In India, Engineer's day is celebrated every year on September 15.This day commemorates the birthday of the legendary engineer Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya KCIE (1860-1962). Internationally recognized for his genius in harnessing water resources, he was responsible for the successful design and construction of several river dams, bridges and the implementing irrigation and drinking water schemes all over India. He served as the dewan of the erstwhile Mysore State and was considered to be the architect of the all-round development of his home state of Karnataka. Amongst his most successful projects are the design and construction of the Krishna Raja Sagar dam and the adjoining Brindavan Gardens, turn-around of the Bhadravati Iron and Steel Works and the setting up of the Mysore Sandalwood Oil Factory. "Making Indian Engineering World-class" is the theme of Engineers Day 2014.
About Sir M Visvesvaraya:
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Structure As Architecture: A Source Book for Architects and Structural Engineers, 2 edition
Author: Andrew Charleson | Size: 52.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Routledge Taylor and Francis | Year: 2014 | pages: 260 | ISBN: 9780415644594
Structure as Architecture presents a comprehensive analysis of the indispensable role of structure in architecture. An exploration, as well as a celebration, of structure, the book draws on a series of design studies and case study examples to illustrate how structure can be employed to realize a wide range of concepts in contemporary architecture.
By examining design principles that relate to both architecture and structural engineering, Andrew Charleson provides new insights into the relationship between both the technical and aesthetic aspects of architecture.
Now in its second edition, the text has been extensively revised and updated throughout. Features include:
• A brand new chapter on hidden structure, adding to the material on exposed structures
• Two new chapters on using structure to realise common architectural concepts through a combination of precedents and creative design
• Over 50 new case studies from across the globe
• Easy-to-understand diagrams and a highly visual design to aid understanding and accessibility
More than two hundred case studies of contemporary buildings from countries such as the UK, the US, France, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong, Australia and Japan illustrate how a thorough integration of structure adds layers of richness and enhances the realisation of architectural design concepts.
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Tall Buildings: Structural Systems and Aerodynamic Form
Author: Mehmet Halis Günel and Hüseyin Emre Ilgin | Size: 22.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Taylor and Francis | Year: 2014 | pages: 214 | ISBN: 9781138021778
The structural challenges of building 800 metres into the sky are substantial, and include several factors which do not affect low-rise construction. This book focusses on these areas specifically to provide the architectural and structural knowledge which must be taken into account in order to design tall buildings successfully.
In presenting examples of steel, reinforced concrete, and composite structural systems for such buildings, it is shown that wind load has a very important effect on the architectural and structural design. The aerodynamic approach to tall buildings is considered in this context, as is earthquake induced lateral loading.
Case studies of some of the world’s most iconic buildings, illustrated with full colour photographs, structural plans and axonometrics, will bring to life the design challenges which they presented to architects and structural engineers. The Empire State Building, the Burj Khalifa, Taipei 101 and the HSB Turning Torso are just a few examples of the buildings whose real-life specifications are used to explain and illustrate core design principles, and their subsequent effect on the finished structure.
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This manual was developed to help measurably reduce the frequency and severity of crashes on American roadways by providing tools for considering safety in the project development process. The manual assists practitioners in selecting countermeasures and prioritizing projects, comparing alternatives, and quantifying and predicting the safety performance of roadway elements considered in planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation. This three-volume manual features a synthesis of validated highway research, procedures for including safety in project decisions, and analytical tools for predicting impact on road safety.
Front Matter
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Worksheets
Preface to the Highway Safety Manual
• Table of Contents
•Volume 1•Part A. Introduction, Human Factors, and Fundamentals
1. Introduction and Overview
2. Human Factors
3. Fundamentals
Part B. Roadway Safety Management Process
4. Network Screening
5. Diagnosis
6. Select Countermeasures
7. Economic Appraisal
8. Prioritize Projects
9. Safety Effectiveness Evaluation
•Volume 2Part C. Introduction and Applications Guidance
10. Predictive Method for Rural Two-Lane, Two-Way Roads
11. Predictive Method for Rural Multilane Highways
12. Predictive Method for Urban and Suburban Arterials
Appendix A: Specialized Procedures Common to All Part C Chapters
•Volume 3Part D. Introduction and Applications Guidance
13. Roadway Segments
14. Intersections
15. Interchanges
16. Special Facilities and Geometric Situations
17. Road Networks
• Glossary
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The Highway Drainage Guidelines provides a consolidated overview of highway hydraulic design and discusses possible hydrology problems in the following areas: Hydraulic considerations in highway planning and location hydrology; Erosion and sediment control in highway construction; Hydraulic design of highway culverts; Legal aspects of highway drainage; Hydraulic analysis and design of open channels; Hydraulic analysis for the location and design of bridges; Hydraulic aspects in restoration and upgrading of highways; Storm drain systems; Evaluating highway effects on surface water environments; Highways along coastal zones and lakeshores; stormwater management; Training and career development of hydraulics engineers; Culvert inspection; Material selection and rehabilitation; and Guidelines for selecting and utilizing hydraulics engineering consultants.
Front Matter
• Preface
• Table of Contents
1. Hydraulic Considerations in Highway Planning and Location
2. Hydrology
3. Erosion and Sediment Control in Highway Construction
4. Hydraulic Design of Culverts
5. The Legal Aspects of Highway Drainage
6. Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Open Channels
7. Hydraulic Analysis for the Location and Design of Bridges
8. Hydraulic Aspects in Restoration and Upgrading of Highways
9. Storm Drain Systems
10. Evaluating Highway Effects on Surface Water Environments
11. Highways along Coastal Zones and Lakeshores
12. Stormwater Management
13. Training and Career Development of Hydraulics Engineers
14. Culvert Inspection, Material Selection, and Rehabilitation Guideline
15. Guidelines for Selecting and Utilizing Hydraulics Engineering Consultants
Glossary of Highway-Related Drainage Terms
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The roadside vegetation manager today is faced with dwindling resources, increasing environmental and legal constraints, and increasing public pressure to provide safe and aesthetically pleasing roadsides. Throughout the United States, and the world, roadside vegetation managers face similar challenges and opportunities. These guidelines draw on the long-term experience and expertise of these vegetation managers to provide the basic knowledge required to establish a roadside vegetation management program. The book includes supplemental appendices that include a state DOT survey that provides valuable summary responses from 30 states on vegetation issues; a detailed list of 40 common invasive weeds and how to treat them; and a detailed list of defined technical terms.
Front Matter
• Preface
• Table of Contents
• 1. Introduction
• 2. Executive Summary of Benefits
• 3. Scope and Organization of Guidelines
4. Objectives of Roadside Vegetation Management
5. Determining Program Goals and Performance Measures
6. Public and Legal Issues
7. Incorporating Vegetation Management as a Part of Project Development, Delivery, and Construction
8. Roadside Vegetation Management Zones
9. Establishing Vegetation
10. Basic Plant Biology
11. Mechanical Control
12. Permanent Vegetation Control (Barriers)
13. Chemical Control
14. Target Species
15. Cultural and Biological Control
16. Roadside Vegetation Asset Inventory and Condition
17. Program Budgeting and Costs
18. Program Management
19. Contracts and Procurements
20. Survey
21. Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Decision Support System Cost Savings Better Decisions Time Savings
• References
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This guide can assist in planning and decision making regarding the alternatives available when impacts to wetland areas are being considered. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on wetlands mitigation to transportation designers as well as to personnel in construction, operations, maintenance, landscape design, and related environmental fields. It is not intended to be a highly technical manual for wetland specialists.
Front Matter
• Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Mitigation
3. Mitigation Site Development Process
4. Post-Construction Management
• Glossary of Terms
• Key Laws, Regulations, and Policy
• Selected Bibliography
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The purpose of this guide is to familiarize highway designers with the complex problem of highway traffic noise. A highway designer must do more than merely collect and evaluate noise data. They must also evaluate probable noise levels and the effectiveness of reducing highway traffic noise through location and design features and arrive at a cost-effective solution to the problem.
Front Matter
• Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Nature of Noise
3. A Systems Approach
4. Highway Noise Study
5. Attenuation Measures
6. Noise Barrier Design Considerations
• 7. Terminology
• 8. References
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This book provides guidance to calibrate the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) software to local conditions, policies, and materials. It provides the highway community with a state-of-the-practice tool for the design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures, based on mechanistic-empirical (M-E) principles. The design procedure calculates pavement responses (stresses, strains, and deflections) and uses those responses to compute incremental damage over time. The procedure empirically relates the cumulative damage to observed pavement distresses.
Front Matter
• List of Figures
• List of Tables
• Preface
• Table of Contents
• 1. Introduction
2. Terminology and Definition of Terms
• 3. Significance and Use
4. Defining Accuracy of MEPDG Prediction Models
5. Components of the Standard Error of the Estimate
• 6. Step-by-Step Procedure for Local Calibration
7. Referenced Documents and Standards
Appendix: Examples and Demonstrations for Local Calibration
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