dubai city tower (also called ‘vertical city’) is an architect’s proposal that began circulating in emails and at a skyscraper forum published in august 25th, but its origins are yet to be determined.
the professional project pitch details 400 habitable stories, topped by a 400m energy-producing spire, making it 2.4km high. the tower is proposed to be sited along the Persian Gulf where part of the building could push into the ocean creating a marina and a destination for cruise ships and tourism. the proposed tower is organized into four 100 story "neighborhoods" connected via a vertical bullet train that quickly distributes people between sky plazas that separate the different vertical neighborhoods.
by comparison, emaar’s burj dubai is largely predicted to be around 800m high and 160 floors.
a “mile-high tower” in jeddah has been planned by kingdom holdings, while nakheel is building al burj, which, according to project sources, will have a final height of 1.28km, although the developer is keeping the details under wraps.
i would not be surprised to see this project under construction. only dubai would build such crazy project. it is worth mentioning that there are many amazing architectural projects under planning and construction in dubai.
our design for the dubai city tower is 400 habitable stories high topped by a 400m tall energy producing spire. each floor to floor height is 5m making the overall height of the building 2400m (1.5 miles).we are proposing that the tower be sited along the gulf sea where part of the building could push into the ocean creating a marina and destination for cruise ships and tourism. the overall mass of the tower is broken down into six independent buildings, three of rotating clockwise and three counter-clockwise about a central core. sixty-five percent of the total building floor area is located in the first 100 stories maximizing leasing potential while easing the strain of servicing a 400 story tower. a six story base sits at the foot of the tower housing a convention center, retail, event space and parking. two stories of the vip self parking exists above ground and fifteen stories of robotic parking are housed below ground. the overall tower is organized into four 100 story ”neighborhoods” connected via a vertical bullet train that quickly distribute people between sky plazas that separate the different vertical neighborhoods.
the sky plaza becomes a new town center at every 100 stories filled with the character of a city offering a diversity of experiences from shopping to leisure. functionally, zone acts to separate building and transportation systems into smaller more manageable unites more typical to the design constraints of today. here the vertical bullet train delivers passengers/tenants every 10 minutes. from this hub people then switch to more standard elevators to the distributed to their offices, hotel, or homes. vip helicopter pads are also located at each of the plaza levels allowing for quicker and more discreet access.
the lower levels of each sky plaza serve to separate the tower’s building system between neighborhoods. each 100 story block serves s an independent unit with separate plumbing, electric and waste system all linked through the central core. here chilled water created by thermal exchange and electricity created by strategically placed photovoltaic cells and turbines located in the spire are captured and delivered to occupants of the building. in addition, water purification and trash composing take place within this zone in a biosphere like gardens that becomes a vertical park for recreation, oxygen creation, and natural relief. every effort has been made to make each neighborhood as self reliant as possible. wind energy generated by turbines located in the spire combined with photovoltaic cells strategically laminated into the each building’s skin offset the tower’s draw from the local power grid. recycling efforts at each 100 story sky plaza and integrated desalination plants reduce the tower’s impact on the surrounding infrastructure ushering in a new era of smart building design sensitive to both the building’s occupants and tower’s local environment.
the dubai city tower pushes every edge of building design. for centuries man ha pushed construction towards the heavens. the sheer scale of the project will focus the world’s eye towards the city of dubai nut it will be the tower’s design and image that will preserve dubai city tower’s grandeur into the future.
all buildings must be designed for some combination of gravity(self weight and occupancy loads),the moving earth(seismic events),and the moving air(wind storms).for a building reaching 1.5 miles the lateral forces from the wind exceed both the occupancy loads imposed on the floors and the lateral loads from earthquakes. to resist the forces and deflections imposed by the wind, shapes such as that of the eiffel tower tend to be the most efficient. this shape is both effective in resisting the forces from the wind and, as well, in distributing, the forces imposed by the building on the underlying earth. the dubai city tower maximizes the eiffel tower shape while breaking up the overall mass into six separate building and a central vertical core. three of the building rotates clockwise while the other three rotate counter-clockwise. the individual buildings intersect and are tied back to the central core every 100 stories creating a stable structural web. internally each individual building is supported by corner super column and cross bracing angled to resist wind forces. on the lower floors where the distances are too great to span between the walls of the external structure, a secondary line of internal columns braces the floor slabs. structure within a building of this size is perhaps the most important component to a successful project. formally the dubai city tower celebrates its structure ingenuity allowing the building to soar seemingly effortlessly 1.5 miles into the sky.
the sky plaza is the town center within the vertical city. the tower is broken down into four 100 story neighborhoods that are linked through the central core ad bullet train. suspended between the rotating outer buildings each sky plaza serves to tie the tower together structurally, functionally, and more importantly socially.
the plaza is the main meeting space for businessmen or residents.
large tree lined green spaces offer a park atmosphere in the sky while shops and entertainment complexes provide every thing from leisure to necessary goods and services. the lower floors of the plaza act to service the above 100 stories. the vertical core feeds water and electricity upward while waste is transported downward.
the experience of the sky plaza is like that of a town square bustling with activity and social interaction. these intermediate zones tie the idea of a vertical city together both metaphorically and functionally.
dubai city tower is situated on the coast straddling the land and the sea. the project’s sitting links the tower with both dubai and the world.
the base of the tower rises six stories above ground and descends fifteen stories below ground occupying a circular foot print of one million square feet. the tower’s base houses a convention center, retail, event space and vip self parking. the fifteen stories below ground house self and robotic parking to handle the load of the 6 towers that rise 1.5 miles above. the size and proportion of the base fits within the legs of the tower relating more to the ground level pedestrian. rather than create a large street wall, the edge of the base pull back at each level drawing the eye upward into the void created by the rotating buildings of the tower. where the rotating building strands relate to the image of the tower at a distance, the base and physical connection to the sea grounds the project in the city of dubai.
planning dubai city tower creates opportunities and challenges usually associated with the master planning of a city rather than the programming of a tower. the sheer scale and population of the structure forces the design to look at both the functional requirement of the interior as well as the tower’s impact on both the immediate surrounding and ultimately the world. the tower id divided into four 100 story sections or neighborhoods linked via circulation and services by a central vertical core. sky plazas mark the ground floor of each neighborhood and act as green space and leisure areas for the 100 stories above. shops and markets fill the ground floor of the six twisting building rising above. the experience is like that of a town center bustling with activity and social interaction.
the floor plates of the tower are filled with a mix of office space, hotel space, and residential unites.65%of the tower’s floor area is located within the first 100 floors of the tower portion of the tower eases some of the burden on the transportation and building systems while maximizing the amount of prime leasable office space. vertically there is a mix of office, hotel, and residential space within each neighborhood. the percentage of each program changes vertically with a larger percentage of office space located closer to the ground and a larger percentage of residential located higher in the sky.
vertical mixing is coordinated with the internal elevator layout splitting the working populations from the residents and providing high speed vip express services to designated areas.
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Water-Resistant Design and Construction - Walker and Felice
Capitalize on Proven Solutions to the 25 Most Common Water Problems in Buildings_and Avoid Costly Construction Claims!
The Illustrated Guide to Water Resistant Design and Construction provides state-of-the-art solutions to prevent the most common water-related problems in buildings.
Designed to save you time and money, this expert resource discusses the causes and effects of water-related problems…time tested solutions for keeping water damage from occurring…methods for enhancing construction quality to reduce claims…tips on selecting the right firm to perform waterproof design and construction…guidance on achieving effective maintenance and repair…and more. The Illustrated Guide to Waterproof Construction features:
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* Numerous examples and case studies from the United States, China, and Canada
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The Metal Building Manufacturers Association published the Metal Roofing Systems Design Manual in 2000 - a one-of-a-kind design and detail manual for architects, manufacturers, engineers, specifiers, builders and others involved in the metal roofing industry. For over two years, a team of MBMA roofing systems members and association staff has worked to develop the manual. It includes: systems components, substrates, specifications and standards, retrofit, common industry practices, design, installation, energy and fire protection.
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Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (4th Ed.)
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (4th Ed.)
Metcalf and Eddy,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
ISBN: 0070418780
March 26, 2002
1848 pages
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4/e is a thorough update of McGraw-Hill's authoritative book on wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional or civil or and environmental engineering major should be without a copy of this book- tt describes the technological and regulatory changes that have occurred over the last ten years in this discipline, including: improved techniques for the characterization of wastewaters; improved fundamental understanding of many of the existing unit operations and processes used for wastewater treatment, especially those processes used for the biological removal of nutrients; greater implementation of several newer treatment technologies (e.g., UV disinfection, membrane filtration, and heat drying); greater concern for the long term health and environmental impacts of wastewater constituents; greater emphasis on advanced wastewater treatment and risk assessment for water reuse applications; changes in regulations and the development of new technologies for wastewater disinfection; and new regulations governing the treatment, reuse, and disposal of sludge (biosolids). Greater concern for infrastructure renewal including upgrading the design and performance of wastewater treatment plants.
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Performance and Durability of the Window-Wall Interface (ASTM STP 1484)
Performance and Durability of the Window-Wall Interface
(ASTM special technical publication, 1484)
By Barry G. Hardman
Publisher: ASTM International
168 pages
ISBN: 080313410X
PDF 5.45MB
Get the latest information available on the performance and durability of the window-wall interface. STP 1484 offers new research, exhaustive testing, and the creation of installation standards which attempt to identify installation methods and construction sequencing, to integrate a variety of fenestration products into a variety of wall claddings.
Ten peer-reviewed papers cover:
• Integration of windows or doors with their related interfaces—lashings, sealants, claddings, and more
• Considerations of weather, exposure, job site conditions
• Compatibility or incompatibility of adjacent and integrated materials
• Product testing and the testing of installation methods and techniques
• Role that permeability plays in the selection of materials
• Ability or inability of self-adhered materials to maintain their original adhesion properties, long-term serviceability, and durability.
This new publication provides the vital information you need to write specifications, create or interpret standards, evaluate materials for product selection, and recommend changes to the building codes.
Table of Contents
Water Resistance and Durability of Weather-Resistive Barriers
Weston T., Pascual X., Boone K.
Water Resistance and Vapor Permeance of Weather Resistive Barriers
Butt T.
Adhesive Characterization & Durability of Self-Adhered Flashings
Katsaros J.
Designing and Specifying Self-Adhering Flashings for the Window-Wall Interface
Batemam R.
Effect of Installation Details on the Condensation Performance of Window Frames
Kudder R., Babich S., Johnson D.
Review of Specific Local Fenestration Units, Building Envelope Interface Practices, and Materials Compared to ASTM E 2112, Current Acceptance Criteria, and Evaluation Practices.
Ackerman D.
The Importance of Integrating Flashing and the Water Resistive Barrier in the Exterior Wall Systems of Residential Buildings
Dorin L.
Durability Testing of Polyurethane Foam Sealant in the Window-Wall Interface
Braun R., Garcia J.
Performance Testing of Flashing Installation Methods for Brick Mold and Nonflanged Windows
Crowder-Moore B., Weston T., Katsaros J.
A Review of Climate Loads Relevant to Assessing the Watertightness Performance of Walls, Windows, and Wall-Window Interfaces
Cornick S., Lacasse M.
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Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
(Astm Special Technical Publication, 1444)
By ASTM International
Publisher: ASTM International
325 pages
ISBN: 0803134754
PDF 8.55 MB
Product Description:
This new ASTM publication, combined with ASTM Standard Practice for Periodic Inspection of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions (E 2270), provide a rational guide for building owners and governing authorities to help ensure the safety of our aging building infrastructure. Written by experts who bring their first hand knowledge and experience to this work, these 24 peer-reviewed papers cover a wide diversity of architecture within North America. Papers are grouped into the following headings: • Purpose and Background to Facade Ordinances • Addressing Historic Buildings • Investigation and Data Collection Techniques • Material and Repair Techniques STP 1444 is a valuable resource for architects, engineers, contractors, and public and private facility owners.
Table of Contents
Reporting Unsafe Conditions at Public Schools and Private Structures
Erdly J., Bekelja G.
Evolution of the Development of the Chicago Facade Inspection Ordinance
Chin I., Gerberding H.
New York City's Local Law 10 at Twenty: Critical Issues for Critical Examinations
David May R.
Façade Ordinances and Historic Structures — Theoretical and Practical Conservation Issues in Inspection and Repair
Fong K., Louie C.
New Methods for Designing Restoration Repairs for Historic Building Facades: A Case Study
Scheffler M., Itle K.
Terra Cotta Facades
Hoigard K., Mulholland G., Haukohl R.
Emergency Repairs for Historic Facades
Pulley D., Robison E.
Facade Maintenance: Owner's Techniques for Data Management
Chadwick J., McJunkin J.
Industrial Rope Access — An Alternate Means for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Building Facades and Structures
Vossoughi H., Siddiqui R.
Direct Digital Input of Façade Survey Data Using Handheld Computing Devices
Diebolt K., Banta J., Corbin C.
Seeing and Photographing Your Visual Observations
Petermann M.
Integrating Advance Evaluation Techniques with Terra Cotta Examinations
Gentry T., Davis A.
Unique Considerations for Stone Facade Inspection and Assessment
Farmer M.
Facade Inspections a Must for Both New and Old Buildings — A Case Study on Two High Rise Structures
McGinley W., Ernest C.
How Deteriorated Can Marble Facades Get? Investigation and Design of Repairs
Lavon B.
Stone Facade Inspection Of 1776 F Street
Taylor T., Hueston F.
Façade Repair Examples in the Midwest: Cracking, Twisting and Falling
LaBelle J.
Glass Facade Assessment
Schwartz T.
Concrete Facades: Investigation and Repair Project Approaches
Taylor G., Gaudette P.
Facade Ordinances and Temporary Stabilization Techniques for Historic Masonry Facades
Gabby B., Vossoughi H.
Designer-Led Design/Build — Alternative Project Delivery Method for Façade Evaluation and Repair Projects — Case Study on an 11 Story Apartment Building
VanOcker D.
Preparation for and Collection of Facade Deficiencies at Large Complexes
Madden A., Petermann M.
Guidelines for Inspection of Natural Stone Building Facades
Brom A.
Assessing the Apparent Watertight Integrity of Building Facades
Stieve D., Díaz de León A., Drerup M.
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This is a comprehensive guide to all types of natural and man made disasters and their effect on buildings. It gives overall guidance and a basic technical understanding of prevention, mitigation and management of disaster, and outlines a checklist of preventive design elements for each situation.
Every category is illustrated with a case study which pin points the essential information that is crucial to architects and engineers in designing buildings with disaster prevention in mind.
The aim of the book is to give a clear understanding of the nature of events and problems, and to enable readers to respond with knowledge to the unique demands placed on their designs.
A special emphasis is also placed on re-building as an opportunity to start again. For the specialists this is a process of constant learning and improving techniques in the light of events past.
* Gain comprehensive understanding of disaster types and their effects on buildings
* International case studies with clear technical information provide practical advice for disaster prevention and rebuilding
* Looks at the effects of natural and man-made disasters, including terrorist attacks
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Handbook of Structural Steelwork-4th Ed.(printable)
The objective of this publication is to present a practical guide to the design of structural steel elements for buildings. The document comprises three principal Sections: general guidance, design data, and design tables.
The guidance is in accordance with BS 5950-1:2000, Structural use of steelwork in building – Code of practice for design. Rolled and welded section. Worked examples are presented where appropriate. No attempt has been made to consider complete structures, and it is to be noted therefore that certain important design matters are not dealt with – those for instance of overall stability, of interaction between components, and of the overall analysis of a building.
Section on General Design Data includes bending moment diagrams, shear force diagrams and expressions for deflection calculations. A variety of beams and cantilevers with different loading and support conditions are covered. Expressions for properties of geometrical figures are also given, together with useful mathematical solutions and metric conversion factors.
The design tables also include section property, member capacity and ultimate load tables calculated according to BS 5950-1:2000. The tables are preceded by a comprehensive set of explanatory notes. Section ranges listed are those that were readily available at the time of printing. In addition, both hot finished and cold formed structural hollow sections are included in the ‘Tables of Dimensions and Section Properties’.
_______________________________________________________________ (Post edited)
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I had last time downloaded a book on concrete mix design. But now I could not find it on my hard disk nor do I find it on this site can anybody help in this regard