Reinforced Concrete with FRP Bars: Mechanics and Design
Author: Antonio Nanni, Antonio De Luca, Hany Jawaheri Zadeh | Size: 43 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 418 | ISBN: 0415778824
Corrosion-resistant, electromagnetic transparent and lightweight fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are accepted as valid alternatives to steel in concrete reinforcement. Reinforced Concrete with FRP Bars: Mechanics and Design, a technical guide based on the authors’ more than 30 years of collective experience, provides principles, algorithms, and practical examples.
Well-illustrated with case studies on flexural and column-type members, the book covers internal, non-prestressed FRP reinforcement. It assumes some familiarity with reinforced concrete, and excludes prestressing and near-surface mounted reinforcement applications. The text discusses FRP materials properties, and addresses testing and quality control, durability, and serviceability. It provides a historical overview, and emphasizes the ACI technical literature along with other research worldwide.
Includes an explanation of the key physical mechanical properties of FRP bars and their production methods Provides algorithms that govern design and detailing, including a new formulation for the use of FRP bars in columns Offers a justification for the development of strength reduction factors based on reliability considerations Uses a two –story building solved in Mathcad® that can become a template for real projects
This book is mainly intended for practitioners and focuses on the fundamentals of performance and design of concrete members with FRP reinforcement and reinforcement detailing. Graduate students and researchers can use it as a valuable resource.
Antonio Nanni is a professor at the University of Miami and the University of Naples Federico II. Antonio De Luca and Hany Zadeh are consultant design engineers.
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LRFD Guide Specifications for Design of Concrete-filled FRP Tubes for Flexural and Axial Members
Size: 2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) | Year: 2012 | Pages: 44 | ISBN: 9781560515593, 1560515597
These Specifications present provisions for the analysis and design of concrete-filled fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes (CFFT) for use as structural components in bridges. Design methodology presented in this specification allows CFFTs to be designed as flexural members, axial compression members, or members subjected to combined flexural and axial compression, in addition to shear. CFFT bridge components may include beams, arches, columns, and piles.
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Plates: Theories and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to plate structures, covering classical theory and applications. It considers plate structures in several forms, starting from the simple uniform, thin, homogeneous metallic structure to more efficient and durable alternatives involving features such as variable-thickness, lamination, sandwich construction, fiber reinforcement, functional gradation, and moderately-thick to very-thick geometry. Different theoretical models are then discussed for analysis and design purposes starting from the classical thin plate theory to alternatives obtained by incorporation of appropriate complicating effects or by using fundamentally different assumptions.
Plates: Theori
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Posted by: TAFATNEB - 08-31-2014, 08:01 AM - Forum: Steel
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Seismic Retrotting Guideline s for Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges
Author: Tom Ho (Coordinating Author)1, Roupen Donikian1, Tim Ingham1, Chuck Seim2, and Austin Pan | Size: 12.1 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: MULTIDISCIPLINARY CENTER FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH University at Buffalo, State University of New York | Year: June 30, 2006 | pages: 190
This manual, entitled Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges (referred to as Guidelines in this document), collects and summarizes the state-of-the-practice, up to 2005, for retrofitting steel truss bridges on the highway system within the United States. These Guidelines are based on and are supplementary to the Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures Part 1: Bridges (referred to in these Guidelines as the Bridge Retrofitting Manual), developed by the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER), to be published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 2006. The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges generally apply to the design of new “ordinary” highway bridges with spans less than 500 ft and with a design life of 75 years. The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges also suggest that supplemental specifications may be required for the design of new highway bridges of “unusual types,” or for the design of “long-span” bridges with spans longer than 500 ft. These two bridge classifications usually have design lives of 100 years or more.
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Author: Alfredo Cámara Casado | Size: 26.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Department of continuum mechanics and theory of structures | Year: Octob er 2011 | pages: 144
he so cial and economical imp ortance of long-span bridges is extremely large; cable- stayed bridges currently span distances ranging from 200 to even more than 1000 m, representing key p oints along infrastructure networks and requiring an outstanding knowledge of their seismic resp onse. The ob jective of the study is three-fold; (i) to discern how pro ject decisions aect the seismic b ehaviour of cable-stayed bridges; (ii) to shed light on appropriate analysis strategies in order to address their linear
and nonlinear dynamic resp onse; and (iii) to compare dierent control schemes with passive seismic devices disp osed along the towers.
The organization of the content follows a natural progression, starting with the motivation of the work and presenting the state of art on this topic, followed by the description of the framework where the research is develop ed; the studied structures
and the simplifying assumptions employed throughout the do cument are clearly dened. Mo dal analysis of these bridges precedes the presentation of the seismic action and the validation of the accelerograms which have b een used. At this p oint, the discussion ab out the seismic results starts with a chapter completely devoted to the linear and nonlinear analysis pro cedures available to date, b eing followed by the comparison of the elastic and inelastic resp onse of cable-stayed bridges, fo cused
on the eect of dierent pro ject decisions. Finally, several control strategies with seismic devices are addressed in order to maintain the towers in the elastic range. The main conclusions are drawn to close the thesis, and new lines of research are suggested.
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This Material Specification covers provisions governing testing, evaluation, and acceptance of carbon and glass fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars used as reinforcement for concrete.
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