Blasting practices in mines have undergone many changes in the recent past and continue to be honed and reconfigured to meet the demands of today’s mining needs. This volume compiles papers of the workshop Blasting in Mines – New Trends, hosted by the Fragblast 10 Symposium . The 17 papers provide a mix which highlight the evolving trends in blasting in mines. These range from special techniques of cast blasting, applications of seed wave modelling for improved fragmentation, to design of mass blasts and controlled blasting for stability of pit-walls. Blasting in Mines – New Trends will be of particular interest to mining and blasting engineers.
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Posted by: ali akbar - 08-18-2014, 07:13 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Can somebody please upload the following paper for me.
Seismic Isolation of Bridges Using Variable Frequency and Variable Friction Pendulum Isolator System
Author: Krishnamoorthy, Agrahara
Source: Structural Engineering International, Volume 20, Number 2, May 2010, pp. 178-184(7)
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Author: HEWITT, CRISTE, LEED, ARBER | Size: 223 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Modern Steel Construction Magazinne | Year: 2012 | pages: 3 | ISBN: NA
An inside look at some of the more useful, yet less well-known, resources in the new AISC 14th Edition Steel Construction Manual.
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Bishop, A. - Selected Papers - Geotechnical Engineering
1- The Measurement of the Shear Strength of Soils - Skempton, A. W. and Bishop, A. W. - 1950
2- The Influence of High Pore-Water Pressure on the Strength of Cohesionless Soils - Bishop, A. W. and Skinner, A. E. - 1976
3- The Strength of Soils as Engineering Materials (Rankine Lecture) - Bishop, A. W. - 1966
4- The Use of Pore-Pressure Coefficients in Practice - Bishop, A. W. - 1954
5- The Relevance of the Triaxial Test to the Solution of Stability Problems - Bishop, A. W. - 1960
6- Some Aspects of Effective Stress in Saturated and Partly Saturated Soils - Bishop, A. W. and Blight, G. E. - 1963
7- The Principle of Effective Stress - Bishop, A. W. - 1965
8- The Value of Poisson's Ratio in Saturated Soils and Rocks Stressed under Undrained Conditions - Bishop, A. W. and Hight, D. W. - 1977
9- Undrained Triaxial Tests on Saturated Sands and Their Significance in the General Theory of Shear Strength - Bishop, A. W. and Eldin, G. - 1950
Link for Download - 4shared
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“Composite RCS Space Frame Systems:
Constructability and Performance”
John P. Steele and Joseph M. Bracci
Texas A&M University
Department of Civil Engineering
College Station, Texas 77843-3136
Technical Report CDCI-03-02
September 30, 2003
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The objective of this research program was to further evaluate the performance
and constructability of reinforced concrete (RC) column-steel beam-slab systems (RCS)
for use in low- to mid-rise space frame buildings located in regions of high wind loads
and/or moderate seismicity. To better understand these systems, two full scale RCS
cruciform specimens were tested under bidirectional quasi-static reversed cyclic loading.
The experimental portion of this research program included the construction and testing
of two full-scale cruciform specimens with identical overall dimensions but with
different joint detailing. The two joint details evaluated were joint cover plates and face
bearing plates with localized transverse ties. The construction process was recorded in
detail and related to actual field construction practices. The specimens were tested
experimentally in quasi-static reversed cyclic loading in both orthogonal loading
directions while a constant axial force was applied to the column, to simulate the wind
loads in a subassembly of a prototype building. To compliment the experimental work,
nonlinear analyses were performed to evaluate the specimen strength and hysteretic
degradation parameters for RCS systems. In addition, current recommendations in the
literature on the design of RCS joints were used to estimate specimen joint strength and
were compared with the experimental findings.
The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of artists whose primary medium is software. Algorithmic processes, harnessed through the medium of computer code, allow artists to generate increasingly complex visual forms that they otherwise might not have been able to imagine, let alone delineate. The newest volume in our Design Brief series Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture is a non-technical introduction to the history, theory, and practice of software in the arts. Organized into themes linked to aspects of code—repetition, transformation,parameters, visualization, and simulation—each of the book's sections contains an essay, code samples, and numerous illustrations. An accompanying website ( features code samples in various programming languages for the examples in the book. An ideal introductory text for digital design and media arts courses, this unique primer will also appeal to students and professionals looking for a survey of this exciting new area of artistic production.
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The Green Studio Handbook: Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design
Author: Alison G. Kwok, Walter T. Grondzik | Size: 18 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2006 | pages: 389 | ISBN: 0750680229
With more and more clients and architecture schools demanding "green" design, both student and professional architects need to get up to speed quickly with the vast range of techniques in this fast moving area.
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Author: K. Mohammadian, K. G. Goulias, Elif Cicek and Jieh-Jiuh Wang | Size: 32.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 560 | ISBN: 1138001252
Civil Engineering and Urban Planning III addresses civil engineering and urban planning issues associated with transportation and the environment. The contributions not only highlight current practices in these areas, but also pay attention to future research and applications, and provide an overview of the progress made in a wide variety of topics in the areas of:
Including a wealth of information, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning III is of interest to academics and students in civil engineering and urban planning.
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Environmental engineering has a leading role in the elimination of ecological threats, and deals, in brief, with securing technically the conditions which create a safe environment for mankind to live in. Due to its interdisciplinary character it can deal with a wide range of technical and technological problems. Since environmental engineering uses the knowledge of the basic sciences – biology, chemistry, biochemistry and physics – it is able to neutralise pollution in all the elements of the environment, i.e. the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. Moreover, environmental engineering deals with the design and maintenance of systems of water supply, sewage disposal, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning in buildings.
Environmental Engineering IV contains 77 peer reviewed papers selected from 527 presented at the 4th Congress of Environmental Engineering (Lublin, Poland, 2-5 September 2012). The contributions are divided into 7 chapters:
• Water supply
• Water and wastewater treatment
• Neutralization of solid wastes and sludge
• Air protection and quality
• Indoor microclimate
• Energy
• Biology and technology
Environmental Engineering IV assesses the state of scientific research in various areas of environmental engineering, evaluates the organizational, technical and technological progress made in contributing to ecological security, and determines the place of environmental engineering in sustainable development, taking into account current political and economic conditions, and is a valuable source of information for the environmental engineering professional and academic community.
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Structural reliability has become a discipline of international interest, addressing issues such as the safety of buildings, bridges, towers and other structures. This book addresses the important issue of predicting the safety of structures at the design stage and also the safety of existing, perhaps deteriorating structures. Attention is focused on the development and definition of limit states such as serviceability and ultimate strength, the definition of failure and the various models which might be used to describe strength and loading.
Much consideration is given to problem formulation and to the various techniques which can be applied to problem solution. These include the First Order Second Moment method and their derivatives, as well as various Monte Carlo tchniques. Each of these are described in considerable detail and example applications are given. Structural systems are also described, as is the effect of time on reliability estimation, and on the development of design code rules on the basis of limit state principles as under-pinned by probability theory. Furthermore, procedures for the reliability estimation of existing structures are also included.
The book emphasises concepts and applications, built up from basic principles and avoids undue mathematical rigour. It presents an accesible and unified account of the theory and techniques for the analysis of the reliability of engineering structures using probability theory. A balanced view of the subject is offered here not only for newcomers, but also for the more specialist reader, such as senior undergraduate and post-graduate students and practising engineers in civil, structural, geotechnical and mechanical engineering.
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