BS 4429:1987 - Specification for rigging screws and turnbuckles for general engineering, lifting purposes and pipe hanger applications
Incorporating Amendment No. 1
This standard covers materials, components, dimensions, finishes and tests for rigging screws (8-100 mm thread size) and turnbuckles (8-72 mm thread size).
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This proceedings contains 45 papers presented at the 2009 Electrical Transmisson and Stubstations Structures Conference, held in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 8-12, 2009. The purpose of the conference was to provide further understanding of the electric utility industry through technical papers, workshops, plant tours, and networking among utility professionals.
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Posted by: f_slikken - 08-24-2014, 01:24 AM - Forum: Archive
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Article/eBook Full Name: AS 2319-2001 Rigging screws and turnbuckles
Author(s): Australian standard committee
Edition: N/A
Publish Date: 2001
ISBN: 0 7337 41207
Published By: Standards Australia Ineternational
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Effectively Calculate the Pressures of Soil.
When it comes to designing and constructing retaining structures that are safe and durable, understanding the interaction between soil and structure is at the foundation of it all.
Laying down the groundwork for the non-specialists looking to gain an understanding of the background and issues surrounding geotechnical engineering, Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures, Third Edition introduces the mechanisms of earth pressure, and explains the design requirements for retaining structures. This text makes clear the uncertainty of parameter and partial factor issues that underpin recent codes. It then goes on to explain the principles of the geotechnical design of gravity walls, embedded walls, and composite structures.
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Posted by: fnk777 - 08-23-2014, 10:09 AM - Forum: Archive
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Really appreciate if someone's willing to share this one:
AWS D1.4/D1.4M - Structural welding code reinforcing steel
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Covers welding of reinforcing steel in most reinforced concrete applications. Includes sections on allowable stresses, structural details, workmanship requirements, technique, procedure and performance qualification, and inspection.
This book presents a systematic and comprehensive introduction to ordinary differential equations for engineering students and practitioners. Mathematical concepts and various techniques are presented in a clear, logical, and concise manner. Various visual features are used to highlight focus areas. Complete illustrative diagrams are used to facilitate mathematical modeling of application problems. Readers are motivated by a focus on the relevance of differential equations through their applications in various engineering disciplines. Studies of various types of differential equations are determined by engineering applications. Theory and techniques for solving differential equations are then applied to solve practical engineering problems. Detailed step-by-step analysis is presented to model the engineering problems using differential equations from physical principles and to solve the differential equations using the easiest possible method. Such a detailed, step-by-step approach, especially when applied to practical engineering problems, helps the readers to develop problem-solving skills. This book is suitable for use not only as a textbook on ordinary differential equations for undergraduate students in an engineering program but also as a guide to self-study. It can also be used as a reference after students have completed learning the subject.
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Where gas explosions represent a credible risk, platform topsides have to be designed to withstand explosion loading. There are two aspects to consider: firstly loading on the structure and secondly loading and effect on equipment. This Technical Note deals principally with the first aspect but is also relevant to the second because the performance of the structure, e.g. deflection and acceleration, affects the equipment mounted on it. It is also relevant to the evaluation of the strength and deformation capacity of the equipment items themselves, e.g. pipes and vessels. This Technical Note covers both design of new platforms and reassessment of existing structures.
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- The state-of-the-art in seismic evaluation & retrofitting is presented
- Contributing authors are among the world's top experts in seismic design, evaluation & retrofitting
- The subject is of prime practical importance internationally
In the past, facilities considered to be at the end of their useful life were demolished and replaced with new ones that better met the functional requirements of modern society, including new safety standards. Humankind has recently recognised the threats to the environment and to our limited natural resources due to our relentless determination to destroy the old and build anew. With the awareness of these constraints and the emphasis on sustainability, in future the majority of old structures will be retrofitted to extend their service life as long as feasible. In keeping with this new approach, the EU’s Construction Products Regulation 305/2011, which is the basis of the Eurocodes, included the sustainable use of resources as an "Essential Requirement" for construction. So, the forthcoming second generation of EN-Eurocodes will cover not only the design of new structures, but the rehabilitation of existing ones as well.
Most of the existing building stock and civil infrastructures are seismically deficient. When the time comes for a decision to prolong their service life with the help of structural and architectural upgrading, seismic retrofitting may be needed. Further, it is often decided to enhance the earthquake resistance of facilities that still meet their functional requirements and fulfil their purpose, if they are not earthquake-safe. In order to decide how badly a structure needs seismic upgrading or to prioritise it in a population of structures, a seismic evaluation is needed, which also serves as a guide for the extent and type of strengthening. Seismic codes do not sufficiently cover the delicate phase of seismic evaluation nor the many potential technical options for seismic upgrading; therefore research is on-going and the state-of-the-art is constantly evolving. All the more so as seismic evaluation and rehabilitation demand considerable expertise, to make best use of the available safety margins in the existing structure, to adapt the engineering capabilities and techniques at hand to the particularities of a project, to minimise disruption of use, etc. Further, as old structures are very diverse in terms of their materials and layout, seismic retrofitting does not lend itself to straightforward codified procedures or cook-book approaches. As such, seismic evaluation and rehabilitation need the best that the current state-of-the-art can offer on all aspects of earthquake engineering. This volume serves this need, as it gathers the most recent research of top seismic experts from around the world on seismic evaluation, retrofitting and closely related subjects.
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Geostatistics for Natural Resources Characterization: Part 1
Nato ASI Science Series C, Vol. 122
Editors: G. Verly, M. David, A.G. Journel, A. Marechal | Size: 20 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Springer | Year: 1984 | Pages: 585 | ISBN: 9789400936997, 9789401081573
Since October 1975 and the first NATO ASl "Geostat - Roma 1975", there has not been an advanced workshop on geostatistics where experts from throughout the world could meet, teach and debate without the pressure of an ordinary professional conference. This second NATO ASI "Geostat - Tahoe 1983" was intended as a high-level teaching activity yet opened to all new ideas and contributions to the discipline of geostatistics. It was expected that the institute would bridge the gap since "Geostat - Roma 1975" and establish the state of the art of the discipline as of 1983.
"Geostat - Tahoe 1983" fulfilled all expectations. The institute, held in September 1983 at the Stanford Sierra Lodge near Lake Tahoe, California, was attended by all major players in the field, representing evenly the academy and the industry of 23 different countries. Twelve guest lecturers were backed by some 50 original contributions. Particularly important for the future was the active participation of graduate students, glvlng evidence of the dynamism of a still very young discipline.
Applications of geostatistics are no longer limited to the mining industry, and the original scope of the ASI had to be widened to witness the progress made in such fields as hydrology, soil sciences, pollution control and geotechnical engineering. Also important was the cross-fertilization from oiher statistical branches such as spectral analysis and robust statistics.
The NATO ASI "Geostat - Tahoe 1983" will be remembered as a major milestone in the development of the discipline. I invite all of you who did not make it to the ASI to dive into these proceedings and share a bit of the excitement that pervaded this summer's end at Lake Tahoe.
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