formulae are richly illustrated by examples in structural engineering.
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The new edition includes additional analytical methods in the classical theory of viscoelasticity. This leads to a new theory of finite linear viscoelasticity of incompressible isotropic materials. Anisotropic viscoplasticity is completely reformulated and extended to a general constitutive theory that covers crystal plasticity as a special case.
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TO THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. In preparing this translation, I have taken the liberty of including footnotes in the main text or inserting them in small type at the appropriate places. I have also corrected minor misprints without special mention .. The Chapters and Sections of the original text have been called Parts and Chapters respectively, where the latter have been numbered consecutively. The subject index was not contained in the Russian original and the authors' index represents an extension of the original list of references. In this way the reader should be able to find quickly the pages on which anyone reference is discussed. The transliteration problem has been overcome by printing the names of Russian authors and journals also in Russian type. While preparing this translation in the first place for my own informa tion, the knowledge that it would also become accessible to a large circle of readers has made the effort doubly worthwhile. I feel sure that the reader will share with me in my admiration for the simplicity and lucidity of presentation.
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