Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation contains the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 September 2013). Over 420 papers are featured. Many topics are covered, but the contributions may be seen to fall into one of four broad themes of the conference, namely: (i) structural mechanics (dynamics, vibration, seismic response, statics, bifurcation, buckling, stability, impact response, contact mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, soil-structure interaction, etc); (ii) mechanics of materials (elasticity, plasticity, fracture, damage, fatigue, creep, shrinkage, etc); (iii) modelling and testing (finite-element modelling, numerical methods, numerical simulations, experimental methods, experimental testing); (iv) structural-engineering practice (planning, analysis, design, construction, maintenance, repair, retrofitting, decommissioning). Not only do the considerations cover many types of engineering structures (buildings, bridges, tunnels, towers, space frames, roofs, foundations, shells, plates, mechanical assemblies, etc), they also span a diversity of engineering materials ranging from the traditional to the novel: steel, concrete, timber, masonry, aluminium, special alloys, glass, composites, functionally-graded materials, smart materials, etc.
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Structural Design of Masonry is intended to be a source of technical information for designers, builders, contractors, code officials, architects, and engineers: indeed, anyone involved with the business of masonry construction. Numerous sources, references, and technical experts have been consulted during its preparation.
The ability to solve structural design problems is a prime requisite for the success of any engineer and/or architect. To facilitate development of this ability, a collection of example problems accompanied by a series of practical solutions and structural engineering methodologies is included herein. These examples place special emphasis on detailed structural design of any portions of conventional structures for which masonry may be the designated material.
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The book covers the application of numerical methods to reinforced concrete structures. To analyze reinforced concrete structures linear elastic theories are inadequate because of cracking, bond and the nonlinear and time dependent behavior of both concrete and reinforcement. These effects have to be considered for a realistic assessment of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures with respect to ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states.
The book gives a compact review of finite element and other numerical methods. The key to these methods is through a proper description of material behavior. Thus, the book summarizes the essential material properties of concrete and reinforcement and their interaction through bond. These basics are applied to different structural types such as bars, beams, strut and tie models, plates, slabs and shells. This includes prestressing of structures, cracking, nonlinear stress-strain relations, creeping, shrinkage and temperature changes.
Appropriate methods are developed for each structural type. Dynamic problems are treated as well as short-term quasi-static problems and long-term transient problems like creep and shrinkage. Most problems are illustrated by examples which are solved by the program package ConFem, based on the freely available Python programming language. The ConFem source code together with the problem data is available under open source rules in combination with this book.
The author aims to demonstrate the potential and the limitations of numerical methods for simulation of reinforced concrete structures, addressing students, teachers, researchers and designing and checking engineers.
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I want to buy a Video Card for my new PC. The APU(Core i5 4440) has an integrated Graphic chipset, HD 4600.
Is this graphic card (HD 4600) enough for smooth run of CSI Software? How about Autodesk software such as Robot Structural Analysis and also Tekla Structure v20?
If this VGA is not recommended for above software, please advise a discrete VGA card.
Publisherc: An-Najah University - Faculty of Engineering
Language: English
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This timely volume presents a range of critical topics on the use of composite materials in civil engineering; industrial, commercial, and residential structures; and historic buildings. Structural strengthening techniques based on composite materials, including, but not limited to, fiber-reinforced polymers, fiber-reinforced glasses, steel-reinforced polymers, and steel-reinforced glasses represent a practice employed internationally and have become an important component in the restoration of buildings impacted by natural hazards and other destructive forces. New Composite Materials: Selection, Design, and Application stands as a highly relevant and diverse effort, distinct from other technical publications dealing with building issues. The book focuses extensively on characterization of techniques employed for structural restoration and examines in detail an assortment of materials such as concrete, wood, masonry, and steel.
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1. Plastic Behaviour and Limit Analysis of Plates. Plastic deformation of plates. Plastic bearing moments per unit length of plates. Fundamental relations and principles of limit analysis of plates. Equations of equilibrium of plates. Various yield criteria for plates. Some topics of statical and kinematic solutions. 2. Rectangular Plates with Hinged Supports. Uniformly loaded, orthotropic, rectangular plates with edges supported by hinges. Uniformly loaded rectangular plates with hinged supports along three edges. Uniformly loaded rectangular plates supported on two opposite edges. Rectangular plates with a triangular load distribution. Rectangular plates with a trapezoidal load and hinged supports along the periphery. Uniformly loaded rectangular plates with the point load in the centre. Uniformly loaded, long, rectangular plates with a point load and supported along the opposite short edges. Uniformly loaded. Wide, rectangular plates supported along two opposite edges and with a point load. Static solutions for the ultimate loads on rectangular plates. 3. Yield-Line Planning for Rectangular Plates with a Concentrated Load. Ultimate concentrated load applied in the centre. Ultimate point load eccentrically applied to rectangular plates on hinged supports. 4. Polygonal, Circular and Elliptical Plates; Plates of Special Forms. Isotropic polygonal plates with straight yield lines. Isotropic polygonal plates with yield fans. Uniformly loaded polygonal plates with yield fans. Singular yield-line patterns of polygonal plates. Orthotropic polygonal plates. Regular polygonal, orthotropic plates with yield fans. Plates with curvilinear boundaries. Circular plates with hinged supports. Elliptical plates with hinged supports. Polygonal plates with rounded corners. A uniformly loaded, polygonal plate supported at the corners by columns and with a point load in the centre. Uniformly loaded circular plates supported on the peripheral columns with a point load in the centre. Plates with overhanging boundaries. The statical solution for the bearing capacity of polygonal plates. 5. Built-In Plates. Uniformly loaded, rectangular, built-in plates. Uniformly loaded. Orthotropic, rectangular plates built-in along three edges. Uniformly loaded, orthotropic, rectangular plates with built-in and hinged edges. Built-in plates with uniform and concentrated loads. Rectangular plates, built-in along three edges, with uniform and concentrated loads. Statical solutions for the bearing capacity of rectangular, built-in plates. Built-in, polygonal plates. 6. Skew Plates. Elementary solutions for skew (parallelogram) plates on hinged supports. Hinged-supported, skew plates with yield fans. Ultimate uniform load of skew plates with hinged supports along three edges. Skew plates with hinged supports along three edges and with yield fans. Skew plates supported on two opposite edges.
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The book addresses software design issues related to methods for the analysis of construction engineering by means of modern CAD (computer-aided design) systems and provides validation for their use. Special attention is paid to the importance of the relevant mechanical models, their validity, and their external and internal coordination. There is a great deal of practical advice with examples of typical and atypical problems and errors, as well as tips for engineers to identify and avoid traps and pitfalls. Written for professional engineers and scientists, especially, for high-level developers and for CAD users, this book is also aimed at university professors and students preparing to work in this field.
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