Author: Michael R. Horne | Size: 11 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: PERGAMON INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY | Year: 1979 | pages: 177
"The plastic theory of structures," the author writes, "is an essential complement to elastic theory. The readily applied forms of either theory depend on idealized mathematical models both of the material properties and of the fabricated nature of the structure. By applying each theory in turn to the same structure, a much better overall picture is obtained of the stability, rigidity, and strength than is possible by applying either theory on its own."
Plastic theory is used as the basis of design for the majority of single-story rigid frames and is being increasingly applied to multistory frames. An important feature of the theory is the extent to which intuitive ideas of structural behavior may be used to solve problems. In this text, Professor Horne employs this method to explain the principles involved. He backs up the intuitive approach by formal statements and proofs of theorems and explains the methods of plastic analysis. Methods which are of value in design applications and are suited primarily to hand calculations are emphasized, but methods suitable for computer application are also included. Relevant problems are given at the end of each chapter with answers at the end of the book.
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Could somebody provide me with the following paper?
"Calculation of the compression index and precompression stress from soil compression test data."
Soil Tillage Res. 89, 45–57.
Gregory, A.S., Whalley,W.R.,Watts, C.W., Bird, N.R.A., Hallet, P.D.,
Whitmore, A.P., 2006.
Strut-and-Tie Model for Deep Beam Design
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Comparative Study of Methods of Determination of Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction
In this paper, different methods proposed for determination of the coefficient of subgrade reaction, ks are discussed, compared and evaluated for their suitability and accuracy. The geotechnical characteristics of a site on Tabriz Marl were selected as the base data and settlement analysis results with different methods were compared with that of obtained from analyses with advanced soil models using Safe and Plaxis software. It was discovered that for Tabriz Marl, soft soil model is the best governing model and Vesic relation among the methods of determination of ks leads to a negligible error in comparison to the soft soil model.
Also, in order to achieve more accurate results from these methods, it is proposed to use mean elasticity modulus which takes into account the effect of geometric and mechanical properties of sub-layers.
KEYWORDS: Winkler model, soft soil model, coefficient of subgrade reaction, modulus of elasticity, settlement.
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Spawned by growing interest in ultrasonic technology and new developments in ultrasonic melt processing, the Second Edition of Ultrasonic Treatment of Light Alloy Melts discusses use of ultrasonic melt treatment in direct-chill casting, shape casting, rapid solidification, zone refining, and more, exploring the effects of power ultrasound on melt degassing, filtration, and refinement in aluminum and magnesium alloys.
The fully revised and restructured Second Edition:
• Contains new, in-depth coverage of composite and nanocomposite materials
• Provides a historical review of the last century of ultrasonic applications to metallurgy
• Emphasizes the fundamentals, mechanisms, and applications of ultrasonic melt processing in different light-metal technologies
• Features new chapters on ultrasonic grain refinement, refinement of primary solid phases, and semi-solid processing of billets with nondendritic structure
• Includes significant updates reflecting results obtained over the past two decades on different scales, from laboratory to full-scale industrial implementations
Complete with many new figures and examples, Ultrasonic Treatment of Light Alloy Melts, Second Edition delivers a comprehensive treatise on ultrasonic melt processing and cavitation, presenting essential guidelines for practical use and further development of the technology.
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As concern grows over environmental issues and light pollution, this book satisfies a need for a straightforward and accessible guide to the use, design and installation of outdoor lighting.
This all-inclusive guide to exterior lighting from the Institution of Lighting Engineers, recognized as the pre-eminent professional source in the UK for authoritative guidance on exterior lighting, provides a comprehensive source of information and advice on all forms of exterior lighting, from floodlighting, buildings and road lighting to elaborate Christmas decorations. Useful to practitioners and non-experts alike, specialists will value the dependable detail on standards and related design, installation and maintenance problems, whilst general professionals can find extensive practical guidance on safety issues, the lighting of hazardous areas and avoiding potential difficulties.
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The aim of the book is the presentation of the fundamental mathematical and physical concepts of continuum mechanics of solids in a unified description so as to bring young researchers rapidly close to their research area. Accordingly, emphasis is given to concepts of permanent interest, and details of minor importance are omitted. The formulation is achieved systematically in absolute tensor notation, which is almost exclusively used in modern literature. This mathematical tool is presented such that study of the book is possible without permanent reference to other works.
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Much of the convenience of modern life resides in sheet metal, the cowling shield of most machines and appliances. However, the load that this takes off human shoulders has to be carried elsewhere, and the Earth has borne the burden. Many of us woke up to the environmental cost when over a century of industrialization finally surpassed the capacity of nature to assimilate it.
International in scope, Heavy Metals in the Environment: Using Wetlands for Their Removal discusses wetland functions and heavy metal contamination. It addresses such questions as: Can systems powered by sunlight handle toxins more effectively than systems running on fossil fuel? At what scale and by what means do we define efficiency? These questions resonate increasingly with a number of global challenges.
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Author: Y. Richard Kim | Size: 61.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 1966 | ISBN: 113802693X
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