Full title: Introduction to Process Geomorphology
Author: Vijay K. Sharma
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (April 21, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1439803374
ISBN-13: 978-1439803370
The 3rd International Conference on Boundary Element Methods held in California during July 1981 constituted a forum for the presentation of the most advanced research in BEM. When comparing the Proceedings - published in this book - with those of previous meetings it is evident that rapid advances have been made in important fields. Regarding applications of BEM, this book contains several important papers dealing with time dependent and vibrations problems, fluid flow and material non-linearities. Several types of non-linearity are discussed, i.e. elastoplasticity, viscoelasticity and notension type materials. A substantial number of papers deals with stress analysis, including treatment of body forces, higher order models, crack problems, cyclic symmetry and sliding and other types of conditions. One of the papers even extended the BEM to deal with shell analysis opening a promising new area of research. Geomechanical applications are also well represented and for these problems the advantages of using BEM which can include radiation as well as material damping are obvious.
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This volume strives to give comprehensive information about the main aspects of the behaviour and limit states of steel plated structures. In following this objective, the volume presents a complete scientific background (profiting from the fact that the authors of the individual parts of the publication have personally been very active in the corresponding fields of research for an extended period of time), but also establishes design recommendations, procedures and formulae. The significance of the volume may be seen in its challenging current concepts of the analysis of steel plated structures, encouraging progress in the field, and thereby establishing an advanced basis for a more reliable and economical design.
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Definition of semi-rigid steel structural connections, classification and influence to the structural response of sway and non-sway steel frames. Sources of connection compliance, ductility and the application of the component method for characterization of the joint properties. Verification procedures for the available and the required capacity of joints and the design of semi-rigid steel structural connections. Application of the Finite Element Method for the simulation of the structural response of semi-rigid connections taking into account all prominent nonlinear phenomena (cf. e.g. contact, friction and plasticity).
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Reading the ground: morphology and geology in site appraisal.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 34, 7-50. , 2001.
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Engineering geomorphological input to ground models: an approach based on Earth systems.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41, 73-91. 2008
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Geomorphological roulette for engineers and planners: some insights into an old game.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 35, 101-142. 2002
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Article/eBook Full Name: Tall and Super Tall Buildings: Planning and Design
Author(s): Akbar Tamboli
Edition: 1 st
Publish Date: 2014
ISBN: 0071818715 - 978-0071818711
Published By: McGraw-Hill Professional
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Article/eBook Full Name: Time Dependent and Nonlinear Effects in Polymers and Composites
Author(s): C. T. Sun, Richard A. Schapery
Publish Date: 2000
ISBN: 9780803126015, 0803126018
Published By: ASTM Special Technical Publication
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Full title: Applications of Soil Mechanics in Practice, Volume Volume 4:: Examples and Case Histories (Handbook of Soil Mechanics)
Authors: A. Kézdi, L. Rétháti
Publisher: Elsevier Science (July 4, 1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0444988432
ISBN-13: 978-0444988430
Corrosion of metals in concrete is a significant problem throughout the world. In many instances, corrosion can be avoided if proper attention is given to detailing, concrete materials and mixture proportions, and construction practices. This guide contains information on aspects of each of these. In addition, the guide contains recommendations for protecting in-service structures exposed to corrosive conditions. The guide is intended for designers, materials suppliers, contractors, and all others engaged in concrete construction.
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Given the recent advances in site investigation techniques, computing, access to information and monitoring, plus the current emphasis on safety, accountability and sustainability, this book introduces an up-to-date methodology for the design of all types of rock engineering projects, whether surface or underground. Guidance is provided on the nature of the modeling to support design and the information required for design; also included is a procedure for technical auditing of the modeling and design together with the related protocol sheets. Written by two eminent authors, clearly structured and containing many illustrations, this volume is intended for consulting engineers, contractors, researchers, lecturers and students working on rock engineering projects.
Offers a modern, lively, and illustrated approach to rock engineering design by two eminent experts in the field
Discusses a wide variety of new techniques and anticipates on future developments in computing capacity, natural resources, and more
Includes in-depth case studies on a rock slope and on an underground hydroelectric plant, plus a variety of protocol sheets to support application
Details the use of protocol sheets for technical auditing, supported by worked examples (template sheets can be downloaded from www.crcpress.com)
Provides all essential terminology and rock mass classifications, plus an extensive bibliography
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