Introduction to fluid mechanics
Authors Yasuki Nakayama, Robert F. Boucher
Editor Robert F. Boucher
Edition illustrated, revised, reprint
Publisher Arnold, 1998
ISBN 0340676493, 9780340676493
Length 308 pages
Fluid mechanics is often seen as a difficult subject due to the necessity to visualizing complex flow patterns and fluid behavior required by high level mathematics. This comprehensive resource overcomes this difficulty by introducing concepts through everyday examples before moving on to more involved mathematics.
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The goal of this text is to present some of the basic ideas of fluid mechanics in a mathematically attractive manner, to present the physical background and motivation for some constructions that have been used in recent mathematical and numerical work on the Navier-Stokes equations and on hyperbolic systems, and to interest some of the students in this beautiful and difficult subject. The third edition has incorporated a number of updates and revisions, but the spirit and scope of the original book are unaltered.
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By: International Code Council, ICC
Year: 1998
This standard make sites, facilities, buildings and elements accessible to and usable by people with such physical disabilities as the inability to walk, difficulty walking, reliance on walking aids, blindness and visual impairment, deafness and hearing impairment, incoordination, reaching and manipulation disabilities, lack of stamina, difficulty interpreting and reacting to sensory information, and extremes of physical size. The intent of the standard is to allow a person with a physical disability to independently get to, enter, and use a site, facility, building, or element.
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NEPAL NATIONAL BUILDING CODE (seismic design of buildings in Nepal) NBC 105:1994
This standard provides minimum requirements for the seismic design of structures which are within the scope of this standard.
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Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering
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Yesterday I saw one member posting unappropriated two threads with the same content. I thought that he did not use the real e-mail for signing up. I also doubt that why members did not activate account. Do they use fake e-mail? or, they don't want to be our forum member permanently.
My suggestion is: Don't allow "Awaiting Activation Members" posting.
At least spammer cannot do their job because almost of them don't use real e-mail. Sometime, they "Awaiting Activation Members" just posted asking popular question such as "I need crack too." even though it's also mentioned in the previous post. One question and go.
Applied Wave Mathematics: Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods
Applied Wave Mathematics: Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods
Ewald Quak, Tarmo Soomere
ISBN: 3642005845
483 pages
PDF | 10,3 MB
This edited volume addresses the importance of mathematics in wave-related research, and its tutorial style contributions provide educational material for courses or seminars.
It presents highlights from research carried out at the Centre for Nonlinear Studies in Tallinn, Estonia, the Centre of Mathematics for Applications in Oslo, Norway, and by visitors from the EU project CENS-CMA.
The example applications discussed include wave propagation in inhomogeneous solids, liquid crystals in mesoscopic physics, and long ship waves in shallow water bodies. Other contributions focus on specific mathematical approaches, namely the pseudospectral method, the treatment of Maxwell equations, and scalar conservation laws.
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Modeling and Computation of Boundary-Layer Flows: Laminar, Turbulent and Transitional
Modeling and Computation of Boundary-Layer Flows: Laminar, Turbulent and Transitional
Tuncer Cebeci, Jean Cousteix,
Boundary Layers in Incompressible and Compressible Flows
ISBN: 354024459X
PDF 20,5 MB
502 pages
This second edition of Modeling and Computation of Boundary Layer Flows extends the topic to include compressible flows including the energy equation and non-constant fluid properties in the continuity and momentum equations. The necessary additions are included in new chapters, leaving the first nine chapters to serve as an introduction to incompressible flows that can be used as an introduction to computational fluid dynamics with emphasis on the solution of the boundary-layer equations and the modeling and computation of boundary-layer flows. It also provides readers with a good understanding of the basic principles of fluid dynamics and numerical methods. A variety of readers, including undergraduate and graduate students, teachers or scientists working in aerodynamics or hydrodynamics will find the text interesting. The subjects covered in this book include laminar and, turbulent boundary layers and laminar–turbulent transition. The viscous–inviscid coupling between the boundary layer and the inviscid flow is also addressed. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional incompressible flows are considered. Physical and numerical aspects of boundary-layer flows are described in detail and a large number of homework problems are included. The book is accompanied by computer programs to solve boundary layer equations, the Orr-Sommerfeld equation and to compute transitions. Those programs can be used for classroom work but also for industry applications. Additional programs for three-dimensional flows are available from the first author.
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Structural Fire Design to EC3 & EC4, comparison to BS5950
This guide provides background information, design tables and useful guidance on Part 1.2 ‘Structural Fire Design’ of Eurocodes 3 and 4, dealing with structural design in steel and composite construction respectively. This report is presented in the form of a guide on structural fire design, and makes cross-reference to the relevant clauses of the Eurocodes and to their forthcoming UK National Application Documents. Detailed comparison is made with the relevant British Standard, BS 5950: Part 8, in order to assist designers in interpreting the Eurocodes for UK practice.
ISBN: 1 85942 036 2
Publisher: The Steel Construction Industry
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